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  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
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  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > 1960 campaign (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

13 results

  • : 16 Rusk, number one--he had the number one rank; and Mr. [Robert] McNamara, because they brought in all the questions ftOm the Defense Department; and Mr. Robert Kennedy always usually had a point of view
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • affairs at that particular tirn.e I was designated as the floor leader of the loyal Dern.ocrats - -the people who were supporting Lyndon Johnson and who were loyal to the party. By the way at that convention Robert W. Calvert, who is now Chief Justice
  • by them on all Texas appointments. M: This went on through Lyndon Johnson's term. While he was Vice President, did you not do some work with the Attorney General's office? J: Yes. M: And Robert Kennedy? J: Yes. M: Did you have any connection
  • to the Houston convention because that has some pertinence. You know this Catholic issue was one of the big issues used against Al Smith in '28, and then, of course, it was in Houston that a generation later John F. Kennedy had this meeting LBJ Presidential
  • Biographical information; 1928 convention; repeal of the 18th Amendment; Henry Wallace; Harry S. Truman; BEHIND THE BALLOTS and THE JIM FARLEY STORY; first meeting with LBJ; 1941 Johnson vs. O’Daniel campaign; Eisenhower; Kennedy-Kefauver fight
  • against Johnson . We had that real bitter battle with Alan Shivers in 1956 when he took over the machinery, but from then on it has always been who's for Johnson . '60 we were voting for Johnson . Now Kennedy had a great deal of appeal to the Latins
  • working on the pieces of legislation that you were? P: I didn't have day-to-day [contact]. I knew him and I knew of him. I suppose I became acquainted with him most when I worked in the political campaign of 1958. M: The Kennedy campaign? P
  • the party as head of the delegatio n to the national conventio n. And then in 1960 I helped him at the time he was nominated for Vice President when President Kennedy was rtmning. F: Well, now in 1956, Governor Stevenson had not made it clear whether he
  • said, '~ell, getting ready to go to the airport now. as a matter of fact, I'm I'll be in there tonight." ''Well, he'll see you tomorrow." So I went by and went over to see him, and he said that he wanted me to take the chairmanship of the Kennedy
  • to be for Johnson rather than for Kennedy it was inescapable conclusion that Kennedy had the thing . And that night, I know Mr . Johnson stayed in his hotel room and had on his house slippers and a sports shirt, and they hadn't gotten very far down the list when he
  • the Kennedy election that I went on the Ways and Means Committee. M: Then you were a member of that committee until you retired. T: '66, that's right. M: And then after this--you are now, I suppose, a consultant? T: Well, at the moment, I'm director
  • he became President? Do you have any insights to the situation between Stevenson and President Johnson after that? S: Let me see. Did he die while President Johnson was in office, or while President Kennedy-M: He died in August of '65. S: Well
  • was in Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and to a lesser degree in North Carolina. B: In '60 there were no permanent Kennedy-Johnson campaign coordinators in those LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson
  • been committed by their state primaries to Kennedy alreadYi but I tried to get them lined up for Senator Johnson on the second ballot, if there should be one. Of course, one trouble with delegates is that they are invariably polite, and they are sort