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  • their checks. I guess after about six weeks one day LBJ asked me to go to San Antonio with him, and he said, "Ask your wife if she wouldn't like to go. I'll take Lady Bird and we will the four of us go to San Antonio. We'll go over to the WPA and work out
  • of his house on the Ranch, and I am sure that Lady Bird would not have approved, but he took us into his rest room. "This is where I shave," he said. But the women just loved it and we all just loved it. He just was a real charmer like that. H: Yes. I
  • for Congress; visit to LBJ Ranch; accessibility of LBJ; Lady Bird; goals in Congress; contrasting the Texas Senate and U.S. Congress; Texas delegation; influence of grandfather; Texas Southern and Boston Universities; the Judicial Committee
  • on to announce that hereafter the lands on Columbia Island would be known as Lady Bird Johnson Park. overwhelmed when the announcement was made. She was really Joe, her eyes opened as big as saucers and she smiled and her face brightened. It was a show
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Mrs. Paul Mellon; Lady Bird Johnson Park
  • --of the President and his family? Mc: I was absolutely delighted with Lady Bird Johnson. I think she is one of the sweetest and most genuinely sweet people, with more native phrase-making LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY
  • first went to the White House where Lady Bird introduced us to Bill Deason, whom we soon learned had been an old friend of the family dating back to the President's college days. Then we all went into the Oval Office for a moment's chat
  • . And when Mr. Buchanan died, we drove to Brenham, and Lyndon and Lady Bird attended Mr. Buchanan's funeral. Shortly after we returned to Austin he began making his contacts with people in Austin and over the district, feeling them out as to whether he
  • 1948 Congressional campaign in south Texas; LBJ’s visit with all Robstown school children during 1954 campaign for Senate; LBJ’s personality traits (temper, impatience, intelligence); Lady Bird.
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW VII covering 1937 DATE: October 9, 1978 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • friendships with businessmen, politicians, journalists, and other powerful people; varied support for LBJ throughout the 10th Congressional District; Albert Sidney Burleson; ethnic groups represented in the 10th District; LBJ's typical campaign schedule; Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 7 (VII), 10/9/1978, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: January 30, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 J: You asked me a minute ago about whether Lyndon was interested in the publicity that came
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • broken leg; Lady Astor; Mrs. Woodrow Wilson; LBJ's subcommittee work in 1951; tension between Truman and General Douglas MacArthur; MacArthur's dismissal and his testimony before a joint committee hearing; the Johnsons' interest in starting a television
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 27 (XXVII), 1/30/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • are a public I think it is cruel, inhuman, unkind, and I think Jackie Kennedy has been extremely inhumane in the way she has treated Lady Bird and the Johnsons because of the fact that her husband was there. had to go. Nobody put a pistol to his head
  • be there, and, of course, Lady Bird came oftener than that. G: What did they take a special interest in? W: Well, just I guess how the furniture looked and what was put in and what wasn't put in. G: Were you there after it was opened? W: Yes, I worked
  • ; the last time the Winters saw LBJ; LBJ at Dolph Briscoe's gubernatorial inauguration in January 1973; the LBJ Library dedication; LBJ's feelings about his health and his death; LBJ's death, funeral, and burial; LBJ's reaction to birds the Winters cared
  • to the i-IPA of Austin, who processed theM . and sent them their checks . I guess after about six weeks one day LBJ asked me to go to San Antonio with him, and he said, "Ask your wife if she wouldn't like to go . I'll take Lady Bird and we will the four
  • [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Symington -- I -- 14 staying with the Wesley Wests one day at their ranch, and he said, "Tomorrow Lady Bird and I are going down to look at a piece
  • -- I -- 9 fast. And Lady Bird is just like him. twenty miles from Patman's Switch. You know, she was born That's where I was. It's on the little Short Line Railroad from Greenville, Texas, to Shreveport, Louisiana. It went through Patman's Switch
  • 1960 convention in Los Angeles; the Biltmore Hotel; decision to take the Vice-Presidential post with JFK; connection with Johnson family in Oglethorpe County, Georgia; Lady Bird Johnson’s grandfather as founder of Baylor University; the LBJ Library
  • get into the trip to Washington? W: Oh, he was going to go up there and go to work for Lyndon. VW: Was he in this car though? I thought it was just you and Lady Bird and Lyndon that went on this trip. LBJ Presidential Library http
