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  • ) WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION #Hl-ltr A #135 list "Checklist for President's Conversation... " S 1p undated A #135a rpt "Checklist for President's Conversation... " S 3p undated
  • . If a suitable opportunity offers dur:ing the course of the conversation, express the hope that, with the completion ( of both the Japanese and Korean elections, both Governments will be able to move toward normalizing their relations. Korea ·COMEID:S1%FY.L
  • /63 Conversation between Foreign Minister and Vice President 92 11/9/63 Summary of visit to Netherlands BRUSSELS NO. DATE 684 11/8/63 Vice call 685 11/8/63 Vice President's Foreign Minister, ANC retraining meeting with regarding 686
  • MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Discussion with President Johnson, November 23rd, about 9:15 a. m. The conversation lasted approxi• matel y 15 minutes . 1. The President entered Mr. Bundy' a office alone and no one was present during the conversation. 2
  • call, it is not expected that the conversation will Nevertheless, the Vice President be of a substantive character. may wish: (a) to underline our concepts of a united Europe and an Atlantic partnership in view of Lefevrets interest in European unity
  • President on November 4, 1963 Text of the Vice President's on November 4, 1963 toast Luxembourg's Visit the Vice President's 178 sunnnarizing at a state dinner (2) (3) (4) Vice President's conversation with Acting President Albert Wehrer