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  • Specific Item Type > Speech (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

13 results

  • Hubert Humphrey but you send his wife and family, all working fo r your State ; an d when you send Gene McCarthy there is Abigail there , too , and the fami l y, wo r king for the State . And when the Secretary of Agriculture , Orv1lle Fr eeman , is the r
  • , or a g roup of citizens ? ·" That is the immediate problem and the challenge. Most of the great cities and great works of b eauty of the past were built by auto­ cratic societies . The Caesars built Rome. Paris represents the will of the Kings of France
  • -.. Let me tell you the tale of two citie s in Minnesota. the beautification is good busine se. Both illustrate ln Minneapolis, a city of half a million people, businessmen have created a ten-block mall wbere the pedestrian is king -- with ample parking
  • hope that you haYe had the opportunity of visiting over the luncheon table. Since las t Sunday night, some of you may have been wondering whether we would be holding t his luncheon. Let me say it clear and strong: we •re going to be wo!'king until
  • botter c ban ce for educ c. tion, xm ma king i t s t o1m moro livcab l c- -a ll th ese tra il s we s eck out ev cr J da_y , 2.nlt ·,.-e :;!rn.11 con tinuo to s eek th cc o ut . And we shall c lcar th cm. One of our for oign plcasod me an rl open ve r
  • editor. I try to report to him, factually, what I see and hear in the places that I visit. I try to pass along to him, the opinions, the aspirations, the moods and the needs of the people I talk to. Sometimes I will b e ta king trips by myself
  • to be a woman because there are so many roads to take . Two recent experiences have brought me in contact with the broad range of fields open to women. One evening in Greece, where I went to attend the funeral of King Paul, I spent some time with several
  • 34Ç to remove piece of litter in one state? ln another state the bill is 64Ç per paper cup. Think what you can do by simply being "king of your car", and ruling that litter bag4t wW always be used. AU America will welcome the example your
  • king c lock . I t i s the kind of question pondered by Senator Humphrey who has stood beside my husband for t he 16 years he ha s been a Senator and who my husband believes wil l be a wise and he l pful Vi ce - President . I t i s our privilege
  • h a ve done this in wo:-king with fish, wildlife, and recrect:ien agencies. But this type Qf relationship should be extended to those who speak for other public i."lterests -- the private as well as the official groups. ':'hose who so ofte n are your
  • could talk about your Senators , Monroney and Edmond son; I could spend days tal king about your House Delegation, particularly your Majority Leader; but I want to say that none of the things that we have accomplished this year, and this is one
  • :"es t.o be a ci t y planner, a landscape ::rchitect, a. forester , eve:~ a good ga1--denc:r, is assured of a place in t:;:-_i.s most e'.>l;citing new adventure, the r er.'.a king cf our cities 2rid towns . I b$lieve P.!nGricans a~e not just