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  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Date > 1968-12-12 (remove)
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2 results

  • ; [Walter] George [D. Ga.]; [Robert A.] Taft [R. Ohio]; [John O.] Pastore [D. R.I.); [Hubert H.] Humphrey [D. Minn.]; [Burnet R.] Maybank [D. S.C.]; [John C.] Stennis [D. Miss.); [H. Styles] Bridges [R. N.H.]; [Eugene D.] Millikin [R. Colo.]. There would
  • I think the Small Business Administration was under the sameinstructions from President Kennedy, to liberalize credit in this country. "Let's get more money out; let's get it working; let's put the money out." And we did, in my opinion, quite
  • ; David Kennedy; George Champion; George Moore; bank holding company; Patman's Push to have GAO audit Office of Comptroller