Folder, "Gen OS 7/9/65- [OUTER SPACE]," WHCF OS, Box 4


Folder, "Gen OS 7/9/65- [OUTER SPACE]," WHCF OS, Box 4


This folder is from the WHCF category for OUTER SPACE, subcategory OUTER SPACE.; File unit description: The Executive file contains weekly memos from Edward C. Welsh, NASC, to the President concerning space activities of the United States and other countries. These memos include comments on launches, results of tests, achievements, failures, programs such as GEMINI and APOLLO, the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) and LUNA 9 and SURVEYOR I. There is material in this category referring to the Dryden Blagonravov talks in Geneva on the U.S. USSR Bilateral Space Agreements. In addition to these items on space, there is material on the U.N. Treaty on Outer Space. Included in this file are reports on the NASA budgets and future programs. Also mentioned is the UFO study done by the University of Colorado and the Air Force. There are several drafts of speeches, messages, newspaper clippings and magazine articles pertaining to space. The General material contains comments from the general public on the space program, including suggestions and proposals to be used by NASA. There is additional material on the UFO study.


White House Central Files

Collection Description:

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Subject Files - OS


Astronauts; Outer space; Space program; Unidentified flying objects


Works by US government officials produced in the course of their duties are in the public domain. This file may also contain materials from other sources that may retain copyright.

Specific Item Type:








Time Period:

Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)