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  • Time Period > Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963) (remove)
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131 results

  • - Mrs. Johnson served as hostess in lieu of Mrs. Kennedy Bill White Cecil Burney -- handshake in reception room of P-38 Bill Moyers Ramsey Clark pictures in reception room with 50 winners from each state of Jaycee safe-driving contest Bill White -- told
  • with Maury and Frank Erwin President Kennedy -- re: Maury and Erwin To White House to see President with Frank Erwin and Maury Maverick, Jr. Ramsey Clark Bobby Baker To Sheraton Park Hotel SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Page No.
  • Skelton and Frank Mayborn Allen Drury Bill White Bill White Elmer Lower and William Monroe, Jr. of NBC news to present VP with film of Inaugural events Jack Bell and Bill Theis Atty Gen Kennedy-- showed him letter from Luther Holcomb Fletcher Knebel Sim
  • on New England trip, article on space by Pearson W. Jenkins J. C. Kellam To Senate Gym To 5121 - - departing at 6:2 5 To the White House w/ Mrs. Johnson for President Kennedy's White Tie dinner for the Empero r of Ethiopia To 4040 w/ Mrs. Johnson
  • Soup prepared in P-38. Senator Russell joined for this supper. To White House with Senator Russell. Joined President Kennedy. Went to Marine Barracks for special Retreat Parade. The Nat'l. Security Council meeting scheduled for 11 a.m. today
  • September 10, 1962 visited by)* Lo LD 10:15a 11:00a 11:05a t 11:15a f 11:25a 11:35 f 12:05p 12:35p t 1:45p 2:00p 2:15p 2:30p 2:35p f 3:00p t 3:15p 4:15p 5:00p t 5:15p t 5:20p 5:25p f 5:27p t 5:30p t 5:40p To the White House. Met with President Kennedy
  • FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Sen Kennedy and Page No. TELEPHONE CODE: f t Lo LD - Notes concerning the Senator's Activity from to Local Long Distance EXPENDITURE CODE: A C E SP - Automobile CP - Commercial Plane R - Restaurant Cab Entertainment T
  • Kennedy in El Paso at airport; addressed airport crowd 4. 10:30p September 11 , 1960 Checked into Hotel Cortez. Groucho Mar x (Los Angeles, Cal.) re: appearance on t v progra m To El Paso -- see travel activity Selected names should be underscored
  • Civic Center Watched Kennedy-Nixo n t-v debate Spoke to rally at Civic Center To Washington, D. C. -- see travel activity Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Page No. TELEPHONE CODE: f t Lo LD - Notes
  • from St. Francis School in Brooklyn Lunch in P-38: Walter Hornaday, Dick West, Bob Baskin $4.00 Phil Potter Bill White Cecil Dickson Sen Eastland Kenneth Crawford, re: Newsweek errors Bobby Sen Kennedy, re: West Virginia primary To Speaker's office
  • of Thailand Texas Delegation John Sen Bill Knowland (Oakland, Cal) Sen Dirksen Speaker George Sokolsky (Otis , Mass) Gover Tawes (Baltimore) Abe Fortas Chief Aystunb e Rosiki (Nigeria) and Louis Martin (Chicago) W. P. Kennedy, (Cleveland); Walter Munro
  • Telephone f or t Day Monda y August 31 , 195 9 Date. h Place , N W Activity (include visited by)* Lo LD Left hom e fo r Capito l Military Construction Conference Committee, F-37 Senator Johnso n opene d th e Senat e Lunch in P-38 1.50 Sen. Kennedy, Andy
  • President and Sen Dirksen Khrushchev droppe d in but did not eat) To 30t h Place with Norman Arrived at 30th Place To bed Arrived at P-38 with Bobby Sen Kennedy Bill Macomber Staff Meeting Secretary Dillon Carl Marcy Judge Walsh Congressman Clark Thompson
