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  • Subject > Jenkins, Walter (Walter Wilson), 1918-1985 (remove)

18 results

  • , there were lots of those--I met the Senator. Within a short while, he and Lady Bird--I LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories
  • Circumstances of joining LBJ’s staff; duties in the Texas office; Arthur Perry; Walter Jenkins; office operation; LBJ and the Texas office; Lady Bird; transfer to the Majority Leader’s office; office staff; traveling with the Johnson’s; Johnsons
  • . I f she was We were the first We passed out the balloons, the; popcorn--well, not popcorn of course, but the Lady Bird whistles-since it was a whistle-stop we passed out whistles--candy kisses, LBJ Presidential Library
  • the assassination hurt Dallas’ reputation; Walter Jenkins; the effect of LBJ’s position on their friendship; Dale’s work as chairman of LBJ’s inauguration; the inaugural balls; money made from the inaugural events; accompanying Lady Bird to parties; LBJ and parties
  • they generally travel together? N: No. No, they traveled separately. on me if I had It would have been a lot easier had Bird along. I tell you that. accident which you may have heard about. haven't you? G: The automobile accident? She had an You've
  • 1948 campaign; John Connally’s role; Lady Bird and LBJ as campaigners; fund raising; Senators Wirtz and Russell; FDR and his death; venison story; LBJ’s relationship with his employees; letter count; Glenn Stegall; Walter Jenkins; compassion
  • downtown Boston at lunch hour. his and was the first woman. I wa s in the car immediately behind I was dressed up with white gloves on, and lots of people thought that I was Lady Bird just because I was there, so I had a marvelous time waving. But he
  • parties for him. M: You were about to say something about Mrs. Johnson. MT: Well, yes, Bird and I have been--well, I call her Bird, probably because [pause] of Lady Bird, but I always call her Bird. years, and very good friends. We have been friends
  • cooperation on legislative matters; protective coastal construction after Hurricane Carla; LBJ’s loss on contact with old friends in 1968; assessment of Walter Jenkins; role of Lady Bird; support of LBJ during 1960 campaign; JFK’s trip to Texas; 1968
  • :// ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] Lady Bird on a personal basis, a social basis. More on LBJ Library oral histories: It extended to the children; Lindy
  • 1964, 1968; Lady Bird; LBJ as President
  • rOOIn and there were only, four or five there. r guess I remeInber Lyndon Johnson talking about his great need • • • the way he put it, that he owed so Inuch to Lady Bird and the fact that he was determined to, as it were, pay her back and Inake
  • Biographical information; initial association with LBJ; 1948 Senate campaign; Carl Estes; 1952 campaign and Texas Democrats; Texas delegation to Chicago Democratic National Convention, 1956; Lady Bird; racism and civil rights; Democratic State
  • a pretty good staff and worked the hell out of them, as he did all his staffs. himself, and so did Lady Bird. But he worked He was doing his best to do the people's business, and I think did it damn well. Now if you ask for specifics, it's so damn
  • really right or wrong in your own heart. But one night, a long time after the election, I'm going to be in bed and I'm going to turn over to Lady Bird and say, 'Bird, you know those folks dovm in New Orleans. their judgment.'" at that point. (Laughter
  • President, the new President, sworn in-F: Or to accompany a new president. R: --and even less that we were going to fly back on the plane with the dead President, the new President, Jackie, and Lady Bird, and most of their staffs. F: Let's slow up just
  • as a family, too. You see, we were I even gave Lady Bird a transfusion once. F: Oh, really? G: Anyway, we had a close personal relationship. personal than political. I would say it was more Bird very often would ask me what did I think about something
  • to them, but I didn't conduct them. C: There is an incident that George told me that I think should be in the historical record on Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, that I know only from George, but George was there first hand. the one to tell it. And I'd
  • attack; Lady Bird's increased role in the office
  • . He didn't appear in Nebraska very much, but every member of the cabinet did, and Lady Bird was out a time or two. G: One more question about the Bobby Baker thing in here on the Kennedy Administration. Did you ever get the impression
  • him talking to Senator Russell and Senator Kerr about Lady Bird had spent some of her money buying a ranch. that particular time I had ever been to Texas. was his love. I don't think at This was his hobby, this This did more for him mentally than
  • storm and headed to the Ranch. three or four o'clock in the morning. Got in there around Mrs. Johnson and the other ladies, a friend of hers and Josefa, his sister, were there to meet us and had LBJ Presidential Library
  • nine o'clock at night, and that's no damn time to go house hunting ." He then related that he and Bird had bought a house out on 52nd Street, and they had stuff over there and some of the rooms were fixed up and the cook was working over there every day