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  • Collection > Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary (remove)
  • Contributor > Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

70 results

  • 7 0 s - - and m ade up a lis t fo r B e ss, using two o f our p erson a l telephone books a nd w ra ck ing m y brain , , - Those people I would lik e s o m e tim e to in vite to a State Dinner| and another lis t of those fo r recep tio n s, luncheons
  • Lady Bird finishes Bill White's book on LBJ; Lady Bird records her White House Diary; Lady Bird walks with Jerry Kivitts; Lady Bird works on invitation lists for upcoming events at the White House; Lady Bird has telephone conversation with Dr. Hurst
  • conversation. And before ^the evening was over there was dancing to the piano music of an eighty-one year old German with a curly white mustache and an alpine cap and a vest that was covered with medals. He played a ll the old favorites lik e "Carolina
  • ; Lady Bird works while men talk; lunch; telephone calls about LBJ Library, LBJ Park & office business; drive through Reagan Ranch; LBJ eats dinner at Dale Malechek's; Lady Bird exercises & watches Gunsmoke; to Arthur Krim's for New Year's party
  • Clark looking in bouncy good health, one of the most genuinely at-peace men I know. Madame Shoumatoff came in and she was indeed in a way the guest of honor this evening. She wears her considerable years lig h tly and her conversation is bright
  • Brief conference with Abe Fortas; meeting with Henry Middleton about films; meeting of LBJ Library Audiovisual Committee; to theater to view "The President's House;" office work & telephone calls; hair styled; portrait party at the White House; Lady
  • Lady Bird works on Johnson City House; telephone conversation with Lucia Johnson; LBJ on six-state tour of Midwest tornado damage; Lady Bird drives by the Schornhorst place and the bluebonnets; guests for dinner at the LBJ Ranch
  • k e r ’ s and a sort of catalyst who brings people together fro m various walks of life . So, it was a m ix ed up group, a re a l m osa ic of A m e r ic a n l i f e , and I thought^^a delightful two hours of luncheon,^ and conversation, Lyndon burst
  • of Lyndon's staff, to have accumulated so many people im portant to N A T O , - ^ such short notice. I think the inviting had gone on until 10 or 11 o 'c lo c k the night b e fo r e , by telephone or t e l e g ra m . ^ A d m ir a l R adford and M r s . Radford
  • and others to Johnson City property; Lady Bird and LBJ to Moursunds and 3 Springs Ranch; LBJ reminisces about picnics and swimming as child; Lady Bird likes river-rafting; Peter Hurd's portrait of LBJ; telephone conversation with Nellie Connally
  • Governor Tom Dewey, LBJ and Lady Bird have breakfast and talk about crime; Lucius Clay; ABC film on beautification; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson; Luci Johnson receives Stingray car for graduation/birthday gift; Johnsons to Camp David
  • Senator Edward Kennedy's plane crash; Lady Bird calls Rose Kennedy, Birch Bayhs and Mrs. Edward Kennedy; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson about security problem on her flight; office work; Lady Bird reads; walk around White House
  • Lady Bird meets with Warren Woodward and Bob Kollar about wedding travel plans; Lady Bird places several calls about wedding arrangements; office work; Lady Bird to luncheon for Luci Johnson given by bridesmaids; back to White House; telephone call
  • with guests; dinner; bridge game; conversation about aid for India, war on poverty at home, Vietnam and China; Lady Bird talks on telephone with Luci and Pat Nugent, who are snowed in at Waukegan; Luci is expecting baby in June
  • conversation. The President took the Whites to show them some pictures. 10:20-11:15 Chief Nauser. Retired. ******
  • : redecorating, light fixture, etc. Lunch: the President, Luci and Pat, Marie, Jim, Mary Rather. Had a long phone conversation with Barbara Keehn re: Israeli visit and dinner. 2:46 Left the ranch -- went to Austin to look for "little things like combs and brushes
  • Dinner with President, Deathes, Lynda, Jake, Marie, Mary, and the above. Little conversation during dinner because TV on with election results. After dinner went back to living room with guests. To bed early.
