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  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978 (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

3 results

  • the selection. F: Did anyone work for Mr. Johnson who didn't work closely with him? T: Well, you would work for him, but not every day. Like Mary Margaret was right in his office, and Juanita Roberts--of course, she's his secretary now-- and she was in his
  • to the Houston convention because that has some pertinence. You know this Catholic issue was one of the big issues used against Al Smith in '28, and then, of course, it was in Houston that a generation later John F. Kennedy had this meeting LBJ Presidential
  • Biographical information; 1928 convention; repeal of the 18th Amendment; Henry Wallace; Harry S. Truman; BEHIND THE BALLOTS and THE JIM FARLEY STORY; first meeting with LBJ; 1941 Johnson vs. O’Daniel campaign; Eisenhower; Kennedy-Kefauver fight
  • a ;';":') on it-- it must be the 27th or 28th of l-larch--the heat again3t ,hhnson was getting very, very hot indeed. You know, Kennedy and ;'>J,iirthy were both on his tail. and McPherson and Liz Cater and I and Bess Abell and Ervin Duggan-- C~~p~nter that's about all