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  • : 25pTo 1: IQp guests WhiteHouse ~ f or t Activity LD x11:50a The 12:41p f 1968 th e second floor - for coffee Mrs. Robert Kennedy - began leaving-- all out byl:35p - w/ Mrs. Johnson Luci Houston Johnson Dr. Billy Graham Dr. T W Wilson Mr. and Mrs
  • Pentagon Pad. Depart Pentagon Pad via helicopter - YB, MF, Dr. Robert Seamans, Agent Johns. Arrive Andrews AFB - Mats Terminal. Depart Andrews AFB - AF Jetstar - Dr. Robert Seamans, YB, MF, Paul Glynn, Agents Youngblood, Rundell, Ivan Sinclair. Arrive
  • to Amb. Amarillo off record Jay Taylor Ernest Schwarzenbach President, Sony Corporation Bob Fleming in Sen. Robert Kennedy, MW in. (The President was prepared for this meeting by a memorandum written by Mr. Rostow dated June 21, re Sen Kennedy's
  • Mrs. Kennedy moved2>t&t*M**. out of the VICE PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON. ^H^A , (jLrv**jdh &&* H ^^no, £ * J'^ WestUJ-o» (s~f
  • -- the President said that he had not had that info and wanted to call Wirtz as soon as he got out of the meeting. . That he had been trying to get him all morning. VM took in to the President -- a ticker saying that Sen. Robert Kennedy had made a statement
  • Stegall ( trying to locate Walter Jenkins) - Washington, D. C. Attorney General Robert Kennedy (Mass.) Departed LBJ Ranch via chopper for Bergstrom AFB w/ Mrs. Johnson, VM (GW went in w/ another chopper) Judge A. W. Moursund -- saying thank you for week
  • Judge Thornberry - to wish him a happy birthday Meeting w/ Mr. C. L. McNally - Publisher, Sat Evening Post Nat King Cole, Mr. Jones, Andy Hatcher - till 11:22 Mrs. Kennedy Cong. Carl Albert Shook hands w/ Dale Alford Kermit Gordon Fine Arts Commission
  • . Robert Kennedy, Secy McNamara, Secy Ball, Secy. Harriman, Sen Russell, Sen. Saltonstall, Sen. Fulbright, Sen. Hickenlooper, Cong. Vinson, Cong. Arends, Cong. Thomas E. Morgan, Congresswoman Frances Bolton until 10:55 // 10:57 - Andy Hatcher Secy. McNamara
  • Young 9:51 f Gov. G. Mennen Williams 10:15 f Secretary Freeman 10:20 f Robert Anderson 10:25 Mr McCone and McGeorge Bundy 11:10 t Mrs. Philip Graham 11:15 11:45 12:15 t 11:06 Secretary Hodges in Oval Room C ong. John Shelly Mayor - elect of San
  • * Selectednames shouldbeunderscored. Expenditure Code Col. Burris arrived 4040 52n d Street Depart 4040 with Col. Burris for White HOUSE Juanita Roberts in car en route Arrive White House NSC Executive Committee meeting - White Hous e - lasting until 11:10
  • - depart with Mrs. J and Grace Tully by car Made unscheduled stop @ Gas Station - returned WJ's call Left station Arr. @ Jno Roosevelt Cottage (original Val-Kill) for Lunch w/ Pres and Mrs. Kennedy President and Mrs. Eisenhower, President and Mrs. Truman
  • all dinner guests; to the State Dining Room for dinner. 10:35 To the parlors for coffee. 6. 10:54 To the East Room for entertainment. Robert Merrill and The New Christy Minstrels!! 11:40 To the North Portico with the President to bid goodbye to guests
  • to have lunch with the President. 2:18 To Mr. Per's shop for comb-out. 3. 2:50 Returned to the White House. 3:25 To the first floor -- had pictures taken with the house guests in the Red Room. 3:40 To the Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Garden with Erv Duggan
