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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Subject > LBJ Ranch (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)

6 results

  • with the number of balls he had in the air. He had George Reedy scurrying about with memos, and somebody else whispering in his ear; there were telephone conversations going on, and he seemed to be very much at ease handling four or five things at the very same
  • getting names on this petition. In some congressman's office, finally the White House telephone caught up with me and the President was on the phone. He said, "Tommy, how are you doing?" I said, "I'm doing wonderfully well." And he said, "Well, I want
  • him. Bell Telephone and a bunch of the people opposed it. They came down. I've forgotten who was head of the Bell Telephone at that time. But he showed them, he said, "Boys, you can make money withholding on this dividend. You'll have that cash at your
  • : Right. 8: But I had envisioned he was running the United States on another scale. F: Right. He really had a facility, I think, of keeping several conversations going at once. I'm sure, you know, he's not so busy running the Ranch that he's
  • that time. They went on with thei r paper for over, oh, I guess, ten years or longer, but they finally just closed it up and folded. G: Do you recall--again, going back to that conversation in the Austin Hotel coffee shop--was it pretty cordial? LBJ