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  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Tet Offensive, 1968 (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

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  • histories: ROBERTS -- I -- 14 F: Okay, let's go back to Love Field. R: Yes. You're in a police car. We got there of course after both Johnson and the Kennedy casket and had a little trouble getting
  • See all online interviews with Charles Roberts
  • Reasons for JFK’s 11/63 trip to Texas; detailed description of the day of the assassination, the motorcade, assassination, hospital, swearing-in; and flight back to Washington D.C.; LBJ’s and Kennedy staff’s behavior following the assassination
  • Roberts, Charles Wesley, 1916-1992
  • Oral history transcript, Charles Roberts, interview 1 (I), 1/14/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Charles Roberts
  • to make responsible decisions. 1I And like everybody else I supported him very actively. And so the end of the first period of our relationship was rather funny. As you probably know, Phil Graham and I had gone to President Kennedy at the critical
  • at the 1960 Democratic Convection; Philip Graham; Herman Talmadge; Alsop's writing about the Vietnam War; Bill Moyers; criticism of LBJ's approach to Vietnam; Alsop being invited to visit privately with presidents; LBJ's unpredictable nature' Robert McNamara
  • :// DATE RESTRICTION 1130170 A 1/30178 A 8118170 A .. FILE LOCATION Robert W. Komer Oral History Interviews RESTRICTION COCES (AI Closed by Executive Order 12358'governing access to national security information. (B
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 2 (II), 8/18/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert Komer
  • , 1971 INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT KOMER li~TERVIEWER: PAIGE E. PLACE: Mr. Komer's office, RAND Corporation, Washington, D.C. MULHOLL&~ Tape 1 of 3 M: You were, for part of the time in 1964 and '65, the White House man on Africa as well as the Middle
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 3 (III), 11/15/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
  • Robert Komer
  • a terrible commentary. P: Anyhow, on the way back, I was flown to Honolulu to participate in one of [Robert] McNamara's big flying circuses. G: Of 1962? P: 1962, yes. This was August, I think. And I was asked to give a brief presentation of what we
  • operate, and it's through these sources that one can develop countermeasures. G: I understand. I believe Secretary [Robert] McNamara testified later before one of the Senate committees that he regarded this as a routine patrol. Some people think
  • TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] atmosphere. More on LBJ Library oral histories: And you know there's that famous quote of Kennedy putting more weight on the New York Times
  • know, counterinsurgency was stylish, and Brute [Victor] Krulak, the marine, had a similar position on the Joint Staff. Same one I had much later. So the army was very anxious to get in the act and do the right things, and the Kennedys were pressing hard
  • President Eisenhower. Presi- dent Kennedy recalled you to active duty in 1961, and you served as the military representative to the President. From '62 to '64, you were Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; from 1964 to 1965, Ambassador to Vietnam
  • of North Vietnam--going back to my visit in 1961 at the behest of President Kennedy, the report which I submitted upon my return to Washington included a reminder that the day might well come when it would be necessary to strike the source of aggression
  • Kennedy regarding my relationship with President Kennedy during the time that he was president and also the one or two contacts I had with him during his campaign for the LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon
  • effectively. This was a tremendous advantage to him in getting his programs through. He took great pride, and I think rightly so, that, in the remnant of President John Kennedy's office, after Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, he, Johnson, put through all
  • pri­ maries for the Knight newspapers . G: Did you cover New Hampshire, by any chance? 0: No, New Hampshire was too early ; I was still in Vietnam . But I went with Bobby Kennedy to California ; I was with Kennedy when killed in California
  • Harbor after Nixon became President effects of Tet offensive as a public relations defeat; LBJ’s harassment by both the media and Kennedy people in the administration; further results of military restraints from Washington.
  • . Kennedy was tempted by the idea of moving in that direction, but it did not turn out to be practical. On the one hand, the Chinese Nationalists have always continued to maintain their claim as being the legitimate government not only of Formosa, but also