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  • Time Period > Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963) (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)
  • Series > Vice Presidential Security File (remove)

20 results

  • arrival ceremony statement and fire­ Monday, 6 August 9:30 AM Attend King's 10:15 Presentation 12:00 1:00 Noon PM H.R.H. swearing-in House of gift reception Luncheon Jamaican of Governor-General at to Bustamente at King's House
  • , it believed that this evaluation was t~r others to make. The reterence airgram reported 1'be Ambassador recently received a letter froJn Assistant Secretar,_ Edwin M. Martin, who was a member of the Special Mission, in wbich refer­ ence •a made
  • no plans should be confirmed to boat government unW approved byVice President. Mrs. lollnsoo will accompany. Edwin • Martin, Director Office Chloeae Affairs, w11lbe senior repreMntattv Bureau of Far Eutern Affaita. Furth r tnstrucUona and detalla
  • . I presently favor visit if police can clearly demonstrate within next two weeks ability:maintain order. Ship visit March 24.-25 will provide good test. MARTIN IM:MJA-2 Authority By L.b( DECLASSIFIED 1 /-IT E ;;. -S - 5 ?6 , NARS, Date "I- 7
  • will retire in the fall. Erhard seems the logical and probable successor because of his popular appeal and the difficulty the king-makers (Brentano-Dufhues-Strauss) will face in agreeing on an alternative. The present coalition (CDU/FDP) will probably continue
  • ••JITH .M!KOYAN_ , ' BUT NOT t:lU !TE SU'RE ' .-f: · '~~ETHER HE HAD ANY PRIOR ENGAGEMENT FOR TOMORR0'" •NIGHT. ·. ; . · . · ·• , 1.~0ULD GIVE DEFI°NITE REPLY FI~ST .THI-NG ._ TOMORRO(.r MORNING · . : ·,...• '.,.:· ..: . AF'TER. C.H~C-KING C'.;ALENDA
  • Netherlands European Communities Courtesy Calls Belgium - King Baudouin I Prime Minister Lefevre Luxembourg - Grand Duchess Charlotte Netherlands - Prime Minister Marijnen 1. 2. 3. Ill. Background F. G. H. I. Papers Congo EEC and Trade Negotiations
  • " o4•'-'3 1118 Sketch RESTRICTION Conf. Olsson ~~ h-2-3 DL/ //17 Sketch DATE CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE Conf. Na ~ ., 04--
  • (21) SUBJECT TAB BELGIUMContinued Vice President's meeting November 9, 1963 with King Baudouin on Memorandum from the Vice President from Belgium on November 9, 1963 • I I on his departure (22) (23) -■ ... ■• -,._ ,■ ■ .. - 'I
  • prices meeting regarding ECBUS 635 11/9/63 Summary Aspects Benelux ECBUS 634 11/9/63 Vice President's EEC Commission 11/10/63 Vice King 692 SUBJECT SECRi'E_,. President on Prime and Ambassador Minister with of European Community Vice
  • Memorial to War Dead Audience and Lunch with King ~ 1300 III/Finland/I. III/Finland/L III/Finland/M III/Finland/If VII/E III/Finland/0 III/Finland/P VIII(A)/A/6 VIII (A)/ A/11 III/Norway/A III/Norway/I VII/F VII/G -4- Date - Time Description 9
  • it ia being abandoned If it gets that feeling it will throw in sponge. RLG; Lao··King and Lao people dismayed-by US efforts to induce them to set up coalition government since they feel this is asking them to put their necks in Coaaunlst noose. 2. 3
  • the men and women of East Germany. Khrushchev can not deal with Western strength and Eastern weakness by these means any more than King Canute could stop the rising tide. This is a time for confidence and faith among the West Berliners, among the West
  • ~~#'/~~, By A??'j , NARS, Date , ~- ~ • 1 &A-Z~h/4-? ~// ?/77 aR1 ~ 2. degree• otr d1n•••• S o ~o training and are quit• P-.--.l d1v1a1on• to a atat• ot a t n aa, praot1oal and eoonoaaioal Mthod ot ll&king would be to aobillae aOM ot the Hat1onal have