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80 results

  • the Interioro Executiv D1recto -oooMembers Present:· Mrso Phillip Graham of Washington, D.c. Mro Leonard Doggetto Waah1ngtono DoC Mr~ Victor Gruen. Los Angeles Kro Charles A. H0 rsky. Advisor for Hat1o 1 Capital Affairs, White ·: .Hause Mro Rudolph
  • " the editorial with Mrs. Graham. j AM./ T MLee/ mfb #5 ~ DE~~II E.O. WS6, Sec. 3.4 93
  • : -: V­ Jim Jones Barefoot Sanders ,· .. . ·' You asked me for the names of 10 Democratic Congressmen who will likely have difficult races for reelection• I suggest the following and can furnish addi~ional names: Dante Fas cell ·~ Graham
  • and re1entment over the U.S. policy of advocating ••lf•determinatilm for Portugal's African terri• tori•• and U.S. reatriction ■ a1ain1t the uae of ad.liter, equipment of U.S. ori1in in Portuaue•• Africa. Ambaaaador Garin ia married to the former Pby111• Graham
  • Vegas, Nevada. UNGER,Leonard., State SCALAMANDRE, Franco, Long Island City, DUKE,Angier Biddle, State New York BUNDY,William P., State SCHEIBEL, Kenneth M., Wash., D.C. WARNKE,Paul C., Defense SHELTON, Isabelle, Wash., D.C. MARTIN,Graham, State SHORT
  • heard this when he came in a week or so ago to ask if I would write him a general letter of recommendation for discreet use. Last night Kay Graham told me that she was talking to him today about a possible job in the Post/Newsweek organization. 2. ·when
  • and Ambassador Graham Martin, as they survey the prospects for 1966. Bob McNamara is very annoyed by the reference to the shortage of iron bombs. He says there is no shortage except in the context of a perfectly fantastic rate of B-52 chops
  • • To Ramer, Executive Director Jolua T. CDDwaJ, Aeaiatant Director Lt.. Colo Rlcbard Co, Staff Conallltant MUltarr Operatiou Herbert Roback. Atamlc S11bcommlttee, HN•• Staff Admlnlatratoro EneraJCommlaalon: Joba McCODe, ~balrmaa •• Jolla Graham
  • , 1968 FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM WALT ROSTOW REPEAT TO GEORGE CHRISTIAN 1. Secretary Rusk had a long tough talk with Kay Graham. Kay took the remarkable view: ''If the story is wrong, the burden of proof is on the government to correct it!" 2. I called
  • Administrator for Administration, Presently Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Harris Former Deputy~ecretary Julius V General, ' A. I. D. QECD Holmes Retired Ambassador Graham Martin Ambassador to Thailand James Riddleberger _ Ambassador (in process
  • , Frank BLOOK,Joseph RHYNE,Charles SAMPS~, F.clith ROBFBTS,Roy MAIER,V. Irwin DUBINSKY,David GFBOT, Paul S. WATSCti,Thomas, Jr. SARNCFF,Robert WIESNER,Jerome THAYFB,Walter WADSWCRTH, James J. SCUTT, V. J. GRAHAM,Katherine HARRISON,George WIEN
  • . Resolution - Cochise-Graham Cattle Growers Association 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 34a [3 of 67] PAGE NO. B. c. IV. Public Officials 1. Resolution - Southern Livestock Sanitary Officials 2. Letter - Honorable John Connally 3. Letter