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  • Series > Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Series > Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)
  • Subject > LBJ speeches and statements (remove)

4 results

  • Lady Bird attends the Congressional Wives Prayer Breakfast; LBJ, Billy Graham, and the Congress arrived later; Lady Bird goes to her Spanish lesson; office work with Ashton Gonella and work on Denver speech; Mrs. Philip Barry presents Lady Bird
  • my h o s ts seemed s u r p r is e d and p le a s e d t h a t I was t h e r e . Back a t th e W hite H ouse, I found B i l l y Graham whom Lyndon had i n v ite d f o r d in n e r , a lre a d y i n th e West H a ll. We ta lk e d w h ile we w a ite d f
  • ; huge crowd of well-wishers; LBJ gives speech; Lady Bird visits with & LBJ greets Alice Roosevelt Longworth; LBJ receives plaque & key to city of Washington, D.C.; remarks by LBJ; Lady Bird to cocktail party of Bromley Smith's; dinner with Billy Graham
  • Lady Bird has breakfast with LBJ; LBJ leaves for commencement address at Swarthmore; Lady Bird and Kay Graham to Art Fair sponsored by Washington Post; Lady Bird's remarks; Lady Bird works on Radcliffe speech; dinner with LBJ, Lynda Johnson
  • on jumping up t o g r e e t f r i e n d s back i n th e s t a n d s , t a l l P o s tm a s te r G en eral James P a r l e y , a lw ays s t a n d s o u t' e v er y w h e re and e v a n g e lis t B i l l y Graham, who had c o n d u c te d th e p r a y e r s e r