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  • to McNamara s 1 2/12/63 A 079 ltr President Kennedy to McNa111are- s ~ 2a1s3 A s 2 2/7/Sl 4- s 2 ~l'r153 A s 4 11'15163 rl 2 1/10/63 A Near duplicate of #80 & 81 Oftn '12'5J 660 lb ,e rtr \Lf\C,2,,1 Nea, dttplie!llte of #?fJ & 61
  • as well as the British and French forces are within the system. The second solution, which emerged out of the acceleration of the ECC, and of the Kennedy Administration's encouragement of this develop­ ment; would be to create an analogous relationship
  • that they would soon send a Syrian eco­ nomic mission to Cairo to get trade be­ tween the two countries rolling aga~ Furthermore,then, were atrona au..-. -argued that the sale waii the best way •to invite Sen. Robert Kennedy to visit to ~avoid serious arms
  • which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. 1/13/2009 QJ ~ NEWS CONFERENCE of SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Robert S. McNamara at Pentagon Friday, November 3, 1967 * * * Mr. Goulding
  • highly placed in Washington arc so contra­ dictory that they blur rather than clarify our understanding. Leu than a year ago, for instance, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara de­ clared that "attack from enemy satel­ lites is not a very likely threat
  • " of your •ta.ff, eop1• of ••utaattatills ooneqo..._. pert.I.Mat ......... 11Lfor-.t1oa. -,:111thllJ' youn, SIGNtD bee: Dro Donald Fo Hornig Director, OST Dro Robert Ao Frosch Chairman, ICO Dr. Edward Wenk, Jro Execo Secyo, NCMRED ~~ Walter Rostow
  • would reaffirm together the under•tanctin,s o£ our two Government• with rc,iard to con•ul~tion in tho uae of nuclca.· weapons. I now confirm this ·agrooment in the attached Memorandum o£ Underatandlna. It la wry- much like the one which Prem.dent Kennedy
  • on December 3, 19620 On September 20, 1963j President Kennedy reaffirmed our intention to keep weapons of mass destruction out of orbito Since that time, we· have met with the representatives of the Soviet Union on this problemo We are glad
  • been building her prevent the sale. But Ui1stime. Organization nuclear forces. own nuclear-powdered sub- I,&. Gilpatrjc said In Paris, the Despite a Wilt to· Paris by marine. But It wu designed to .\dininistntsoaba4 cleared Its President Kennedy early
  • however, While our may be incomplete, and speeches of President of our policy Also that, unlike an indepement sane of the problems are. nuclear philosophy this doctrine are posed neatly what? stubborn. Kennedy, Secretary McNamarato perceive
  • : special This day today, satisfaction. Mr. President, Excellencies, must give you some As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space Science under the Eisenhower Administration, as Chairman of the Space Council in the Kennedy