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  • both McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy on the ballot. I have asked Bailey and Criswe ll at DNC to talk to the State Chairman and National Committeeman and our friends and get their recommendations on these Primaries. I do not want to say I am or I am
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • know in either party that I thought in 1964 was best equipped to be President. 11 He said his recommendation of Humphrey had cost him dearly from Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy, both of w horn wanted the nomination. Other comments
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • ) ,..,.,.,,,""""'~ ~-~-tr NL..J a8~1~f' FILE LOCATION Me~ting Notes File, Box 3 RESTRICTION CODES GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION -:~ I ' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 11, 1968 FOR JUANITA ROBERTS Juanita ­ For the Diary. WGBowdler ~IB®N1"I:> - h. II I
  • Roberts, Juanita
  • Robert McNamara Unde r Secretary of Defense Cyrus R. Vance Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz Atomic Energy Commissioner Glenn Seaborg NASA Administrator James Webb Agency
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
  • Folder, "[NSC Meeting] Meeting with Cabinet, DNC, et al to commemorate Pres. Kennedy's birthday, 5/28/1964, Volume 2, Tab 5," National Security Council Meetings Files, NSF, Box 1
  • IN THE CABINET ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE The President of the United States, Presiding A TTORNEY GENERAL Robe rt F. Kennedy CIA John A . McCone , Director DEFENSE Robert S. McNamara, Secretary Cyrus Vance, Deputy Secretary OEP Edward A. McDermott, Director STATE
  • frequently when people think something big is about to happen. He noted that President Kennedy's poll went up 10 points immediately after the Bay of Pigs then plunged 12 points when the crisis was over. More .. Roberts and Elfin -2­ The President also
  • General Maxwell D. Taylor , Chairman FAA Najeeb Halaby, Administrator JUSTI CE DEPARTMENT Robert F. Kennedy, Attorney General OEP Edward A. McDermott, Director STATE Dean Rusk, Secretary TREASURY C. Dougl as D illon, Secretary USIA Carl Rowan, Director
  • , Administrator William S. Gaud, Deputy Administrato r ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F. Kennedy CIA John A. McCone , Director William Colby DEFEN SE Robert S. McNamara, Secretary Cyrus Vance, Deputy Secretary John McNaughton, Assistant Secretary (ISA) JCS General Earle
  • spent $9. 5 billion on poverty in his last year, Kennedy $12. 5 billion, and Johnson $28 billion. Manpower training cost from 3 to 4 to 12 billion in the same period. ) The President: It is not right to say that we are not moving fast enough because
  • they told Kennedy where to go with that proposal in 1962.
  • Robert, Juanita
  • Senator Robert Byrd Postmaster General Larry O'Brien Barefoot Sanders Mike Manatos George Christian Jim Jones MEETING CONVENED: ,Cabinet Room at 6:16 p.m. MEETING ADJOURNED: 7:00 p. m. The President opened the meeting discussing the excise
  • MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: China Experts Meeting with the President, February 2, 1968 (Sponsored by the National Committee on United States­ China Relations) PARTICIPANTS: The President, Professors Edwin O. Reischauer, Harvard, Robert A. Scalapino
  • members would report on current situations . He first called on Secretary Rusk for a summary of developments in Brazil. Secretary Rusk summarized our relations with Goulart, including Goulart 1 s dis cuss ion with President Kennedy, and later, in Rio, his
  • . It is unfortunate we are there, but throughout history we have had to face this situation where aggressors try to capture their enemies. Eisenhower told Kennedy this would be his biggest problem. Kennedy attempted to solve the South­ east Asian situation
  • - Discussion on Vietnam, Robert Kennedy, Eisenhower, Alliance for Progress, role of ror. 42. 9 December 1963 - Briefing. General revi·ew. Press, McNamara, Vietnam. I 43. 13 December 1963 - Introduced DDCI, Peer de Silva., reviewed checklist. Discussed
  • not be anticipated. lb traced development of the democratic process in Vietnam, said when Geno Ky took second-place on the Thieu­ 1
  • at Commonwealth meetlngs-- Slr Robert Menzles. Before he went to one of theae meetlna•. Mende• had a•lr.ed what could I •&yon your behalf. I outlined our vlewa. In fact. he went even further in defendlna our poaltion that I had •uggeated. There really la
  • Long Senator Robert Byrd Speaker McCormack Congressman Carl Albert Congressman Hale Boggs Postmaster General Larry 0 1 Brien Barefoot San ders Mike Manatos Jim Jones The President opened the meeting and read from the agenda (a copy of which
  • , Presiding Speaker of the House of Representatives ATTORNEY GENERJ\.L Robert F . Kennedy CIA John A. McCone, Director DEFENSE Robert S. McNamara, Secretary Cyrus Vance~ Deputy Secretary John McNaughton. Assistant Secretary Eugene Fubini, Deputy Director
  • LIST FOR THE 53 lst NSC MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1964, AT 12:00 NOON IN THE CABINET ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE The President of the United States, P residing Speaker of the House of Representatives ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy CIA John
