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  • but we were prepared to review with the Panamanians all problems. He characterize!i the declaration as containing nothing offensive to either side and as stating the same position he had taken during his first telephone conversation with President Chiari
  • . It did not even include a confusion ploy. Hanoi has done nothing. In all conversations -- and we have a telephone on every line - - the other party has merely hung up. We now n eed to make a report to the UN Security Council and consider whether
  • is extremely criti cal of the e ntire war effort. Ambassador Harriman: reporte d on his recent conversations with Kosy gin and Tito: Mr. Kosygin, who speaks for his government, does not want to get the UN involved in the Vietnam prol::lem. He says U. S. bombing
  • in New York, and this provides an opportunity for the broadest high-level consultations. Security Coun sel. Secretary Ball reported his conversation with Foreign Secretary Brown in which he told the British we would not use the veto on an African race
  • requirements . (4) In his conversation with Belaunde, he achieved limited suc­ cess in getting the promise of a memorandum explaining projec ted military expen ses for 1968, but he received no as surances with respect to postponement of additional mil­ ita
  • influence in the area has been deteriorating. Conversely, S oviet influence has been increa sing. He sugges t ed discussing this problem under two headings - - our relations with the countries of the Near East and Soviet intentions toward the area . Speaking
  • been engaged a. By supporting the Jarring Mission we have been seeking to move toward a settlement of the Arab -Israeli dispute. More than 50 bilateral conversations have b e en held. The two countries have now given papers to Ambassador Jarring who
  • to the Security Council but we wish to cont ro l the circumstances of that discussion. He recalled when we had proceeded in a similar manner following the Desoto Patrol incident in the Gulf of Tonkin . Ambassador Thompson summarized h i s conversation with Soviet
  • the commitment to South• In general, the peace offensive is supported, but doubts are expressed that it would produce any results. Ambassador Goldberg reported on his conversations with UN Secretary General U Thant, the Pope, Italian leaders, de Gaulle
  • of the extremists like Algeria. Conversely , whatever is done to reinforce t he moderates will enhance their prospects of contributing constructively to a Near East settlement . Morocco, Tunisia , Ethiopia, and perhaps Li bya will be more t han ever interested
  • rather than a personal tone . The President asked whether we had any other channels o f communica ­ tion. He recalled the Seaborn channel. He was reminded of the conversations which are apparently being carried on informall y by the French i n P a r
  • (General Wheeler, continued) replaced with other units for which he has higher priority. In a conversation this morning General Abrams said this turnover would involve nowhere near 90, 000 men, the figure cited by Representative Laird. Secretary
  • several conversations with Khrushchev in Moscow. As soon as we know what went on in these conversations we may well need to take a long range look at our mainland Southeast Asia policy. ::±:$>SECRET 08DEWORD • ' I -~··SE6RE'l' - 3­ pape~mphasized
  • by events. No decision on this matter can be taken until we have further infor ­ mation about the conversations which are taking place between Khanh and the Cambodians. The P1·esident said it was his understanding that Ambassador Lodge approved all the r
  • weapons; and To strengthen the Warsaw Pac t and conversely under mine the NATO alliance and reduce US influence in Western Europeo 3o In pursuing their objectives, the Soviets have sought to capi talize on t he appea l of de Gaulle ' s "Europe
  • whethe::- we shouldn 1t use this argur.:lent with them . Secretary B all said he had done just this during his luncheon with Papandreou. However, he pointed out that it is difficult to carry this argument muc~ furth e:: than private conversations because
  • and the Philippines President Marcos. There fo llowed a discussion of public information problems which was initiated by the President who referred to a leak to Drew Pearson of the sub­ stance of the President's conversation with Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko
  • . The Romanian Foreign Minister has been in New York. Ambassador Ball will report on his conversation with him. It is important that e v e ryon e know we have never had any understanding with the Soviet Union about r espe ctive spheres of iniluen ce as De Gaulle