  • of things that we had bought from the old lady. I went to Oetting's and worked with a Mr. Clark there, and I went to [Louis] Shanks, of course, and bought things for several of the rooms. The first thing for Lyndon was always a phone right by the bed, a good
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 30 (XXX), 3/22/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • ? M: Yes. G: Tell me about the house. M: Well, it was a big house. You know where it now stands, big house. When he died, we went to the funeral down there, and saw Lady Bird and Lyndon there and that's where we put Lyndon on an airplane down
  • Recollection of Lady Bird's mother and father; recollections of Lady Bird; LBJ; Wright Patman; Deep East Texas and LBJ's campaigns; projects for the East Texas area
  • became president. Now he and Dawson Duncan never got along, one reason being that Dawson had courted Lady Bird before Johnson married her. G: Did Dawson Duncan generally write unfavorable stories? W: Well, Johnson probably thought they were. reporter
  • with him and Lady Bird. It was sort of confusing. were all sorts of people in different rooms. out which side Lady Bird was on. There I couldn't figure I don't think she really knew. He was getting conflicting advice all day. Finally I think--I
  • at start of LBJ presidency; LBJ and his advisors; LBJ’s method of operation; press comparison of LBJ and Nixon; 1964 campaign; LBJ and Mike Mansfield; Democratic National Committee; fund-raising committees; Lady Bird and Mrs. Rowe
  • great crusade when I lived in Washington. It remained my crusade, and it still is in a way because I'm still fighting to get people out to vote. When I first knew Lyndon and Bird, which was about 1937, wasn't it, at that time I had just begun to catch
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XLII covering 1960 DATE: November 5, 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Harry
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • ; protocol at government social events; decorator Genevieve Hendricks; the many people with whom the Johnsons socialized; Marjorie Merriweather Post; Lady Bird Johnson's interest in parties and other cultures; Mrs. Johnson's interest in cooking; the Johnson's
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 42 (XLII), 11/5/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • into journalism school, as I told you, with Claudia Taylor, who was better known later as lady Bird Johnson. After the war I had moved back to Austin--after I got out of the service. I had taken my daughter to a little playland park out on lamar Boulevard
  • Biographical information; WPA; National Youth Administration; Harry Drought; school program; NYA projects; LBJ's techniques in running statewide agency; Lady Bird; KVET; contacts with LBJ
  • gotten them. These were others, last-minute things. Anyhow, Lyndon started out the conversation something like this. "Well, here it is, boys. I have twenty-five thousand dollars that's been promised me for this campaign, and Lady Bird and I will put
  • remember when LBJ brought Lady Bird home the first time? W: Here? To Johnson City? G: Yes. 8 LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library
  • development; Lady Bird Johnson's interest in highway beautification and preserving trees; Winters' construction company and competition with Brown and Root and Cage Brothers; Winters' work on the Tom Miller Dam; LBJ's decision not to run for re-election
  • on several occasions. Lady Bird are favorite friends of mine. Lyndon and I know when we had our com- bined meeting in Washington of the American Institute of Park Executives and the National Conference of state Parks, which brought together the city
  • him a couple of times, just shook his hand. R: Well, same thing here. He was a gregarious man. He projected well. He projected interest. The one who was the brain behind it all was Lady Bird. Because I was on the Ranch not twenty years later, I
  • /oh He fiddled around in Australia I think it was. I remember when we went out to the house after he was back and he showed some movies he'd taken. One was of a very pretty woman in a park, and Lady Bird said, "Who's that, Lyndon, that pretty
  • Can’t Do It Club; extension of the Selective Service Act; Rowe’s getting in to the Navy; Lady Bird’s work in the office; Tom Clark; KTBC; Eugene Cox incident; Brown and Root tax case; Hardy Hollers; tideland legislation; Leland Olds appointment; natural
  • DATE: September 26-27, 1980 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 3 J: It was such happiness to be back at home in Washington. Our back porch always in the summer
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • house in Washington D.C. and visitors to it; African-American employees over the years; Lynda's birth; choosing the name Lynda Bird; baby gifts; help in caring for infant Lynda; how being parents changed the Johnsons' lives; political opponent Buck
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 18 (XVIII), 9/26/1980-9/27/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • or Lady Bird came here in '60. He'd take that vice presidency. As I recall. Do you know for sure LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library
