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  • Collection > National Security Files (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
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396 results

  • and (a) too certa:l.~ many was not designed with security in mind. switchboards with too many operators who There are can overhear conversations, (b) too many tei'minal boards where cables frail sensitive telephones intermix w1th service going
  • Conversation with Senator Inouye' telephone conversation LBJ /Ikeda Read draft statements RWK suggestions we expect for Senator's s personal secretary re trans-Pacific 6/18/64 LBJ to make and Ikeda text remarks: M s.s, 17.'~ 1
  • . IC) Cloaed In accordancewith restrictlonscontainedIn the donor'sdeed of gift. 3/20/2009 C1J ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEPUTY UNDERSECRETARY ~ ~JC:';7, 1964 Dear Chuck: I am passing accordance this this on to you in with our telephone
  • : State - l; Secret Service - 3; CIA - l; Army - 3; and Air Force - 2 . To handle the complex telephone situation, we have, since my memorandum of last week, added three men from the military . This past week was devoted primarily to organization
  • Ashenhein telephoned ten , .. l to Lightbourne and reported "99 percent eerta:tn 11 letter satis£actor7~ UNC:LASSIJ'!ED I L------~-------------------~'-"'-""- -------------- INCOMING TELEGRAM Department LIMITEDOFFICIAL USE 44 Control
  • ~ / OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D.C; .3.2 Cc ;L __....- 20301 , /1AR2s 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR Mr. J. William Doolittle First Assistant, Civil Division Department of Justice Pursuant to our telephone conversation of March 24, 1965, we
  • but we were prepared to review with the Panamanians all problems. He characterize!i the declaration as containing nothing offensive to either side and as stating the same position he had taken during his first telephone conversation with President Chiari
  • . JOHNSON National Security Council Starr of the Committee or Principals Reference is made to our telephone conversation today on the background of the Comm1ttee or Principals. I believe the attached copy or a letter to Jimmy Lay and the accompanying draft
  • •-,< letter and was told it would be given due consideration. . ' .... If:..:.. : \ ~ ' •,: •I, ' . ·1. I • o:= en a.. ' C) .0 ..J u. >­ a.. 0 u . 2. In an extended conversation, the heart of Rev. Kang's opposition to normaliza tion appeared
  • apparent target for an attack was Syria. If Israel attacked Syria , Hussein continued, Jordan would not take action unless the U.A.R. intervened, 1 From Tel Aviv , tel. 3648, May 18, 1967, secret/nodis . 2 Memor~ndum of telephone conversation between
  • -------- ---------------------------- , .. . '. =10PSECRfTTHE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20301 CM-2944-68 3 Feb 1968 ...__ MEMORANDUMFOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: KHE SANH DECLASSIFIED Authority Jc S II)- 3 - 7i' ~ '{P , NARS, Date By ::::s 3- /' - 77 In response to your telephone call
  • . oved in WhHe House 4/23/64 OF STATE Memorandum ol Conversation DATE: SUBJECT: General Situation April 16, 1964 in Korea PARTICIPANTS: Too Chin PAIK, former Korean Prime Minister Yie Joon CHANG,Economic Attach&, Korean Embassy Michael Forrestal
  • a conversation in Danang two years ago when a U.S. lieu­ tenant in the special forces said: "After Indochina we also will have our Algeria. It will be Latin America." The French distort our global experience to suit their own. As Karl Marx said: "Men make
  • ~- ~ -- - \ ~ ~======~ - - ~ - -- -- I - ' ~ o/,v:tr., ~ m;rL .- ffcC ._ 71:_ _ ~~~~~ -~~~ - - . J#NI. tr __,,,,,.. .~ - - ~ \ - ~ - - ~- - - w.~ F - f~ . ~.t> ~ ~~~ ~~ JJ, ~. \ -- - Conversation with Senator Inouye's personal telephone conversation LBJ
  • ' : ·· ............ ·'.·:_; , \~_!_;:: ....· :~ ·'. A FEW WORDS WITH DE GAUq.E ALONE IN ·wH ICH I MERELY MENTIONE~ .:.:.. \~.·;:l ':C~ AT I HAD'- DISCUSSED THE CHINESE MATTER WITH COUVE. · · . . -, -:-.:~· :~ ·1llE CONVERSATiON HENT NO . FURTHER. LATER ON IN. CONVERSATIONS · , ?,'~. ~1·! I TH:. J:OXE J
  • INSURANCE CORPORATION WASHINGTON OFrfCE OF THE DIRECTOR November 8, 1967 Memorandum to ­ THE HONORABLE MIKE N. MANATOS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAlfT TO THE PRESIDENT The White House Office Pursuant·to our verbal conversation on Monday, November 6, below please
  • Afri c a n development. We intend to seek special legislative authorit y to support the African Development Bank. We are c ont inuing conversations with IBRD, whose top management has i ndicated a strong interest in strengthening the Bank 1 s leadership
  • and files of the Whili:e House is a copy of a memorandum of conversation between William P. Bundy and Ambassador Kim dated January 11, regarding: 1. Sato Visit and Korea-Japan Relations 2. Pak Visit to the U.S. Attachment: As stated. G0N¥lf.)E:tfi'IA1:r
