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Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories
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Hurst, J. Willis
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LBJ Library Oral Histories
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- said he
had a job. That was one of the conversations going on in the car.
The President looked into the distance and said, "A well patient does not need a
doctor every day, and a doctor needs more than one patient to say competent."
I remember sort
- it.
He started off something like this: "Bird and I and some friends here just been sitting
around and our conversation wandered to you." And I had to think, "Now, why would
the President of the United States, who has a lot of things on his mind
- a little group of
people, he'd get out and meet them, shake their hand and try to converse with them, and
again, try to explain to people that-G:
Would there be someone from the State Department to--?
Yes, oh, yes. As I recall [William J.] Crockett
- you saw him on
October 4, 1967 because he looked so worn. At any time previous to that during his
presidency had you felt any concern, any undue alarm?
Well, as I reported--as Bird reports it in her diary, our conversation in the back of the car