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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of Oral Histories Given to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

18 results

  • suddenly ordered that the presidential libraries and other public institutions had to make available all transcripts of recorded conversations, or telephone conversations that had 19 LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY
  • of the telephone, especially following JFK's assassination; the difficulty in analyzing LBJ as a whole person using only the telephone conversations; examining presidents and their faults in the context of their time and their experiences.
  • the chances were of getting it out, and who was against it, and who was for it." (telephone ringing and voices in the background) "Johnson was constantly working the floor, working the cloak room, keeping in touch with the interests, the desires, the weakness
  • use of the telephone and the Library's plans to make LBJ's phone conversation recordings available; how George Christian got to know LBJ; LBJ's strengths and flaws; LBJ's interactions with the press; how LBJ kept up to date on Congressional activity
  • some three thousand conversations that were taped, both on the telephone and the Oval Office and Cabinet Room discussions. Harry Middleton is eager to get these opened, obviously. Because you know Johnson didn't commit himself to paper all that much
  • 12, 1983 INTERVIEWEE: BILLY GRAHAM INTERVIEWER: Monroe Billington PLACE: Interview was conducted over the telephone Tape 1 of 1 B: Why don't you just talk a little bit about the time you first had contact with President Johnson? G: Well
  • , 1985 INTERVIEWEE: CYNTHIA WILSON INTERVIEWER: Lewis Gould PLACE: Via telephone from LBJ Library to Ms. Wilson's office Tape 1 of 1, side 1 G: Why don't you start out by just telling us something about your own background, education
  • ? My first contact with President Johnson was during a telephone conversation. It was an amusing situation. It occurred during the Christmas holidays in 1960. I was calling President-designate Kennedy and found him in Florida. I was calling to clear
  • . In giving this history of Wilson County to my niece, I pointed out that Charles Deason, my daddy's older brother, was quite a community leader. I guess today we would call him an activist but he was instrumental in getting the first rural telephone line
  • , and the whole atmosphere was entirely different. In those days a lot of our mail was from people who were trying to get hospitalization or veterans benefits out of World War I. So we would talk to people all day long who came in the office, on the telephone
  • figure that he was. He crune into public life as [Joseph] McCarthy's counsel and then he was [John] McClellan's counsel and then he tapped Martin Luther King's telephone wire. I said, "Piss on Mennen Williams." He said, "You know they'll embarrass you
  • second-guess de Gaulle on the contents of a mano a mano conversation on the first day out is overstretching, even Lyndon. Anyway, at least that kind of "I'll show them" [attitude] is a part of it. It's not the only part, not the largest part
  • '• ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] ! ,, - : I 12 More on LBJ Library oral histories: ,. ) ­ /, \ ( .. I And now to give this conversation a balance
  • Conversation on "The "Federal Government's Remaining Role in Education;"
  • remember, then, I see. So you may have had conversations-- B: I could easily have; I don't remember them. D: Obviously I have to consult that documentary record and see what's there, as to what--but I was struck by-- B: There's nothing here; that's
  • conversations they had with reporters during the day. He was always very interested, very concerned in media treatment of him. One of the problems really of working for· him was that he needed five hours of. sleep a n.ight and that was all. nap
  • order. D: Oh, well, that was a lot of fun. Horace and Whiteside always argued about who was number one and number two. I didn't know there was an argument about nine and ten. R: It's led a lot of conversation. Number eleven Harvey Payne, one of our