  • not open it) Ed Clark , Austi n Sen Jordan, re seeing J.V. Whitfield (Wallace, NC) Drew Pearso n Drew Pearson, r e: wire from Paul Ziffren on civi l right s Lunch in P-38 with Tom Kennedy, James Mark, Bobby $5.00 Dave Botter and group of students from
  • Ranch Date. Activity (includ e visited by) * LD December 7, 1960 Expenditure Code Sen Kennedy (Wash, DC) R. D. McCain (Dallas) A. W. (Johnson City) John White (Austin) French Robertson (Abilene) Gov. Buford Ellington (Nashville) Bob Clark (Dallas
  • : Dr. Weaver Judge Marvin Jone s and grou p to shake hands Sen Dirksen Bobby Baker Hobart Taylor, Jr. , Abe Fortas; Arthur Goldberg Sen Gruening Sen Pell President Kennedy -- re: Dr. Weaver and Sen Blakley's inquiry about any Communist connections Bobby
  • (Austin) (re: wanting VP to proclaim Bowling Week in Texas) Albert Thoma s Dan Kimball Peruvian Embassy with Mrs. Johnson - Dinner honoring President and Mrs. Kennedy, hosted by President and Mrs. Prado. * Selected names should be underscored
  • 20 11:20 11:35 f 12:10p 12:30 1:50 2:00 t 2:20 4:00 t 4:40 f 4:45 f 4:50 5:00 6:35 21 22 6:52 7:18 4040 52nd Street, Washington, D. Activity (include C. Date February 13, 1963 visited by)* LD President Kennedy - re: Finance Committee Bobby
  • To David Brinkley's residence w/ Mrs. Johnson arriving at 6:22 -- meet Attorney General and Mrs. Kennedy there for a buffet supper To the Palace Theater w/ Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. David Brinkley, arriving at 8:03 for "Stay-in-school Fund Benefit" To 4040
  • House , departing 4040 w/ Norman, arr'g at 8:43a. W. House Leadership Breakfast (Breakfast w/ Pres. Kennedy and others re: preparation President's News Conference.) To President's Office, walking w/ the President. To Capitol w/ Norman, arr'g 10:01 in S
  • / Ray Lee, after brief visit w/ Mr. Lee 1:00 Luncheon at the Embassy of Bolivia - President of Bolivia hosting President Kennedy 3:20 3:21 3:40 3:55 4:00 4:20 4:25 4:45 5:45 5:57 6:00 7:45 Arrive S212 Discussion w/ Mrs. D. A. Beech, Genl. Wm. Morgan
  • , National Airport To Boston, Massachusetts, arriving at 4:30 To Statler Hilton Hotel via motorcade. . .then to suite To Reception in hotel preceding dinner VP attends dinner given by Associated Industries of Massachusetts in hotel introduced by Sen. Kennedy
  • f Arr P-3 8 Opened Senat e To Pie r 2 , Nav y Yar d Anne x t o visi t Coas t Guar d Barqu e EAGL E - gues t o f President Kennedy Returned t o P-3 8 Liz Carpente r Texas Delegatio n Luncheon . Too k a s guests : Ceci l Long , Joh n Babcock , Si m
  • - Notes concerning the Senator's Activity * Senator Johnso n receive d a wire fro m Se n Kennedy , directe d t o hi m a s chrma n of th e Texa s delegation , askin g t o appea r befor e th e Texa s delegatio n t o debat e the issues . I t was though t b y
  • opene d th e Senat e Sen Scot t Luca s Paul Nage l an d grou p o f lette r carrier s George Killia n F-41 fo r lunc h To Se n Kennedy' s offic e P-3 6 fo r visi t wit h Gov . Vandive r o f Georgi a Picture take n b y member s o f Dem o Stat e Centra l
  • :45p 3:15p 3:45p 4:30p 7:30p Mrs. Johnson, Mary and Liz to Georgia for tea Citizens for Kennedy-Johnson coffee in Sheraton-East: Mrs. Roosevelt was there. Carmine DeSapio and Mike Pendergast in hotel suite Ed Weisl Dick Berlin To Richmond, Va -- see
