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  • Specific Item Type > Personal diary (remove)
  • Subject > Press relations (remove)
  • Contributor > Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007 (remove)
  • Subject > Lady Bird Johnson travel (remove)

6 results

  • ci and I. Lyndon w a s in h is o ffic e - I knew a sta tem en t w as being p rep a red . He gave it on TV from the W hite H ouse -" A m erica i s shocked and sadden ed r b y the b ru tal sla y in g tonight of D r. M artin Luther King. I a s k e v
  • & speeches; LBJ works hard with little rest; Johnsons to Democratic fundraiser that night; Lynda Robb relays news that Martin Luther King has been shot & died; LBJ calls Coretta Scott King & makes televised speech; evening plans cancelled & Hawaii trip
  • Lady Bird flies back to D.C. & she is driven to the USS Sequoia; LBJ & Lady Bird read newspapers & have breakfast; Johnsons watch Clark Clifford & Maxwell Taylor on tv; Johnsons watch Martin Luther King on tv; lunch; Luci Nugent meets boat
  • ie t s e r io u s v o ic e s a id ” We t r a v e l ( MEMORANDUM TH E W H IT E HOUSE : ( F r i d a y , A p r il 5, 1968 . WASHINOTON Page 2 w ith a h e a v y h e a r t to d a y , b e c a u s e of th e tra g e d y of D r, King*s d e a th . E v
  • Lady Bird slept little; Lady Bird has coffee with LBJ; they decide Crossing the Trails of Texas trip should continue; Lady Bird alters speeches to include statement about Martin Luther King; to Dulles airport; Washington & foreign correspondents
  • Lady Bird talks to LBJ at Camp David; Lady Bird & foreign press board buses for Goliad; view flowers & cattle; funeral service for Martin Luther King; ceremony at restored Presidio La Bahia; speeches by Stewart Udall & Lady Bird; migrant children
  • with Jesse Kellam and the Thornberrys; upcoming Lady Bird trip with President Truman to Greece for funeral of King Paul; Executive Order creating Committee for the Preservation of the White House
  • le ft and I d ecid ed I m igh t a s w e ll liv e it up. I c a lle d in C h ief King,-^and got a m a s s a g e , and when he had fin ish ed , tip toed to L yndon's MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE :' WA SHI NOT ON - M onday, A p r il 1, 1968 d oor