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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Contributor > Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)

149 results

  • te d though I didn*t m e et them so a lso w e re the Gene Cham bers and H. E. Butt; old tim e rs lik e Tom C o rc o ra n a nd Jim Row e; quite a fe w g o v e rn o rs , in cl uding the Sanfords; not a Kennedy in sight, and ev e ry w h e re m o re and m
  • to be the trad e m ark of Lyndon and h is b o y s. A ctu a lly in cold fac t, he n eed s m any of the things that Bobby Kennedy has and r e p r e s e n ts and is able to a ttr a c t. But , as he h im s e lf sa id , we tr a v e le d d ifferen t p a th s
  • Johnsons to National City Christian Church; lunch, newspapers and Republic Convention on TV with LBJ; cocktail party at the Jack Valentis; dinner at White House with friends; news story about LBJ and the Presidency; Bobby Kennedy
  • ay 9» 1964 P a ge 3 Then we went quickly out to M itc h e ll F ie ld on Long Island, fo r the dedication o f a John F , Kennedy Educational C iv ic and C u ltu ral Cente r . The scene was oddly ru ra l so clo se to New Y o r k C ity. fie ld , w ith
  • Tour of White House gardens with Mrs. Paul Mellon; plan to create a Jacqueline Kennedy garden; personal time swimming with friends and family; approval for Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; telephone call to Jacqueline Kennedy
  • the sum m er. MEMORANDUM THE W H ITE HOUSE Sunday, M a y 3, 1964 WASHINGTON Page 2 I think Kennedy sent back, during those three y e a rs that he did it, a good number o f in form ed, enthusiastic friend s and possibly future public servants them
  • the tram poline used to be. It is now g o n e ^ it belonged t o M r s . Kennedy^and the hole has been f ille d and lev e le d . We la y down on the ground and looked up at the blue, blue sky until we began to fe e l damp and cold, and then thought what
  • Lady Bird's clothing and shopping for shoes; call to Jacqueline Kennedy, who has a little girl with chicken pox; call to Nellie Connally and Lady Bird's concern for politics in Texas; call to Mary Lasker about art; dinner with A.W. Moursund, Babe
  • Kennedy. I t ' s b e e n one y e a r , one m o n t h a n d two d a y s s i n c e P r e s i d e n t K e n n e d y ' s v i r g i n a p p e a l to ge t i t p a s s e d - a n d I ' d h a t e to put h o u r to h o u r a l l of the c a l l s , the t a l k s
  • Lady Bird's trip to New York for clothes fitting; lunch with Billie and Wendy; Tax Bill passed and signing ceremony; LBJ's speech and praise for Sen. Byrd; LBJ & Lady Bird to Mrs. Kennedy's house to present 4 signing pens; presentation of tray
  • of P r e s id e n t John F i t z g e r a l d Kennedy d u r in g th e f u n e r a l ma s s . P r e c e d in g t h e i r rem o v a l t o A r lin g to n where t h e y a w a ited th e jo y o u s day o f Re s u r r e c t i o n . " Somehow th e pronouns
  • LBJ and Lady Bird attend Red Mass at St. Matthews Cathedral with Luci, and Pat Nugent; Lady Bird reflects on bronze plaque in church about President Kennedy; Johnsons go to Jack Valenti's for coffee; lunch back at the White Housie; LBJ takes a nap
  • Senator Edward Kennedy's plane crash; Lady Bird calls Rose Kennedy, Birch Bayhs and Mrs. Edward Kennedy; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson about security problem on her flight; office work; Lady Bird reads; walk around White House
  • Lady Bird meets with Chief Usher, J.B. West, at the White House; in the afternoon, Lady Bird returns to the White House and discusses housekeeping details with Jacqueline Kennedy; Mrs. Kennedy's request for Caroline's school at White House
  • each o f the two c h ild re n , and one which I said I h o p ed--I thought perhaps she m ig h t lik e --to send on i MEMORANDUM THE W H I T E HOUSE WASHINGTON F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 28, 1964 Page 4 to M r s . R o s e Kennedy, I said goodbye
  • Return home from Florida; Visit to and meeting with Mrs. Kennedy about Society for the Preservation of the White House and its members; Mrs. Kennedy agrees to be public member; Fine Arts Committee; gift of four JFK minted coins; office work; John
  • MEMORANDUM C THE W H ITE HOUSE W A S H I N G T ON Page 1 Thursday* M ay 28, 1964 What a busy day. It began a little a fte r 11, by going to A r lington C e m e te ry to la y a w reath on the g ra ve o f P re s id e n t Kennedy, because to m o
  • , and then w hen e v e r y th in g i s in p la c e in it it w i l l be turned o v e r to the F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t, B obby w a s e a s y , r e la x e d , but he i s an e n ig m a to m e . M r s , R o s e Kennedy w a s th e r e , a s s lim and p r e
  • Women Doers Luncheon with speaker, Jane Jacobs; funny story about Mrs. Charles Marsh; LBJ makes brief appearance; office work; Dorris Powell tells stories about Lady Bird's mother; LBJ & Lady Bird to dinner in New York honoring Jacqueline Kennedy
  • that thi~ wa~ the sa.nie group last y~ar that had so :;\\'J.n1pctl Prc:sitlcnt ___ .,,,, '--·­ 1964 Monday, July 20th (c1 •. tinued) Kennedy that he had lost a tie clasp and a shoe, so it was reported, and had been kissed, mauled and clutched
  • and LBJ birthday; recordings project of White House entertainment with proceeds to Kennedy Center; visit with Texans at luncheon; walk in gardens with Dr. and Mrs. Morgan; visit with Luci Johnson
