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  • target for an attack was Syria. If Israel attacked Syria, Hussein continued, Jordan would not take action unless the U.A.R. intervened, 1 From Tel Aviv, tel. 3648, May 18, 1967, secret/nodis. 2 Memorandum of telephone conversation between Harman
  • ..~./ This kind of encouragement and support for the Shah's reform program was given frequently. It formed the keystone of subsequent exchanges and conversations. The closeness of personal relations between the Shah and the President lent
  • 27, 1964 ~ONFIDENTIAL) , ... 1874 and 1889, February 20, 1964 {SECRET}_, and 2316, April 5, 1964 ·(SECRE'f); Memo­ randum o·f Conversation between President Johnson and UAR Ambassador Kamel, May 25, 1964 (SECFET),_ ll From Cairo, Telegram 1995, March
  • of State Memorandum of Rusk-Brown Conversation, January 11, 1968 (Secret/EXDIS). SECREf time he stated his own objectives in the Gulf, largely revolving about five mid-Gulf islands disputed between Iran '}_/ On February 1, at and the British-protected
  • America 1962 1. In line with your conversation with me earlier today in which you requested basic, general background information on the economic and sociological structure of the various Latin American countries, I am enclosin1 the completed economic