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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Subject > Vietnam (remove)

34 results

  • . Edgar Hoover and Robert Kennedy was surfaced, the Department under Nick Katzenbach attempted to find a middle ground; one that would not embarrass, or unduly embarrass, Robert Kennedy, and one that was nonetheless candid and honest as to the prior
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT C. WOOD INTERVIEWER: DAVID G. Mc COMB More on LBJ Library oral histories: http
  • See all online interviews with Robert C. Wood
  • Wood, Robert Coldwell, 1923-2005
  • Oral history transcript, Robert C. Wood, interview 1 (I), 10/19/1968, by David G. McComb
  • Robert C. Wood
  • the nomination? M: In 1956? B: Yes, sir. That's when Mr. Stevenson threw the convention open, and Mr. Johnson was in the running. M: I thought the contest then was between the late President John F. Kennedy and ex-Senator (Estes) Kefauver. LBJ
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
  • everybody with every other person that was ever out here, but these things that were accomplished after Kennedy was assassinated and Lyndon became President, I don't think they'd have gone anywhere but for Lyndon Johnson's big push as a President. And I
  • the word "planning." Because as John F. Kennedy once said, the very future of the democracies will depend upon whether they can compete with the more rigorous and brutal methods of the totalitarians through planning under freedom. This is a rather
  • Employment Act of 1946, its intended and eventual uses; tax reductions of 1964; regulating the federal budget; the war against poverty and its failures; local control of education; planning in a free society; President John F. Kennedy; rising
  • there of putting other carriers in . M: There was the accusation at the time that Robert Kennedy was putting pressure on you to change . B: Absolutely untrue! M: And that this was tied in with the White House, too . B : That's absolutely untrue
  • Senator Robert Kennedy's body along with seventy-five staff members of the Kennedy family. But as I say, they are controlled by this office. Now, in addition to that, the President has a Jet Star for short hops. This hauls thirteen people and he used
  • . government. I think much progress was made in perfecting the organization of the Defense Department in previous administrations. I think Mr. [Robert] McNamara contributed substantially to further improving the organization. And I think during Mr. [Clark
  • The organization of the Department of Defense and its relationship to the president and his advisers in decision-making; delegation of authority within the Department of Defense; comparing Clark Clifford to Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense
  • Kennedy sent for me and I was told that they had made a mistake . They had thought any one of the assistants was qualified, but Mr . Bishop's assignment had had nothing to do with day-to-day operation of the Department . After Mr . Brawley left Mr . Day
  • 30 minute interview with LBJ on appointment as Deputy Postmaster General; contact with Senator Kennedy about congressional retirement program; background of appointment as Assistant Postmaster General for Operations (congressional endorsements
  • , Robert Kennedy, had sent him a book in which he had marked a passage saying, "this might be of interest to you ." BA : Yes, I've seen references to that ; it's references to one of Bruce Catton's books on the Civil War, I believe
  • histories: 11 and in Mr. Kennedy's Administration--has the force expanded too much and are we returning to smaller deployment of special forces groups? R: I don't think there has been a significant change
  • ; Detroit riots; Robert McNamara; Clark Clifford; cost effectiveness; role of service secretaries
  • Library oral histories: ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] Kennedy, and having succeeded Kennedy under the circumstances that he did, he implied to me both
  • is sue on its own ITlerits? R: On the merits. The same way when Lyndon Johnson was President he adopted the Kennedy platform of 1960 and went beyond it; and he sent up some rather extreme public housing and urban renewal proposals to our Banking
  • President Eisenhower, President Kennedy and President Johnson, I'd say the more important variable from the standpoint of the Policy Planning Council is the Secretary of State . Now insofar as the President's personality comes to bear on it's work, I'd
  • to France during the entire time Mr. Johnson had been President? % Yes, I was appointed by president Kennedy to France, and I got there in 2 F W R E H U 1962, and I was happily ensconced there, perfectly prepared and willing indeed to spend the rest
  • the President can have a very substantial influence on the program of an agency like this one. M· How does the impact that Mr. Johnson has compare to that of President Kennedy before him? G: Well, I would say there were no marked differences between them
  • to President Johnson on the day or the day after the death of President Kennedy that either we had to get in there or the South Vietnamese were going to collapse and that this was the fact. And the decision in effect was made at that time subjectively
  • appointed by President Kennedy? B: I was appointed by President Kennedy in May of 1962 to that job. M: Had you had before that time any opportunity to make acquaintance with Mr. Johnson before he became President? B: Well, I was trying to remember
  • Biographical information; contacts with Johnson; support of LBJ in 1960; Democratic Policy Commission; State Department informing Vice President's office; Potomac Marching Society; Kennedy Administration; working for Johnson; Advisory Committee
  • Department administration currently? A: I think in some places it may be. I think it depends to a large extent on the Ambassador, on the Chief of Mission. I feel that there was again another--as you probably know, under Kennedy there was another
  • the Eisenhower Administration in 1953 as you suggest, I've served under three Presidents, as you indicate: Johnson. President Eisenhower, President Kennedy and President So from a practical sense it is a non-political or non-partisan appointment. B: Do you
  • to assess, or to make a comparison perhaps, between the way Mr. Johnson has operated in the realm of foreign affairs vis-a-vis the State Department as compared to President Eisenhower and/or President Kennedy? Ma: Yes, I think so. It probably would have
  • of President Kennedy? P: Not as a presidential appointee, as a so-called administrative appointee of Fowler Hamilton, the new administrator of AID. M: Then you were in this agency then during the course of the Kennedy Presidency, and have remained
  • to that, during the Johnson Administration, you were an assistant to the Secretary of Treasury from about 1963 on. Is that right? D: From the beginning of the Kennedy M: From '61 until you-- D: Until I came back here. M: Did you have any occasion prior
  • agreed to set up the COMSAT Corporation is a way that makes it conducive to working with federal agencies. R: Well, that was set up during the Kennedy Administration. M: The end of the Kennedy Administration, right. R: Yes, we worked with them very
  • Biographical information; contacts with Johnson; support of LBJ in 1960; Democratic Policy Commission; State Department informing Vice President's office; Potomac Marching Society; Kennedy Administration; working for Johnson; Advisory Committee
  • : And then it worked on into the Kennedy Administration? S: No, the Bane Committee actually reported before the Eisenhower Administration was finished. Actually, there were two, if not more, bills on physician manpower in the Eisenhower Administration which never
  • did that happen to come about? S: A little background on that--Assistant Secretary Reed was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in charge of Coast Guard Activities at that time, and he had persuaded President Kennedy to make this speech
  • became President. This was in December of 1963, soon after he had assumed office following the death of President Kennedy, tions, I believe, from I had been home for a few weeks on consulta- Sofia. I was anxious to see President Johnson LBJ
  • . Kennedy was tempted by the idea of moving in that direction, but it did not turn out to be practical. On the one hand, the Chinese Nationalists have always continued to maintain their claim as being the legitimate government not only of Formosa, but also
  • wanted to ask you about was the issue of the overcrowding at Arlington Cemetery. I believe specifically since John F. Kennedy's burial there, this has grown as a controversy and the debate has been whether to expand or confine Arlington Cemetery. whom
  • think that President Truman was a great builder, a great architect of our policies of collective security and development. I think that Presi- dent Kennedy was able in a--to project an image of this country and of his own leadership
  • for which there is no satisfactory answer. can do about it. There is really nothing intelligent that you In the first place, you can't prevent that sort of thing happening any more than you can prevent episodes such as the assassination of Bob Kennedy