  • ought to let their people be more active for them. Senator Johnson said he resented all the pressure coming from Kennedy and Gov. Stevenson said he did, too. Gov. Stevenson said he was always getting reports that Senator Johnson did not like him
  • Anderson Sen Williams (Del) Sen Kennedy Sec Anderson and Bryce Harlow Lunch in P-38: Sec Anderson, Bryce Harlow, Sen Dirksen 6.60 Sen Kerr Sen Kerr came in while Sec Anderson, Bryce Harlow were still here George Brown, Houston Sen Fulbright Bill Kittrell
  • ) with : Senator s Anderson , Bible , Byr d (WVa) Dodd, Ellender , Frear , Fulbright , Gore , Holland , Kennedy , Long , Magnuson; Marli n Sandlin , Skeete r Johnston , Bobb y Bake r Joe Fishe r Cong Jo e Marti n Judge Lawrenc e E . Walsh , Deput y Att y Genera l
  • 7:30p 7:45p 9:00 NOTES: Dinner w/ Homer Thornberry - Green Pastures Flew to College Station to pick up Bob Kennedy; then to ranch to spend night. Expenditure Code
  • ) and group of members of Italian Parliament -just handshake and hello Justice Frankfurter -- part of conversation was about federal judgeships and nomination o f Joh n Tucke r Sen Kennedy dropped in while Justice Frankfurter was here, also Jerry Holleman
  • Moyers Watched Kennedy-Nixon debate from 450 9. Spent night at 480 Driskill Hotel Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Page No. TELEPHONE CODE: Notes concerning the Senator's Activity f- from t - to Lo
  • . Receptio n endin g all-da y conferenc e o f EEO . Bot h th e the Vic e Presiden t an d Mrs . Johnso n spoke . 3. 7:10p To Ne w Yor k Cit y se e Trave l activity . 8:20p Arr Ne w Yor k City . To Madiso n Squar e Garde n fo r Presiden t Kennedy' s birthda
  • Genera l an d Mrs. Rober t Kennedy . * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Saturday June 16, 1962 Expenditure Code TELEPHONE CODE: f t Lo LD - from to Local Long Distance EXPENDITURE CODE: A C E SP
  • . Upstair s conferenc e wit h Dr . Guillerm o Leo n Valencia , President elect o f th e Republi c o f Colombia , an d Presiden t Kennedy . White Hous e luncheo n honorin g Dr . Leo n Valencia . Ret'd. P-3 8 Talked t o Georg e Brown . Telephone discussio n
  • 52nd. St. for White House for helicopter transport./MF & CK accompanied. Arr White House. Visited with Caroline Kennedy. Departed for Andrews AFB Arr Andrews AFB Dep Andrews with CK, MF, Sgt. Glynn, Youngblood and MMV for Texas Landed at Brown and Root
  • statement. For most of the trip Vice President and Mrs. Johnson stayed in their cabin with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith (Mrs. Smith is sister of President Kennedy) and at various times visited with Senator & Mrs. Fong, Senator and Mrs. Long (Hawaii
  • parliamentar y rol e i n Europea n integratio n Opened Senate , returnin g t o S21 2 a t 12:3 0 p m Depart S21 2 Upstairs a t th e Whit e Hous e w / Presiden t Kennedy , Mrs . Johnson , an d th e Presiden t of Bolivi a White Hous e Luncheo n fo r th e Presiden
  • (d) Maryland Daniel Inouye (D) Hawaii Edward Kennedy (D) Massachusetts George McGovern (D) South Dakota Thomas J. McIntyre (D) New Hamp. ce President's Activity Gaylord Nelson (D) Wisconsin Abraham Ribicoff (D) Connecticut Peter Dominick (R
  • conversations with LBJ Chairman Macy Hank Brown (San Antonio) concerning civil rights and labor Meeting w / Hobart Taylor, George Reedy, Chairman Macy , Bill Kendrick, Mr. Houston, Lee White To the White House to meet w/ President Kennedy and President