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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Subject > Outer Space (remove)
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6 results

  • HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 9 1,,1': I don't recall that we had any specific conversation about that. F: Did he discuss
  • in private meetings, either in bipartisan meetings or by telephone. F: One of the early burdens that both President Eisenhower and Senator Johnson had to face was the problem of Senator Joseph McCarthy. H: Yes. F: Both were criticized for not being
  • thing I find curious and I've had to make this correction speaking to people around the world as a matter of fact, when we get into conversations about the Presidents of the United States. That there is an enormously strong myth that President Kennedy
  • Arms Control Disarmament Agency--had frequent occasions to deal with Mr. Spurgeon Keeney. M: Do any of these sort of stand out in your mind? Were you there, or were these primarily through telephone conversations? D: Mostly, I think it was Mr
  • , we were in a recess and Mr. Rayburn was the only one there from the House and Mr. Truman was over there from the Senate--he was Vice President--and the telephone rang and Mr. Rayburn was sitting at the desk like this, answered it, says, "It's for you
  • you remember any conversations with Johnson on this? I think you and he generally voted together. G: That's right. I talked to Johnson and I talked to Knowland to see if we couldn't divide the so-called foreign aid bill into three. One would