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  • star Hugh O'Brian), Mrs. Johnson acknowledges the accolades of the audience. Library Hosts Lady Bird's 80th Birthday It was an exercise in nostalgia, humor and reminiscence; and underlying it all was a consideration of the influence one woman had
  • , and her decision to adopt "beautification" as her special inter­ est as First Lady. In that speech, President Johnson had clearly linked the country's natural splendor to his vision of the Great Society. Lady Bird Johnson took this vision and began
  • President Jimmy Carter will be the first lecturer in the annual series endowed hy Lady Bird Johnson and named for Harry Middleton, Library Director. President Carter's address will take place on March 6, 1995. Turnovers . .. Pat Borders (left) joins
  • Issue Number XLII February 15, 1988 Lady Bird Johnson at 75 (seepp. 2-3) Photo by Frank Wolfe Jubilee Year Filled With Activity Lady Bird Johnson's jubilee year­ she was 75 on December 22-was marked by a move into a new house which she decorated
  • .'' With the last notes of that number. a display of fire orks lit up over the Lady Bird Johnson Overlook in fr nt of the Library, concluding the evening. Cactus Pryor was Master of Ceremonies for the evening's program. The following pages of lhe news­ letter give
  • . It was the Library's first such gathering. 3 The First Lady's Gallery: The Legacy of Lady Bird Johnson Tbe "Today Show" crew prepares to film Luci Baines Johnson for a segment on the opening of the Gallery. The show aired nationally on December 17. An exhibit
  • will be his definitive biography. [t is a superlative effort." First Lady Gallery To Open Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn once said of Lady Bird Johnson "The smartest thing Lyndon ever did was to marry her.' Library Director Middleton has long wanted to have
  • ter of some of the country's most controversial court cases early in the century. Luckinbill 's presentation was the second in the annual lectureship series established and endowed by Lady Bird Johnson and named for Library Director Harry Middleton
  • for centuries is re-created in the panoramic displays which are part of the exhibition. During a press preview of the exhibit, Lady Bird Johmson observed, "I think it explains us to ourselves. It's sort of an introduction of some of us to the rest of us
  • articulate advocate than George Christian. While the Library will miss his wise and calm counsel, it is a better and stronger institution be
  • Among Issue Number LXIV, January, 200 l Lady Bird Johnson Receives National Parks Honor National Park Foundation Officials Jim Maddy and George Bristol, with Mrs. Johnson and Daughter Luci Story on Page Six Senate Democratic Leader Daschle
  • . Christian with Library Director Harry Middleton 3 LADY BIRD JOHNSON'S "A WHITE HOUSE .\t the entrance to the exhibit is a giant photograph of the author, talking into her recorder as he did regularly in a small room on the ).CCOOd lloor of the White
  • the appearance of Lady Bird .Johnsonin the lecture hall.) 3 "The role of education.' Cathy Gorn; Maura Pierce; Larry Hackman; Rosemary Morrow; panel chair David Eisenhower. releases public speeches, and media articles. That is the first topic the symposium
  • from the Morgan Libra!) in fliiewYork 1977 Helen Hayes, Pm;ton Jones, and Kirk Dou~ presented a prognun honoring Lady Bird Johnson in the culmination of a drin which rahed a S2 million endowment for the Friendsof the LBJ Library 1978 An e,hibil
  • attraction second only to the Alamo in popularity. Thousands more have attencJcJ Library symposia led by some of our most challenging contemporary thinkers. This is no gray and lifeless archival repository. It was never meant to be. Lady Bird Johnson, who has
  • , Lady Bird and Lyndon Johnson's younger daughter. On behalf of my sister Lynda-who our father always called Daddy's Darling Daughter-we want to welcome you to this Centennial Celebration of Lyndon Baines Johnson's birth. A century ago, on this very day
  • ~~AmongFriends ofLBJ 1ssue NUMBER xi, JANUARY 24 1978 NEW§LEIJEREUIEUP§ PETHE PETHE LBJ8RAQY b1 ; :,;~;;~- ..~ ,_./!~ .... A National Tribute to Lady Bird Johnson (See pages 2-41 A National Tribute to Lady Bird Johnson It was a tribut
  • OSSUENUMa,,, .. ,, ...... Frie~~~,.?.! M.,,!:mong LADY BIRD IN CHINA ( p.1 •(' I ) Visitors to the Library August 27: Once again the Library served cake and punch lo it.svisilon, to commemorate the birthdate of Lyndon Baines Johnson
  • attention on contributions made by First Ladies in the White House, reviewed Lady Bird Johnson's efforts in the field of beautifica­ tion, and covered some of that area in his ad­ dress at the Library. Excetpts: ... Lady Bird Johnson's envi­ ronmental
  • will open in the spring of l 995. The Exhibition The exhibit opens with a d,trk corri­ dor recalling ovcmber 22, 1963 the day of the assassination of President Kennedy. The captions accompanying th photographs are in Lady Bird Johnson·· words, taken from