  • Manager will establish the TOC at Headquarters, (ordinarily, will telephone AEC, at the appropriate from 3 to 5 minutes maintain this contact contact before the Chief, time the shot) through detonation time until mination (for CONDITIONIV
  • letter of .O ctober 22 and to our 'telephone conversation yesterday on the .oubject of a possible trip by Senator Capehart to Cuba. I note that the Senator would be accompanied by a member of his staff, by repreaentatives of DLF and the Export-Import Bank
  • . .ur. De~r Moyer: Confirming our telephone conversation this morniag, ntt~ched is a copy of tho iiarch 24, 19GG, lotter that tho ·1rcctor of tho Uational Science Foundation, Dr. Le, J • .unworth, sont to Tho llonorablo Gerald n. Ford on tho subject
  • /16/63 Mem­ - 3:B::ftET US/MC /9· ----i- UNITED STATE5DEIIDATION TOTHE THIRTY-SECOND MINISTERIAL MEEI'ING OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL Paris, France, December 16-18, 1963 4 ff]~ MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION Date: December 16, 1963 Time: lunch
  • for consultations in The occasion n 1ay be a meeting of the Supreme Soviet. If you approve a Pen Pal letter, it would be helpful to let Dobrynin see it when transmitted, before his return. 3. If you prefer no letter, a Thompson-Dobrynin conversation along
  • . It did not even include a confusion ploy. Hanoi has done nothing. In all conversations -- and we have a telephone on every line - - the other party has merely hung up. We now n eed to make a report to the UN Security Council and consider whether
  • ~O 1 ~\.-, roeSECR THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF DECLASS WASHINGTON, IFIED 11', .'~-~~;;_JJ. ~ 0 D. C. 203 1 ~~~ ✓0-3 7?~ ~ , 'AR , Date -3-/6--7'J.. ~~-~~~li~~S :utho~ty Y MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Subject: Telephone Conversation
  • indications that the USSR might be interested in joining INTELSAT under somewhat changed circumstances. I attach for your in­ formation a Paris airgram, A-2053, in which Bohlen reports an interesting conversation in this connection. I also attach the recent
  • the dust Douglas Dillon has just telephone{ to say that he has the flu. I told him you might wish to call him in the nex t few days, and he said the operators w
  • Oeo~so Ball to answer Adlal'e memorandum ot February 17 (Tab A} and hor• ta my own euggoatlon as to what you might eay to him 1f you wlah to telephone blm. ta the curreat eltoatlon. I do not tblnk auch a phone call l• urge11t. 1. Stevenson saggeeta
  • the conversation lea• interesting to me than it might have been otherwiae. He claimed that these people :·=' f "\. - The Honorable Roy R. Rubottom. Jr., · Asaiatant Secretary !or Inter-American Affair a. Department of State, · ' - · -.. '-· Washington. D. C. G
  • in the northern period two areas." At this concern point, about the President again expressed Khe Sanh. - In a telephone Westmoreland reaffirmed When General Wheeler and Wheeler's agreement the President be informed call to General
  • : ) The attached papers cover the Zanzibar problem and Dea.n Rusk and I / would like to talk with you about them on the telephone at your conveni~ )' (.l,N....; (: 1 ence on Monday. The one question which you may wish to decide today \ (. o-~, vd is whether you
  • conference todci:y. I also had very brief phone conversations with Frankel and Hightower from which nothing interesting developed. March 18. 1965 MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT-; Telephone aervlce at tbe .R anch 1. You have previously lodlcated both
  • January 13, 1967 MEMORANDUM /!fl -W To: The President The White House From: Orville L. Freeman Secretary of Agriculture Subject: Public Law 480 - India - .Food for Freedom Financing This is to follow up our conversations re financing the Food
  • , 1/30/95, tate Dept. UUt12et;le, By-.oJ.IQ'---' NARA,Date ,~- ,-,-1 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Tuesday, January 18, 1966 12:40 P. M. MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT This is Gronouski 1 s flash report of his conversation with Foreign Minister Rapacki
  • of these conversations is: .. CONFIBEH'fIAL CQNFII>ENIIAL - 3 - A. The Argentine. and Chilean Foreign Ministers commented favorably on a draft "Annotated Agenda" that we provided in an attempt to get the discussion started but noted that the specifics had
  • The scenario for the day (Thursday, Janua ry 19) looks like this: Noon Full Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkim meets to confirm appointment. Between noon and 1:00 p. m. -- Milton Eisenhower telephones Line informing him. of final decision
  • ~: ; ._~ . ;·_·,·~"~::· ... :· .'"'.~ :to note ~ that ·.in a JtUle 1965 '.·conversation vi'th ·a US .official; Braga. . r~- · :::,,·~ ..": ''\.~· .~ . -,. :.0: __,~7.·~