  • Wilson; Lady Bird; LBJ as VP; LBJ and the Kennedy’s; Medicare Bill; LBJ as President; Johnson treatment; Alabama integration problems; evaluation of LBJ; Vietnam; ranking the presidents; Coolidge anecdote; Congress in the 1920s; National Defense Education
  • , 1977 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: The LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 G: Do you have any recollections of your grandparents at all? J: Not of my mother's mother and father, because I think
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's paternal grandmother; Mrs. Johnson's father, Thomas Jefferson Taylor, Jr., and his childhood; Mr. Taylor's move from Alabama to Texas and setting up his business; the Pattillo family and Mrs. Johnson's parents' marriage; Mrs
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 1 (I), 8/12/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • , and people who had been very prominent in many fields, as Aubrey himself had. sionally LBJ and Lady Bird would be there. And occa- Then, going to the Durr's, Cliff Durr being from Montgomery, Alabama, where I was born and reared, I spent a lot of time
  • tired. I had not seen him that way before. And it concerned me a lot. So I talked with Lady Bird on the phone. As I recall, the hour was perhaps five o'clock, I think Sunday, because she was coming in later. I talked with her and I said, "Bird, I'm very
  • DATE: September 5, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 4 J: So the last week of July 1948 found us--Lyndon, me, all his campaign workers--in the mood composed
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • and his supporters; Lynda and Luci's whereabouts during the campaign; Lady Bird Johnson traveling around Texas attending political events and campaigning; Juanita Roberts; McCarthyism, Alger Hiss and his sister Anna Hiss; Taylor family support in East
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 23 (XXIII), 9/5/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • to say that it was his marriage to Lady Bird. I'm sure that even today she remains the balance wheel that took Lyndon Johnson from a freshman congressman to the Senate to the vice-presidency and to the presidency. Her ability to make friends, her
  • Views on LBJ's Congressional days; LBJ and Rayburn; Lady Bird's effect on LBJ's career; LBJ's setting up naval facilities in Texas; Vinson's leaving Congress
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XL covering 1959 DATE: August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's first impressions of Fidel Castro; Hester Beall Provenson's public speaking course; the Johnsons' 30th Place home in 1959; early impressions of Jacqueline Kennedy; hosting a lunch for the wives of new senators; Sam Houston
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 40 (XL), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] 6 F: Did you ever hear the President comment on these revelations--charges? C: Yes. He was annoyed. He was annoyed that they would exploit it, but he was annoyed that it happened. And he let Lady Bird hear a lot
  • Reaction to William Manchester book; personal statement on Bill Manchester; Lady Bird’s trip to the University of Alabama; flap over Lady Bird’s property in Alabama; Lady Bird’s TV tour of Washington; criticism of Lady Bird for spending
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XXV 1949-1950 DATE: January 2-3, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • 1949 employees, including Zephyr Wright, Patsy White, and Lewis; Drs. John Washington, Radford Brown and Lawn Thompson; Lady Bird Johnson's work managing the household finances; Leland Olds nomination to the Federal Power Commission; agricultural
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 25 (XXV), 1/2/1982-1/3/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • , 1978 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: The LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1 G: Let's start with your trip to New York in June 1934, I guess it was. J: Yes. My daddy gave me that as a graduation
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's June 1934 trip to New York City with Cecille Harrison; receiving LBJ's name and contact information from Gene Boehringer; touring New York City; traveling from New York City to Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Johnson's impressions
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 4 (IV), 2/4/1978, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • oxygen. But I don't recall the details of that. G: Okay. H: And the next time I was intimately involved was the twenty-third of March, 1972. He and Lady Bird were visiting Lynda and Chuck Robb in Charlottesville. Johnson had severe chest pains
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW IX covering 1938 DATE: January 24, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 9 (IX), 1/24/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • around together for a while. r~: Do you have any memories about that? L: Yes, you know, we were talking about that not long ago when we were together. He and Lady Bird invited us to the Ranch and we were talking about it and he said, "You know