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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Date > 1965-05-xx (remove)

3 results

  • Agreement with Korea. We do not recomĀ­ mend that you raise this topic. However, Park might do so in your . private session. We recommend that you refer this matter to my conversation the following morning, saying only that we want to do . the ri _ght
  • . We do not recomĀ­ mend that you raise this topic. However, Park might do so in your private session. We recommend that you refer this matter to my conversation the following morning, saying only that we want to do the right and fair thing
  • , President of the Republic of Korea, and Mrs. Park This information is prepared Name and Title Form of Address in Conversation for the use of host organizations. His Excellency Chung Hee Park, President of th~ Republic of Korea Mr. President