  • , Lady Bird al buried in thi hal­ low d ground Ii es on-in the pccta ular b auty that can be found not ju t in wildflow­ er acr . our ranges and prai­ ries, but in p ckets of natural beaut in ju t about very city in our nation. Colonel Clark recalls
  • of the Friends will also b held at the Library in early fall. Lady Bird Johnson hosts meetings at LBJ Ranch Members of the LBJ Foundation Board of Directors along with the LBJ Foundation May 13-14 at the LBJ Ranch for two days of bu iness meetings
  • Among FdJrunry 2007 Lady Bird Johnson, Daughter Lynda Bird Robb, and LBJ Museum Curator Sandy Cohen, posing before photos from LBJ's childhood, on their way to review the new exhibit on Rural Electrification in Central Texas. Story begins on Page
  • Issue NumberLXI November 15, 1995 The Johnson women (most of them): Lucinda Robb, L,·nda Robb, Lady Bird Johnson, Cathy Robb, Nicole Nugent Covert, Luci Baines Johnson, Nicole (Mrs. t,,ndon) l\ugent. (Missing: Claudia Nugent, Rebekah Nugent
  • . The other was Will Rogers, the cowboy philosopher who was one of the most popular figures in American Ufe until his death in 1935. He was impersonated by Cy Eberhart, whose presentation was based on Rogers' words. 3 Senator Chafee receives First Lady Bird
  • the proclamation, Lady Bird Johnson said. ··1 remember his sense of long-lasting satisfaction in sign­ ing this act .. A letter sent by Pr . 1dent Reagan. read at the ceremony, said m part: "We know today that without the influence and strength of our 36th
  • the development of "realistic criteria" in assessing the impact of reforms in the Soviet Union. Lewis Gould, U.T. historian (below). discussed his book, Lady Bird Johnson and the Environment. 8 Philip Bobbitt (left) outlined the dy­ namics of nuclear deterrence
  • ." -Historian Brian VanDeMark in a letter to Regina Greenwell More Honors For Lady Bird Pltoto hy Correll Grigshy Lady Bird Johnson received three awards to add to her long list of hon­ ors. The Woodstock Foundation pre­ sented her with the First Laurance
  • •. Thomas recalled what Lady Bird Johnson has done for the environ­ ment, and told the story of a teacher who took her class of small children to visit Mrs. Johnson s Wildflower Center. The te·1cher showed the stu­ dents a portrait of Mrs. Johnson in a fi Id
  • about those pie. i. that they ere actually for the Pre ident. Williams at that time cooked l'or Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and his family at their Stonewall, Texas ranch. The Vice President, Lady Bird, the Pre ident and First Lady ere scheduled
  • the press he's not an crony of mine. r thin!' his wife i a friend of Lady Bird's but l don't v n know him. lf he were to walk into this room l don't think l would recognize him." George said, ''Mr. President. I don't believe that's going to sell.'' Bill
  • give at least three hours a week lo the Library. 11 LADY BIRD AND WILDFLOWERS "Beginning with my childhood, I have had a love affair with nature I have never ceased to savor:• On behalf of the Wildflower Research Center, which she created on her
  • to enjoy in full measure. I am grateful that the great constant in my life for 50 years has been my political association and my most affectionate friendship with Lady Bird Johnson. Another constant has been my love of the Capitol Dome and all
  • as the first speaker in the annual series endowed by Lady Bird Johnson in the name of Harry Middleton, Library director. Speaking to an overflow crowd. half of whom were university stu­ dents, President Carter discussed some of his recent efforts to bring
  • . This exhibit is a celebration in honor and recognition of the legacy of President Johnson's devotion to the arts and civil rights. We pay homage to Lady Bird Johnson during this com­ memorative exhibition for her outstanding leadership in the areas of culture
  • to that news and responded into the phone, "Lady Bird, President Truman says he likes hash." Of all their memories, Ms. Johnson concluded, the ones she treasures most are of the camaraderie they felt with other First Families who they came to know. a pt:cial
  • Among May 2006 Photo by Charles Bogel A Visit to the LBJ Ranch. Story on page 3 A Birthday Party Lady Bird Johnson celebratec.Jher 93rd Birthda on December 22, 2005. The Friends or the LBJLibrary were invited to help cele­ brate in the Library·s
  • from the Museum's Collections," runs from June 29 to Sept. 29, 2002. The exhibit features items that have never been publicly displayed together at the LBJ Library and Museum, including caricatures of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson, campaign mem­ orabilia
  • on November 24-it fell to me to approve that directive ... I did so." 6 Laurence Luckinbill visited Lady Bird Johnson at the Library during the Austin nm of his show. Luckinbill inside the LBJ makeup and persona ---------- A Look At The Documents
  • Among December 2005 Photo by Charles Bogel December 6, 2004: Lady Bird Johnson Welcomes an Old Friend, for an Evening with U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in the LBJ Auditorium. Story on page I 3. An Evening with Marvin Watson and Sherwin