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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
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25 results

  • , Birmingham, . Alabama (RM) Report of: Dates SA CLARENCE E. WR:n:Glrll' 10/24/67 Fleld Office FIie I: 105-560 TJtlc1 ROBERT MARVIN SHELTON Chaiadera RACIAL MATTERS ( KLAN) Synopsis: Office, BIRMINGHA'M Bureau FIie la 157-552 ROBERT. MARVIN
  • Folder, "Shelton, Robert Marvin," Records of the NACCD (Kerner Commission), Embargoed Series, Box 11
  • Almanac p. 81, 392; 1964 Almanac p. 77, 425, 879. . In 1961, President Kennedy proposed legislation /to create a Department of Urban Affairs and Housing. He promised to make HHFA Administrator Robert C. Weaver, a Negro, Secretary of the new Department
  • would shoot the Governor. In addition, other targets for assassination would be the Vice President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Senators Jacob J avits and Robert Kennedy and others. • • • • • 21 "B'', a bookkeeper, was born in 1912
  • ., and, where needad., appropriate legislation 10 that the Federal. Coftl"Dl1eAt ~ move allea4 1n tbia. area ettectiveq and soon." ••• . . ' ' ,' ·• f .. T • ., ' ' ' Robert G. Pl'estemon . .' • t ,. EXECUTIVEOFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BUREAUOF
  • they can run out. He does not know of any tips ·coming from 11 Minutemen sources. December 13, 1967 M&'10RANDUM TO: From: Robert H. Haynes Spe_ci~l Agen.t · . FBI Liai~on s ·e ction · M. c. Miskovsky . Director of Inve_s tigations ·Subject
  • ,,.., """'*'""'' .••,...... , ~(ll"'O•xll!f!¥!Pll £111114""°"1§~1 '"'' "!'9$~$1"1'&-""'~,a~•"""*011'11 """* &!ll'Z-.i.,~W,w'!G""'J~-•...,-::_., .,., --4 !'!IJ9!1"'"' -,-, .......c •-n __ , ...,- •.. • , ,, : ...'·j r_ . Prof'essor Robert. Wood Paet two
  • . .The unsupported inference. _which mos·t· have drawn· is that the meeting with the Conference indicates a forthcoming White House· indication of s·upp~rt for a \ • Department of Housing.and Community Development, such ~ •as. Presi~ent ·Kennedy was· considering
  • on Robert Marvin Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the UKA, reflect a shift in emphasis in recent months -- perhaps inspired by the HCUA investigation of klan activities and Shelton's indictment in the UoS. District Court, Washington, Doc., in March 19660 At any
  • Kennedy. 3. Planting flowers and shrubs in the small triangles and squares carved out by thoroughfares. 4. Initiating neighborhood competitions on beautification. 5. Utilizing a volunteer committee of landscape architects to draw up plans for use
  • MESSAGE ON TRANSPORTATION In April 1962, President comprehensive Executive. message Kennedy concern, the first ever delivered by a Chief on transportation It dealt with a variety and urgent sent to Congress and others of topics •• some
  • . The present members of the Commission are: Representative Armistead I. Selden, Jr., Alabama (term expires May 15, 1967). Representative Robert L. F. Sikes, Florida (term expires May 15, 1967). Representative William S. Mailliard, California (term expires May
  • R. F'IELDSj who st}ll. ted to the m.eeting 9 :axM.Ht.g other things~ th~.. t :a l .1 NS~P m~mbers and white people shnuld keep their guns in order to protect themselves . On October 31; lf167'J Capt.aim ROBERT RAM.SEY» Vice Squad~ IH.llsborougb
  • ,to the Prealdent JACJr/pw/Jul 29 65 Identical Memo to: Lee White John Con nor Robert Weaver Gardner Ackley Donald Hornig r:_oJW~ ·/J-0 )1.! 1 ~ ...'s'' MEMORANDUM FOR LEE
  • ), as checked by IC JACK F..AY RID:F;NHOUR, were negative w;tth respec.t to an arrest of VIDNJEVICH since _las-t reported.· Concerning the arrest of VIDNJEVICH, October 31, 1966, at Kennedy High ·School, previo~ly :t"epqrted, records of the Chicago Police
  • ?-;, Robert c. Wood Head .' RCW/jwa Enclosure 1 • ,I-':-G' WAUACHUUTTS 5, 1965 / 'l 0 0U>t: l• ~••• . I!··...,.,. . • • , •. • .:.. •.. ·A· • . . .- f .• ii.:. /--.--:- .-.. ·• '-· ,,--,''. ......~ •,· • ,. • ,r:;:J');;< ,·),.'tt~iO~A~Dl
  • . It must be used not b : , • ' Rusk, Secretary of Slate, Robert merely lo apply ·,band aids lo suWashingl.011, Oct. 20-President s. McNamara, Defense Secret;,ry, per[icial wounds, but to remove Johnson today put a p1·ice tag on and William Gaud, depu ty
  • of U.S. powe1· · ·,~t; 'j/ ~ ,('; . ·) ;- wasted in pro• serves the cause of peace. He ls tracted war, obviously wrong. He and Pres• ·.: . ._.,_~,t"~/'~.. :.~:2-t_i.:, taro. '1,ha. t was ldcnt Kennedy . have -exercised ·. .,:'.'."~~.. ~~~~ r$- tho ch o I
  • in the briefing. It might be useful to rrieet later in the week to discuss plans for the press briefing. I will return late Wednesday from Cape Kennedy where we are launcQing our first operational weather satellite. I will check your office Thursday morning