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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Contributor > Califano, Joseph A., 1931- (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

46 results

  • and conversations with the people in the LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Califano
  • and Fowler and Martin fly down together to the Ranch, do you recall? C: My recollection is--and you'd have to check the flights--that we were all on the same plane, that we came down on a Learjet. I don't recall anything, any real conversation
  • was pretty good arguing, wasn't I? We were sensitive to the fact that this would start to intrude on domestic programs but what's in that memo of December 21 of mine on the conversation with Ray Shearer was fundamentally our view, that we can only buildup
  • cities. We ended up with a hell of a lot more. G: But this is still a lot when you think about the-- C: Well, we started out with the idea of one or two. G: Oh, really? C: Yes, that's what we were going to do. In the earliest conversations about
  • that it were worth building a plane that could fly supersonically only over water. F: I presume that President Johnson took a fairly active interest in what this committee was doing. C: He did. I am not privy to McNamara's conversations with him when I