  • NSC MEETING MAY 15, 1964, AT 12:00 NOON IN THE CA.BINET ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE The President of the United States, Presiding Speaker of the House of Representatives AID David Bell, Director ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy CIA John A. McCone
  • ; 3.) bring about a "true revolution" by utilizing the private sector of Vietnam such as the Tenant Farmers Union. Robert Murphy and Justice Fortas agrees with Lodge. sho?ld expl~re Fortas believes we the greater use of smaller military units
  • . The Kennedy statement at Fort Bragg referring to th e U.S. G over nment's position at the time of the Geneva Conference. 2 . The Taylor Report, 196 1 -- that part which discussed what might be necessary if current moves did not work in Vietnam . 3. The Geneva
  • . Marshall S. Carter, Deputy Director, plus three assistants (Clinton Conger, Chester Cooper, R . Jack Smith) DEFENSE Robert S . McNamara, Secretary Roswell L. Gilpatric, D eputy Secretary William P. Bundy, Ass istant Secretary for Internat i onal Security
  • .") · j The President of the United States, Presiding ACDA William C . Foster, Director AEC Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman AID David E . Bell, Administrator ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy CIA Lieut. General Marshall Carter, Deputy Director Chester
  • discussion the ·drone qu~ation was pretty well dismiesed. The same ie true of balloons as it was felt they represented .m ore serious operational·problems than drones.. The Attorney Oeneral, Robert Kennedy, expressed himseU very positively against changing
  • , Administrator Rutherford Poats, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for F a r East; ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy BUREAU OF THE BUDGET Kermit Gordon, Director CIA John A. McCone, Director William Colby DEFENSE Ro1::iert S. McNamara, Secretary John McNaughton
  • PARTICIPANTS: The P resident The Vice P res ident S ecretary of State, D e an Rusk S ecretary of Defense , Robert S . M cNama ra Sec retary of Treasury, H e nry H . F owler Chairman , Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Earle G . Whee ler Di r ector, Central Int e
  • , Director Ray Cline, Deputy Director COMMERCE Luther Hodges, Secretary Theodore Thau, Executive Secretary, Advisory Committee on Export Policy DEFENSE Robert S. McNam.ara, Secretary Cyrus Vance , Deputy Secretary OEP Edward A. McDermott, Director STATE
  • , when public sentiment for effective gun control was high following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy:, it appeared that we might even get the only . really effective control -- licensing and registration
  • F. Tape C om.missioner John Palfrey CIA Mar shall S. Carter DEF ENSE Robert S . McNamara, Secretary Cyrus Vance, Deputy Secretary W. J. Howard General Donnelly Harold Brown JCS General Maxwell D . Taylor, USA, Chairman OEP Edward A. McDermott
  • ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F. Kennedy CIA John A . McCone, Director DEFENSE Robert S. McNamara, Seceretary J ohn McNaughton, Assistant Secretary (ISA) JCS General Earle G. Wheeler, USA. Chairman Lieut. General David A. Burchinal, Director of the Joint
  • Members: ANTHONY CELEBREZZE, Secretary, HEW ROBERT F. KENNEDY, Attorney General FRED KORTH, Secretary of the Navy JOHN w. MACY, JR., Chairman, Civil Service Commission GLENN T. SEABORG, Chairman, AEC JAMES Eo WEBB, Administrator, NASA WALTER REUTHER
  • on his trip to Vietnam 5. 5/28/64 Mtg. unnum­ bered Meeting with C abinet, Demo c ratic National Committee , et al , to commemor ate President Kennedy's birthday 6. 6/6/64 Mtg . No . 533 Laos 7. 6/16/64 Mtg . No . 534 FY 1965 Underground
  • ~· MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT WITH HUGH SIDEY OF TIME MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 8, 1967 This was a general discussion on American involvement in Vietnam. The President said that President Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson had done everything possible
  • had seen Leon Keyserling on television, and it was the the meanest thing he had ever seen directed against Bobby Kennedy. The President said he feels there has been a dramatic shift in public opinion on the war, that a lot of people are really
  • ~ '. .. .. ... , ·Nrr1~ Q;~1·uc. "t ·. 1 ~... .Jv--1-~;. ....~- • . i·1 . ·J . · · ;BY~-,t·LA.R.·~LDm:i:J:C.'iQt " .>j . .\ ·: ·! · .. ~ . .... . i ;.A•. GENERAL . } . ·.·' i .... ~-1. I DISCUSSED THE KENNEDY S?EECH THIS MORNING WITH SENIOR
  • Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009
  • Smith Rep. W. R. Hull Rep. Bob Casey Senator Ralph Yarborough Senator Jennings Randolph Senator Harrison Williams Senator Claiborne Pell Senator Edward Kennedy Senator Alan Bible Senator Lister Hill Senator John Stennis .mno; MEMORANDUM
  • " for action a• contraated with the "Kennedy tone". Johnson definitely feel• that we place too much emphaeie on aocial re!orrna; he ha• very little tolerance with our 1pending ao much time being "do-gooders": and he baa no tolerance whatsoever with bickering