  • Ketchum in the Center Hall, second floor -- conversed for about ten minutes. 12:15 Fitting with Lucinda in dressing room -- taking up dress hems. Lunch. 1:58 To the Blue Room to receive Jean Kintner and members of the Woman Speakers Bureau. 3:30
  • drove a nail into one of the benches -- no speeches, just informal conversations. 11:06 Left the Douglass home to drive out Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Syphax School, and 3rd and Independence Avenues to show Emma and Polly "beautification in action." 11
  • with Ambassador and Mrs. Symington on the phone (re: topics of conversation for this evening). Rested in bed and read information on the Satōs and Japan. Nap. 3. 4:30 Went to a birthday party on the second floor for Carol Laise. 6:30 Party guests left. Called
  • of Sports Illustrated. Entry No. Time Activity 5:32 To the bowling lanes with Liz, Marcia, and Sports Illustrated personnel for bowling photos. 6. 6:20 Returned to the second floor. Worked with Ashton -- had two long conversations with Dr. Grover re
  • . Drove to see deer on Reagan, Martin, and Danz. 6:20 Goodbye to guests at hangar 6:55 Dinner with Bess, Marie, Mary, President: Conversation about 1. Commode - President called Albert Wierich of Johnson City to put in new bathroom. 2. Secret Service men
  • . on the second floor for a half hour of visiting and conversing infor­ mally. The guests included Mrs. Johanna Boshouwers from Amsterdam, Holland, who has traveled 14, 000 miles by bus across the United States during her 3 1/2 months stay in this country
  • and CTJ went into the manager's office for phone conversation with the President 7:15 plane take off the plane was decorated with streamers and balloons and everyone put on New Years Eve hats -- to celebrate the end of the last trip 8:00 8:55 stop
  • patio by the sw im m ing pool. There was a little crescent moon overhead. Delightful conversation. My only objection was that I wanted to hold up m y hand and say, "N ow e v e r y body else hush and let*s le t W alter Lippmann tal k fo r awhile
  • went over to Lyndon's office. We called Jake and I3cryl Pickle ;rnd Bill and June White and asked them to come over and take pot­ luck dinn
  • for her, he admires her so much. Well, finally, Clark finished and left, after a conversation here in the house with Mrs. Kennedy, and he will report to us later where we stand on the perpetuation of the Fine Arts Committee, or what’s going to happen
  • Lady Bird works with her office staff; Luci Johnson and her conversion to Catholicism; Lady Bird talks with Lynda Johnson; LBJ returns to work; Lady Bird reads Task Force on Beautification report
  • without self-consciousness and with the so rt o f enthusiasm that makes you think it is within the reach of Am erica ' today. . ‘ The net of our hour and a half long conversation, besides a lot of pleasure for me, was word that he would help on getting
  • 0~ Go) ·wa ter in polls ; :. conversation. ( - 7 ~ ~ in everybody's
  • u r s t made conversation there was any time easy. 4 /1 4 / 6 4 Although I c a n 't say I made re a l contact with him. We sp oke about him h aving p ilo te d the 707 on the way over. I approached gingerly the subject of water, he him self
  • LBJ & Lady Bird review progress on Danz house; LBJ & Lady Bird to Stonewall; wildflowers and crepe myrtles for planting; LBJ & Lady Bird swim with Luci & Lyn Nugent; Lady Bird has hair styled; dinner guests; conversation about oral history project
  • ; Lady Bird does desk work; dinner and dance for labor leaders; LBJ's briefing for labor leaders; Lady Bird's conversation with Walter Reuther; Lady Bird's toast
  • being the life blood of T exas, and dams and irrigation the biggest interest Lyndon during his fir s t four ye a rs in the C on g re ss, so we had our conversation cut out for each other. . / ? And another thing, I had read with great delight aboutDr
  • White House tour for "Life" photographers; visit from Helen Adams McBerney; office work; phone conversation with Lynda Johnson in Hawaii; Lady Bird to doctor for physical; LBJ back from speech in Cleveland; talk with Luci Johnson; LBJ conference
  • Sale of The Elms; Luci and her friends at the White House; LBJ invites A.W. Moursunds and Jesse Kellams to White House; dinner with friends from Congress and their wives; dinner conversation about the Dominican Republic, Thomas Mann's appointment
  • 3 Our lunch was in the Lincoln Sitting Room, the table spread by the window facing the monuments. And we used china from various Administrations, a small pleasant conversation piece for such knowledgeable people as Mr. Hoving
  • a look at it. The ease and naturalness, I n o rm a lly f e e l, in dealing with Maxine / and p r a c tic a lly any other newspaper woman,/was somewhat beclouded by m y conversation beforehand with Jim Ketchum, the cu rator, who said I they had had a lo
  • birthday party at the Haywood Ranch; Lady Bird has phone conversation with Lynda Johnson in Europe
  • Visit of Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Italy; Lady Bird takes home movies in the Rose Garden; state dinner; Lady Bird mentions attendees; Lady Bird converses with Foreign Minister Fanfani at dinner; Leontyne Price is entertainment for the evening
  • LBJ and Lady Bird talk about many subjects; LBJ Library; Luci Johnson's conversion to Catholicism; LBJ returns to White House; Lady Bird entertains family; photographs taken outside the house; Lady Bird takes walk to birthplace home; visit
  • Relatives off to Fredericksburg; Lady Bird does office work; Lady Bird talks with Lynda Johnson about her trip to Wyoming; controversy over Luci Johnson's conversion to Catholicism; Lady Bird and guest helicopter to Haywood Ranch; boating, swimming
  • congregation members tell Lady Bird that LBJ saved them; Lynda Johnson has conversation with Dr. Walter Heller