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  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)
  • Subject > Japan (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

12 results

  • Conversation with Senator Inouye' telephone conversation LBJ /Ikeda Read draft statements RWK suggestions we expect for Senator's s personal secretary re trans-Pacific 6/18/64 LBJ to make and Ikeda text remarks: M s.s, 17.'~ 1
  • ~- ~ -- - \ ~ ~======~ - - ~ - -- -- I - ' ~ o/,v:tr., ~ m;rL .- ffcC ._ 71:_ _ ~~~~~ -~~~ - - . J#NI. tr __,,,,,.. .~ - - ~ \ - ~ - - ~- - - w.~ F - f~ . ~.t> ~ ~~~ ~~ JJ, ~. \ -- - Conversation with Senator Inouye's personal telephone conversation LBJ
  • and files of the Whili:e House is a copy of a memorandum of conversation between William P. Bundy and Ambassador Kim dated January 11, regarding: 1. Sato Visit and Korea-Japan Relations 2. Pak Visit to the U.S. Attachment: As stated. G0N¥lf.)E:tfi'IA1:r
  • that he was contemplating proposing the opening of negotiations or conversations, or talks I think is the word that was very carefully used, with CommunistChina and proposing me as the U.S. representative, I accept. and would I was somewhatstartled
  • to do is make a speech from the pamphlet. The group adjourned for lunch and the President opened the luncheon conversation by asking about Buttercup response. "Are both Bunker and Westmoreland coming back?" the President asked. McNamara replied
  • before you leave. The Prime in common Minister and I have found many personal interests during our productive conversations today. We both come from the Southwestern regions We both are able to boast of the beef produced and experiences of our
  • kind of over-water transportation for may cause some pain. • ; t I offer In conversation again this morning the following suggestion: 1. Secretary November 2. 3. Rusk returns 24. from with Douglas South America ~acArthur, I ' • i i
  • con­ EUR versations AIDA p 1375 ~membassy TOKYO with tb.e President and Secretary. According to Ambassador Takeuchi. said this aspect of visit "could not have gone better o " Followin g summary of conversation with Secretary is based
  • require that Taiwan not become part of mainland China. Foreign Minister Shiina emphasized Japan's commitment to Taiwan's independence of Chinese Communist control in a recent conversation with Secretary Rusk. While Ja anese tr de with Taiwan