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  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Date > 1967-08-xx (remove)

6 results

  • frequently when people think something big is about to happen. He noted that President Kennedy's poll went up 10 points immediately after the Bay of Pigs then plunged 12 points when the crisis was over. More .. Roberts and Elfin -2­ The President also
  • --" , . ,"")_tL---;J,, Thursday, August 10, 1967 -- 6 :15 PM · Mr. President: Senator Moss would like a short session with you for himself, Senator Edward Kennedy, and the 10 Congressmen (list attached) who attended a recent conference with British
  • - .. ( -60NPiDENliAD LIMDIS Copy of La Paz 408 25 Aug 1967 1. CWO Robert H. Quinn, Assistant Army Attache, and Lt. Col. Manuel Cardenas, Deputy G-3 of Bolivian Army, are arriving in Washington August 27 with important documents discovered by Bolivian Armed Force
  • . In connection with iietnam, Maurer made the assessment that President Johnson is not alone responsible for the existing state of affairs and that, in fact, the mistake can be traced back to President Kennedy--and President Johnson inherited the problem. Maurer