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  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. Time Activity MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary Thursday White House Date April 1, 1965 House guests: Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham 9:00 With President in his room 10:15
  • :04 The President and Billy Graham to the second floor. 4. 7:25 Dinner with the President, Lynda, Luci, Dr. Graham, and Mr. Grady Wilson. 8:35 Jim Jones and Joe Califano to the second floor. 5. 8:45 To Union Station with the President, Jim, and Joe
  • , Vicky, and Francis McCammon 2:15 Left ranch w/ President, Jack, Bill Moyers, Mr. and Mrs. Krim, Vicky and her sister attended Billy Graham Crusade at the Astrodome in Houston. 6:00 Watched Grahams with Johnny Goyan, Grady Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mann
  • , Merrill Connally, Bill Stinson 10:50 To National City Christian Church w/ President, Mr. Billy Graham, Lynda and Luci 12:10 Coffee hour in basement 12:30 Returned to White House. Walked around South Grounds with Grahams and dogs. Went to West Wing - Rose
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place). Entry No. Time White Hous e Date Sunday, September 11, 1966 Activity not dictated 9:10 Breakfast 10:53 With President, Billy Graham
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, DAILY DIARY Date October 24, 1964 Day Saturday WASHINGTON Appointment O P Entry Time No. Johnson began her day at (Place) Mrs. Activity (include visited by) Expenditure H.G.: Dr. Billy Graham, T.W
  • THE WHIT E HOUS E WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) White House MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary Friday Date April2, 1965 Entry No. Time Activity 9:15 With President in his room 9:20 Joined by Dr. Billy Graham 9:35 Carl Vinson
  • Smith, Ervin Duggan, John Criswell, Marie Fehmer, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson, Colonel and Mrs. Robinson, Rev. Billy Graham (conducted services), Lynda, Luci, General and Mrs. Ginsburg, Jim Jones, Sam Houston Johnson. 12:25 All to the Jacqueline Kennedy
  • in Jetstar w/ Lynda, Bill Heath, Max, Bill Moyers, Zephyr, Susan, and Secret Service. 12:10 Arrived LBJ Ranch 12:30 Church Service by Billy Graham w/ President, Lynda, Susan, Cantinflas, Jacques Gelman, Grady Wilson, Bill Moyers, Jake, Max, Bill, Jake, Marie
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place). Entry No. White House Time Date Activity Saturday, September 10, 1966 not dictated H.G. Billy Graham and son, Franklin. arrived 7:30 p.m. 8
  • report three times 9:15 Surgery ended: very successful 3. 9:20-9:48 Called Lynda, Mrs. Birge Alexander, Mrs. Bobbitt, Sam Houston, Billy Graham Visited with Bill Moyers 10:00 President partially awake 11:00 President spoke to Bill Moyers. Governor
  • 11:30 - 4:30 Filming w/ Nancy Dickerson w/ Lynda and Luci in West Hall 5:20 Came to third floor to say hello to Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham 5:45 Rest 7:30 Dinner w/ Democratic governors and wives 8:00 TV set in Green Room for ABC Howard K. Smith show
  • with Billy Graham and Cliff Barrow. 2:15 With the President (in separate cars, to South Runway to meet Lynda and the Krims arriving by Jetstar). Inspected Davis Ranch with Simone. 2:50 To the birthplace. 3:00 Returned to the main house. 7:30
  • Dorothy Territo. 9:23 Called Jeanne Deason. 9:37 To the Children's Garden to inspect (in the rain). 9:45 Returned to the White House. 10:27 Called the President's office. 2. 10:49 With the President, Lynda, Luci, Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham, to the National
  • Activity 7:45 Arrived ranch. 8:15 Dinner w/ President, Ray Scherer, and NBC cameramen, etc., Jack, Jake, Marie, Vicky, Ashton (President had been filming all afternoon). Discussed Forrestal, Billy Graham. 8:45 Talked to Luci and Pat. 9:00 In living room
