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  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Assassinations (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Subject > JFK Assassination (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)

8 results

  • that arises in connection with the presidential years is the relationship between Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy. Would you say that there there grew up the same kind of rivalry that existed earlier? K: Well, he knew that [Robert] Kennedy tried to prevent
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • : 16 Rusk, number one--he had the number one rank; and Mr. [Robert] McNamara, because they brought in all the questions ftOm the Defense Department; and Mr. Robert Kennedy always usually had a point of view
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • . much on a personal basis. But it was conducted very Ted Kennedy came into the State; Senator Robert Kennedy came into the State; and a lot of workers were picked to travel the State. were also named. Partisans of Senator Johnson and Senator
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • ; contact with LBJ; Lady Bird; access to the President; Kennedy Round; comparison of LBJ and JFK staffs; support of RFK after 3/31 announcement; LBJ request not to actively support a candidate; difference in general agricultural policy between LBJ and JFK
  • something about your appointment to the Bureau of the Budget. G: I was a member of the Council of Economic Advisers. President Kennedy in January 1961. I came in with I had planned to serve for two years as a member of the Council and to return to my
  • and promoting Mr. Johnson wherever they could. Sort of advance men, as we called them. F: When did you first learn that he had been offered and had accepted the vice presidential nomination by Mr. Kennedy? P: It was, of course, speculated in the newspapers
  • your wedding. II They were livingĀ· at the Kennedy-Warren. [A D. C. apartment house] So they asked us to make up a list of whom we wanted. Philip had been here a year and a half, and the list got so big that the wedding had to be moved from
  • entertained President Kennedy the day after he was assassinated. He {'Kennedy] was coming from Dallas to Austin for a dinner, then LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID
  • participates in these visits, if they occur within their area. M: And you stayed in Atlanta until 1960? Y: Through 1960. At the very end of 1960, I came back to Washington on a temporary assignment and was here during the inauguration of President Kennedy