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  • Collection > Papers of Tom Johnson (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Meeting notes (remove)

10 results

  • and to our people has meant much. The Civil Rights Bill is due to you and many others. We must say to the country: "We must work together. But Martin Luther King and others who have died - - they cannot benefit from the grief. " THE PRESIDENT: The President
  • Folder, "April 5, 1968 - 11:10 a.m. President's meeting with Negro leaders after death of Martin Luther King," Papers of Tom Johnson, Box 3
  • to friends with both sides. The Israelis do not feel compelled to our advice. We met with Arab ambassadors last week. I had letter from King Hussein today. We welcome any suggestions any helpo QUESTION: be follow a long and What about U.S. relations
  • , and time was very short. That same evening the Mission flew to Athens and held its first meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Pipinellis and subsequently with King Constantine and Prime Minister Kollias. We found the Greek Government anxious to maintain
  • George Bundy said that King Hussein is prepared to do that, and that his position is unique in that regard. The President wanted to know who the nominee of the group was to under­ take this role as mediator. Bundy recommended the U.S. because "Israel
  • aircraft. Senator Symington is strongly against re-arming the Arabs. Secretary McNamara said we should provide some arms and tanks but Israel will be very upset if we give the 105 millimeter gun. Secretary McNamara said that King Hussein's position
  • In addition, Eisenhower said that Churchill wanted to go into battle. Eisen­ hower told Churchill he did not L"iink it was wise to go into battle because of the additional security that must be provided. When Churchill told the King, the King also said He
  • at 7:15 p.m. Attachment. CETFR.'.lJ.';rn r::i riE ••, AOMINISTR.HiVE t.1~;,KING• c.,__ix.,H ~VICE SET 0 ,., I ).--.JJ.. h'I Meeting began: 6 :02 p. m. Meeting ended: 7:15 p. m. -ft:JP SECRE I NOTES OF THE PRESIDENT'S MEETING -i"'1'1M\1'"if[t
  • .:eral Throckmorton and ?vfr. Vance go before the press tc say th.:.1t 1'.fr. Vance had talked to the P::.-esident and that all parties joined :n a.n appeal for :reason. The President advised that he would be m:i king c:.. m:.tionally -televised statement
  • oi. ilic U.S.-i?:-.n:.:.-.:4 join; cici;;;;.:;;.~.::,:. .:.: A;>ril 3. · [5r6J Aug. r5 Public Papers of tlu: Presidents Codd you hcip us out on that? Tirn n z smE);T. The administration strongly favors the King-Anderson bill. No one s?caki:ig
  • the statement at a "cer"Reciprocal Action" tain spot" in North Korea. ~ . . tnam" while discussions king toward a ceasc-fi~e. ~nd At his confirmation hearing · Reply To Question · ic~~J,t~~re imtiat- yester~aY. be!ore th~ Senate ·In general, the remarks fol· , 1