  • . 2:10 Return to White House. Greet President and his luncheon guests: Cardinal Spellman, Billy Graham, Ambassador Goldberg, Mssrs. Rostow, Califano, and George Christian. 2:15 Worked at desk. Fitting with Lucinda. 3:00 Talk with Clark Clifford
  • To the Bromley Smith residence for cocktails. 8:09 Returned to the White House. 9. Dinner with Dr. Billy Graham and Mary Rather. 10:13 To the theater to see beginning of "The Shoes of the Fisherman." 10:32 Returned to the second floor. 11:13-12 Saw more
  • 11:30 To ground floor to greet Steinbecks and take to third floor 2. To ground floor to greet Grahams and take to third floor 12:30 Jean Louis at White House 1:30 In West Hall with Steinbecks and Grahams (In Diplomatic Reception Room waiting
  • . 11:02 Left the airport with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pulliam. 11:30 Arrived Ruskin residence for luncheon. 1:14 Left the Ruskins' with Mayor Graham and Mr. Montgomery. 1:23 Arrived Racquet Club
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. Time Camp David DateSunday,July18,1965 Activity 1. 11:30 Walked with Steinbecks to Hickory to Lear service by Dr. B. Graham All
  • MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, DAILY DIARY THE WHITE HOUSE Date April 10, 1964 WASHINGTON Day Friday Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. Appointment O P Time Activity (include visited by) Midshipman Viafore Midshipman Graham
  • Returned from Jean-Louis 12:30 Met with Liz and Doug Cater for half-hour on New York speech. Then posed for pictures with Kay Graham, Rudy Kauffman 1:00 Beautification luncheon began with drinks in West Hall and then into Family Dining Room. 3:30 All left
  • , Ambassador Symington, Mrs. Graham Purcell and Mrs. Olin Teague, Bess 10:30 Mrs. Tom Clark arrived to talk about Luci's list. 12:25 Mrs. Clark left 12:30 Sitting in West Hall talking to Bess and Lynda 12:40 To dentist's office 2:00 Up to room. President
  • Dictate machine 7:00 To Luci's room. Barbara Howar and clothes. 8:10 To President's office. 4. 8:35 Left for boat with President, Marvin, Cliff Carter, Graham Purcell, Wright Patman, Ray Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers, Bob Poage, Mr. and Mrs. George
  • To Valenti's for Jack's birthday reception. 8:45 Returned w/ Mr. and Mrs. Bill White, Congressman and Mrs. Brooks, Kay Graham 8:50 Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson (Nancy), Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alsop, McGeorge Bundy 9:40 Dinner w/ above 10:30 Clark Clifford 11:40 Guests
  • , Kay Graham, Diana and Donald, the Leonard Marks, the Jack Valentis Dave LeFeve 12:15 Guests departed Page No:
  • ; then returned to the White House alone.) 4:35 Left Jean-Louis with Liz and Cynthia Wilson (who had arrived in the meantime) to visit Stewart Junior High School, Lenox Elementary School (and Lenox Annex), the Syphax School (Kay Graham's school -- CTJ to dedicate
  • . Retired. ****** House guests: Luci and Pat, Miss Gfeller, Sam Houston Johnson. ****** Elspeth Rostow and family 3 Tom Corcoran and family 5 Jim Rowe and family 5 Abe Fortas and family 4 Kay Graham and family 2 Diana MacArthur and family 4 Bill Deason
  • : scrambled egg, bacon, 1/2 toast, Sanka. 1:55 Bess left 2:04 Down to Diplomatic Reception Room to see Kay Graham and Walter Washington 2:10 Went for ride with Kay and Walter: To Syphax School, Bowen School, plans for 14th Street and Southeast Freeway entrance
  • to receive dinner guests. 9:21 To the State Dining Room for dinner. 11:06 To the parlors for coffee. 8. 11:25 To the East Room for entertainment -- Martha Graham ballet. To the North Portico to bid goodbye to the Holyoakes. 9. 12:35 To the second floor