  • to group of Christian church Senate Johnson opened the Senate Secretary Anderson f Governor Robert Meyner, New Jersey re: nomination of Phil Foreman for federal judge left for House steps to see and hear Texas choir boys Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marshall (Dallas
  • January 9 . 196 5 White House Saturday Donald Cook , Ne w York Senator Edwar d Kennedy , Pal m Beach , Florid a Myer Feldma n Secretary Robert McNamar a Myer Feldma n To th e offic e Jack Valent i (pl ) McGeorge Bund y (pl ) Warren Rodgers . Hears
  • / 14/ 66 Thursday '"Mrs. Barnaby Kenney and daughter, Elizabeth .Sedgley Bidwell Mrs. Charles Maguire George Valentine Carl Billman Sister Margaret Miss Ann von-der-Leith James H Blessing Katherine Martin Robert Walker Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss Albert
  • Sheldon Cohen, Commissioner, IRS Joe Califano (pl) Mrs. Johnson - LBJ Ranch Walt Rostow (pl) Joe Califano (pl) Robert Kintner (pl) MW (pl) Walt Rostow (pl) Walt Rostow 23, 1966 Date June23, 1966 Day Thursday Activity (inc!ude visited by) Joe
  • :50. Met there by J, C. Kellam, Gov. and Mrs . John Connally , Judg e an d Mrs. Thornberry 1:52 Motorcade t o the University Methodist Church arriving at l:58p 2:00 Memorial Service on the first anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination w/ Mrs
  • Gen Kennedy Secy Freeman Cong Carl Albert Larry O'Brien Sen Dirksen Secy Dillon page 2 Sen Dodd Undersecretary George Ball Geo Reedy James Rowley Chief Secret Service Sen Russell Sen Humphrey Mr Bundy Bill Moyers To mjdr's office gives vm signed
  • Security pick up Mrs Harbin Mtg 12:05 Entry - Attendance NSC Mtg Speaker McCormack, Davi d Bell, Robt F . Kennedy. John A. McCone, Robert S. McNamara. General Maxwell D. Taylor, Edward A. McDermott, Dean Rusk, George Ball, Carl T. Rowan. McGeo. Bundy
  • Secretary Gilpatric Robert Anderson Speaker McCormack Larry O'Brien Sen. Mansfield Liz Carpenter Myer Feldman Telephone Enrry Time No I f or t Activity Code Lo L D 1:20 f 1:30 t 1:45 1:50 t 2:10 2:12 2:21 f 2:22 2:25 t 2:29 f 2:50 3:00 3:01 3:40 t
  • Dick Maguire in cabin w/ Pres. Mrs Ethel Kennedy Ken O'Donnell & wife Pierre Visiting in plane w/ Brooks' & Thomas' Cong. Gonzalez Arrvd Philadelphia departed for Green funeral Returned to Pa. airport departed for Bergstrom 10:00 10:20 10:25 12:30 10
  • Robert McNamara. Secy Anthony J. Celebrezz e an d Mrs. Celebrezze . Sen . Edwar d F . Kennedy, Mr . Fre d Dutto n Richard Goodwin , Geo . Reedy , Elme r Moore , Mrs . Edwi n O. Guthman , Mrs. Burk e Marshall , Arthur Schlesinger , Jr . an d Mrs
  • Wednesday White Walter Jenkins fr mans Secretary McNamara fr Attorney General Kennedy James Scotty Reston W Jenkins fr mans To ofc w/ J Valenti W Jenkins pl Signing Ceremony Made remarks 8-12-64 House Military mans New Haven fr mans Pay Bill
  • for Lati n American foreig n Ministers . Remarks by the President Arrived offic e - to yb "hello sister. . any troubles?" Non e .. goes int o Ova l Roo m met a t doo r t o offic e b y Jack Valenti . JV Atty General Robert Kennedy JV W Jenkins Bill
  • by the President in his Memorial Day proclamation. The President and Mrs. Johnson were then escorted to the Trophy Room of the Custis-Lee Mansion were they were greeted by Robert F Sutphin, President of the -Memorial Day Corporation. They waited inside the Trophy
  • Dominick Sen Oliver Meadows Sen.Hiram Fang Sen. Edwin Patterson Sen. Paul J Fannin Lister Hill John Holden Sen J Sen Daniel Inouye Andy Biemiller Sen Robert Kennedy i Sen Thomas Kuchel ! Sen George S. McGovern : Sen Jack Miller Sen Geo Murphy Claiborne
