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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Subject > LBJ speeches and statements (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)

3 results

  • of rofurb!shing of the image o! the US aa having a second :revolutlcmary wind. as a country of tho future not the paat. We've lost a lot of ground in Asia and A&lca (and Europe too) slnce Kennedy's death mostly through force of drcumatance. But whatever
  • See all scanned items from NSF Files of Robert Komer Box 34
  • Includes suggestions for LBJ’s acceptance speech at 1964 Democratic Convention and for 1965 State of the Union Message and small amount of material on transition following assassination of President Kennedy
  • Folder, "Johnson Administration - 1963–1966," Files of Robert Komer, NSF, Box 34
  • Files of Robert W. Komer
  • Smith Rep. W. R. Hull Rep. Bob Casey Senator Ralph Yarborough Senator Jennings Randolph Senator Harrison Williams Senator Claiborne Pell Senator Edward Kennedy Senator Alan Bible Senator Lister Hill Senator John Stennis .mno; MEMORANDUM
  • proposition • .Kennedy and McCarthy.aren't coming up with much. "Let's try so:::lething like this." Ma Bu.."'1.d.y: That's OK. RuskY Whether or not this is a step toward peace is up to Hanoi. M. Bundy: President is not about to escalate like you say