  • Lady Bird describes riding in the motorcade in Dallas, Texas, with JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy, Governor John Connally, and Nellie Connally; hearing shots fired; feeling the car accelerate and arriving at [Parkland] Hospital; Lady Bird discusses
  • Bird describes Jack Valenti; guests for dinner at White House with meeting about campaign; Lady Bird talks with Clark Clifford about Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and recording White House entertainment
  • at the ranch with P re s id e n t Kennedy. tie the deer under a tree. T h o m a s v ille , in fact. We a ll but had to And Con gressm an John P ilc h e r , of G eo rg ia - He and I re m in is c e d about Aeneas A frican u s - and MEMORANDUM THE WH I T E
  • ; visit with Luci Johnson about Christmas gift list; beautification program benefits nurseries; dinner party at Abe Fortas' home; Fortas meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy about Kennedy Center; Lady Bird swims
  • iv in g line along w ith a l l the w ives of the Cabinet members except Mrs, Bobby Kennedy who was out of town, back - always s h e ’ s back, ever missed one, Mrs, Henry W allace was I d o n 't believe Jane Barkley was there much fla t t e r e d
  • a chance to thank him clvi1"' again. And the _illustrious architect, ~h Pei -- a quiet, gentle man • . I asked him how the Kennedy Library was coming. He told me that they . I -~· ............;. ~;.," . __...:._,:____.::_,;,_,,_,_,.._,,,,_.,,;d
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • on M ay 7th,^when she com es to the m e e tin g s of M r s . Kennedy's co m m ittee on A r t . And then the C r a w fo rd Greenwalts fro m the E. I. duPont d eN em ours and Company; our old friend s the F r e d e r ic k Kappels, o f A m e r ic a n Tel
  • s e m a n f r o m the C a n a l Zone^^and I n e v e r see h e r without thinking ^ . o f the vote in 1960^^in L o s A n g e le s , when Kennedy had w on o v e r w h e lm in g , and still, at the v e r y end, the C a n a l Zone s till voted fo r
  • that those r e v e n u e s , s h ould not r e a lly be tied up in o rd in a ry upkeep , with which I thoroughly a g r e e d . So cl o se w a s h e r r e la tio n sh ip with M r s , Kennedy t h a t I doubt th a t I MEMO R ANDUM T H E W H IT E H O U S E
  • ara, Kennedy, Gronouski , Freem an, Hodges, W irtz, Celeb ree z e; I had aske d them a ll to help me be hostesses. They w ere dispersed around in several room s, and also I had asked the o ffic ers of the cl ub, M rs, L is te r H ill, the fir s t V
  • Lady Bird cleans out clothes closet; Lady Bird drives with friends through Virginia countryside; dinner with friends at White House; walk on White House grounds; Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Movies - "Mr. President" and "The Unsinkable Molly Brown
  • Proclamation 3629 - John F. Kennedy, A Rededication issued by LBJ; LBJ & Lady Bird to Austin for party at the Frank Erwins; to LBJ Ranch; Lady Bird mentions LBJ conserving his energy
  • L i b r a r y a nd t h e E i s e n h o w e r L i b r a r y and t h e Kennedy L i b r a r y i f t h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e to t h e p u b l i c , ' ^ D u r i n g t h e m o r n i n g we h a d some s e r i o u s d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • ; late lunch; Lynda Robb arrives; Lady Birds takes a nap, swims & has her hair styled; appointments to the Arts Council & Kennedy Center; another ride with guests
  • of the fu tu re , " When it w as o v e r we went in to take off our r o b e s , and I saw John and N e llie , and with the f i r s t tim e Joh n u sin g h is rig h t handr'^t^ shake h an d s s ince the a s s a s s in a t i o n of P r e s id e n t Kennedy. We
  • LBJ to California; Lady Bird's television taping for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation; visits by family friends; shopping; dinner with Luci Johnson, Dr. Jim Cain & Jack Valenti; to Olney Theatre for play; airplane crash of Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • Lady Bird is interviewed by Bill Wise at Life magazine; LBJ & Lady Bird greet U.S. Attorneys; Life magazine article about Bobby Kennedy family; coffee with granddaughter of President Teddy Roosevelt; stories about Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt dinner
  • Tours arranged for the Bobby Russells; Lady Bird to luncheon on Capitol Hill in her honor; Lady Bird sees P-38, LBJ's Senate office, and John Kennedy's office across the hall; meeting with Howard Smith and Bob Fleming about ABC show on Mrs. Johnson
  • Meeting on Arts project; Executive Order establishing Society for Preservation of the White House and permanent curator; possible members of Society; Jacqueline Kennedy; Fine Arts Committee and the Painting Committee; swim and trip to Mr. Per's
  • ; LBJ to New York for Joseph P. Kennedy dinner; Lady Bird dinner and talk with Luci Johnson; business meeting with A.W. Moursund; watched play "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" in the Lincoln bedroom
  • , appointed by M r s . Kennedy, and that she had sent them a check, b u t that she didn't know quite what use it had been put to. Th ey both showed m e a way you could f e e l under the seat 0-'' of a Hepple- white chair and find a certa in cu rved re in fo rc