  • , Mass. Hon. Joseph G. Kennedy, San Francisco, Calif. Westley W. Law, Savannah, Ga. Alfred Baker Lewis, Old Greenwich, Conn. Chester I. Lewis, Wichita, Kansas. Rev. Emerson Marcee, San Antonio, Texas William Robert Ming, Chicago, 111. L. Joseph Overton
  • OFFICE : 1964 OF—744-735 Page No.: 1 Date. THE WHITE HOUSE November 19, 1964 PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY White House The President bega n his day a t (Place) Entry No. C Telephone f or t Time In Out Lo Secretary Robert McNamara (b
  • . Alexis Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Hall Katzenbach and Master Hall Katzenbach Senator H^ Robert Kennedy Judge and Mrs. Orman Ketcham Mr. Jeffrey C. Kitchen Mrs. Dorothea Klajbor Mr. Harold D. Koffsky Hon Foy D Kohler , U. S. Amb to Russia Date October White
  • was reporting on New York political situation: that Robert Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Arthur Schlesinger, Ted Sorensen. Stephen Smith, etc, were all telephoning everybody asking them to come over to Kennedy's side. If one of the above in the line made a phone call
  • Valenti (pl) -- returning his call Kermit Gordon, Director of Budget Ramsey Clark, Justice Department January 5, Tuesday White House Meeting w/ group from Dallas, Texas -see page Robert B. Cullum Earl F. Hayes Kermit Gordon, Director of Budget Eugene
  • Date_ February White House ___ Day 22, 1966 * TUESDAY Acnvity(inc)ude visited by) Bill Moyers __ Bill Moyers Secy. Rusk f McGeorge Bundy (b 5) - re Senator Kennedy's statement (b 4) - re world situation Secy. Wirtz - Miami,Florida (b
  • Engine Co., Inc., Columbus, In (Chairman of the Commission) Dr. Russell Nelson, President, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore This Commission is studying the problem of manpower in the Dr. Robert Ebert, Dean, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass
  • AFB fr JV Genl Clifton South Lawn via helicopter Agent Youngblood arr w/ Gov Harriman To NYC via AF #1 Arrive John F Kennedy Intl Airport Helicopter to World's Fair Heliport w/ Gov Harriman Sen Keating Cong Burkley Cong Rooney Cong Rowan Cong
  • , Governo r Connally, Directo r an d Mrs . McCone , Commissione r Patterso n o f NY Police, Sg t Gaddi s arr a t 4:0 5 -- motorcad e t o church. Met by Mayor Robert Wagner and escorted to limousine To St. Bartholomew' s Episcopa l Churc h vi a ca r
  • , Associate Director, Peace Corps Michael Moynihan, Director, Information Staff, AID Peter J. A Davies, Chief, Private Enterprise Division, AID Robert L. Oshins, Director, Executive Service Corps Planning Staff, AID Al Zipser, Xerox Corp Xerox Corp Clair Cook
  • Thursday W House Mansion May 28 1964 Breakfast Walter Jenkins fr mansion Bill Moyers fr mansion McGeo Bundy fr mansion Joint mt of Cabinet and Nat'l Security Council in State Dining Room over at Memorial for President Kennedy brief remarks Arr
  • Rostow--About a Lodge. memo from Rostow and plans for the meeting this evening w/ f\ Mrs. Johnson --About a letter to Mrs. John Kennedy an d the advisability of it. __ Date December 16, 1966 .* - . The White House Dav Activity (inciude visited
  • t)at,, June White House p^, Monday Activity (inc!ude visited by) (ure Robert Anderson, NYC 27, 1966 ExpendiCode b.1 Jack Vaughn, Director, Peace Corps Walt Rostow (pl) Hon. Lincoln Gordon, To Oval Office Secy McNamara Liz Carpenter re plans