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  • Specific Item Type > Personal diary (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Subject > Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

11 results

  • Clark looking in bouncy good health, one of the most genuinely at-peace men I know. Madame Shoumatoff came in and she was indeed in a way the guest of honor this evening. She wears her considerable years lig h tly and her conversation is bright
  • Brief conference with Abe Fortas; meeting with Henry Middleton about films; meeting of LBJ Library Audiovisual Committee; to theater to view "The President's House;" office work & telephone calls; hair styled; portrait party at the White House; Lady
  • and others to Johnson City property; Lady Bird and LBJ to Moursunds and 3 Springs Ranch; LBJ reminisces about picnics and swimming as child; Lady Bird likes river-rafting; Peter Hurd's portrait of LBJ; telephone conversation with Nellie Connally
  • Governor Tom Dewey, LBJ and Lady Bird have breakfast and talk about crime; Lucius Clay; ABC film on beautification; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson; Luci Johnson receives Stingray car for graduation/birthday gift; Johnsons to Camp David
  • went over to Lyndon's office. We called Jake and I3cryl Pickle ;rnd Bill and June White and asked them to come over and take pot­ luck dinn
  • for her, he admires her so much. Well, finally, Clark finished and left, after a conversation here in the house with Mrs. Kennedy, and he will report to us later where we stand on the perpetuation of the Fine Arts Committee, or what’s going to happen
  • 3 Our lunch was in the Lincoln Sitting Room, the table spread by the window facing the monuments. And we used china from various Administrations, a small pleasant conversation piece for such knowledgeable people as Mr. Hoving
  • LBJ and Lady Bird talk about many subjects; LBJ Library; Luci Johnson's conversion to Catholicism; LBJ returns to White House; Lady Bird entertains family; photographs taken outside the house; Lady Bird takes walk to birthplace home; visit
  • Lady Bird to Kennedy Garden to meet Multiple Sclerosis group; Victor Borge's humorous remarks; Lady Bird to lunch at Evelyn Symington's where she tells history of house & describes artwork; conversation about Beautification & Common Market; Lady
  • r e w a s no co o lin g off p la c e b e tw e e n h is m in d a n d his tongue. O n e of t h e t h i n g s I ' v e e n j o y e d m o s t l i v i n g h e r e i n W a s h i n g t o n i n the W hite H o u se i s good conversation, interesting a s s e s
  • to free circus for 6,000 children; LBJ gives speech at State Department reception; Johnsons greet Prime Minister & Mrs. Egal; exchange of gifts; Lady Bird names guests; conversation about conservation; toasts; Anita Bryant is entertainment
  • , it w a s a m u c h lo w e r key -- w a rm and easy conversation, our younger days. r e m in is c e n c e s abo ut B e b e and And m y ow n k e e n ly e x p r e s s e d r e g r e t that he - - o r s o it's s a i d - - i s g e t t i n g o u t of p o l