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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
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  • Specific Item Type > Report (remove)

28 results

  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • File unit description: Documents center on the demonstrations and the controversy over the voting rights of Negroes in Selma, Alabama; the march led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gov. George Wallace's meeting with President Johnson; and the decision
  • ; distributed Progressive Labor Party pamphlet. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr:, spoke in Cincinnati day before June, 1967 riots broke out. · SAM DAMU of "US", Los Angeles, at Black .Power meeting, Cincinnati, 7/8/67 0 DAMU spoke about above-surface legitimate
  • the UKA.) "Some Questions that Need Straight AnswerE." "Ylhat Vlill You Tell Youi.. Children?" · "Conquer and Breed." "Martin Luther King •••• At Communist Training School." ·ll'PENDIX 1 tJNITED KLANS OF AMERICA, INCo~ KNIGHTS OF 'fflE KU KLUX KLAN
  • with the Pres ident . He claimed that ~RTIN LUTHER KING, a Negro leader, attende d a communist trai ning -school at Folk Highlander. He also a ttacked the National Council of Churches. An associate of SHELTON9 MELWEN SEX'l~ON, was selling Klan paraphernalia
  • , 000 from David Finkel stein for the Martin Foundation; $5, 000 from Mrs. Post for the school program; $2. 00 from a G. I. in Korea, an admirer of Mrs. Johnson; and $3. 00 from an admirer of Lynda Johnson. Sutt on Jett announced that Mrs. Lasker had
  • Times, · 11/1/65, p~ t, · 52. Background story on suicide of Daniel Burros, · King ·Kleagle of the. United Klans of Ame:rica in New York. -2·- Little Klan influence seen here and no early inquiry expected, by Emanuel Perlmutter. New York Times, 11/1
  • to gain'thei.r rights through wo~king for them. W~en the ANP rally was over, CHRISTOPHER· VIDNJEVICH, together with ,Comm,ander ROCKWELL, left the area of Marquette ·P ark in the camper truck _.- · (CG T-1, 8/30/66) - 8 __ ,. .\. • ,. . . · - - -4
  • , of rt:~·,;v.f.Ved Meeting Place NSRP Nation.a.I Convent.ion 9/12/66 Durham, North A collection of $30.00 was given· to LYNCH, who ·was . en route to M1ss1ss1ppt. 9/21, 23, N,SRP Hall, Kings 8/27/66 {~,/l0/66) . LA T-6 {o/2·S/66) T-2 {9/13/66
  • i m irr.rned i a t ely after his r etu r n t o Wa shington a n d £or the pat ient and symp a theti c hearing you gave him . Even more, I thank you £or y our imme dia te re sp onse in m2..king avail a~le a n o the r t ~re e mi llion tons of foodgrains
  • . However, he s;1;id ·A merican policies were m;:i king it muoh 11:trder for h im t o o-ct · at , the ''roots of the proble, 1."'· 1 · "I am so busy trying- to meet rt.he immediate crisis lhcsc days , that I lhave little time left over for the more fun