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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)
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  • Subject > Middle East (remove)

19 results

  • . Working principally through a sympathetic Shah of Iran, the United States was able to cause the Arab governments not immediately involved in the conflict to entertain second thoughts about being stampeded into support of Nasser . Indeed, the King
  • from Nick Katzenbach lay out the trickiest Mid-East arms decisions we face--Jordan and Israel. W e don't believe we can string King Hussein along much longer. A Soviet economic delegation with a few military members is in Jordan now. The King feels he
  • education to meet the King~ dom's adult illiteracy problems will be expanded in cooperation with the Ministry of Soci~l Affairs and Labor. 20. Clear the 600 dunums campus of the University should be established immediately. Plans should be made
  • A p ril 14 , , ^ -Tuesday rri 1964 Because King Hu ssain was going to ar r i ve without his w i f e , I had not expected to p a r t ic ip a t e in the arriv al ceremonies at l l : 3 0 . So was b u s il y e n g ^ e d in desk work when I got
  • Head of State visit of King Hussein I of Jordan; Lady Bird to USDA for Food and Home Fair for Consumers; Lady Bird meets "Smoky the Bear;" Lady Bird to Senate Ladies Red Cross Luncheon; State dinner for King Hussein I; exchange of gifts
  • preceding the coup. The summer of 1965 had been a time of particular tension and impasse, climaxed by a head-on clash between the King and Prime Minister George Papandreou and culmin~ting in the resignation of the Papandreou government. The subsequent
  • some arms deal with Jordan and do so before they decide to go to the Russians. We could agree not to give them supersonics now but review the decision again if they insist. Assis tant Secretary Talbot: Our reply to Jordanian King Hussein has
  • ) various exchanges took place among President Johnson, King Constantine, Prime Minister Papandreou and Prime Minister Inonu-(Docs. 10 18)7 1]_/ Airgram USDEL/A-1 from London, May 13, 1965, summarizing Acheson Plans I and II (Doc. 19) - SECRET
  • ~. Indeed, the King of Morocco headed a move to rally the uncommitted Arab States to a neutralist course. Moreover, immediately after the adoption of the U.N. resolution, the United States urged Israel to effect at least the cease-fire with Jordan lest King
  • to build a c i t y , / ^ being both stud ied and ex ecu ted at the sam e tim e. At s ix , I a ccom p a n ied Lyndon to King H iisse in 's r ec e p tio n for u s and 1500 m o re people at the M ayflow er H o tel. i The D ip lom atic Corps cam e down
  • ; Lady Jackson's ideas on improving cities; LBJ and Lady Bird to reception given by King Hussein I at Mayflower Hotel; party at the Warren Woodwards for Lloyd Hand; Lady Bird to Coliseum for Lippizzaner horse show; Luci Johnson & friends; Lady Bird's
  • George Bundy said that King Hussein is prepared to do that, and that his position is unique in that regard. The President wanted to know who the nominee of the group was to under­ take this role as mediator. Bundy recommended the U.S. because "Israel
  • that King Hussein is coming to the United States again. He related that on May 1 Israel thought Jordan would try to keep out of the war, but instead Hussein signed an agreement with Egypt on May 30 and opened up on June 5. He said this was a tragic decision
  • to us that you and King Hussein might make a quick swing by the Mosque after your talk tomorrow. This would be a dramatic pro-Arab gesture. Since the Mosque is the receiving point for private American contributions for refugee relief, you might in your
  • acquainted sessio n , exchange of gifts. How delighted I was with those they brought! A paper weight made of copper slag from King S olom on 's m ine, sm elted on silver and dated during the 10th Century B . C . , was fo r Lyndon. A lso a m od ern silver c
  • ^and^most i n t e r ­ fa c t that IS g o in g down to b e the p o s s i b i l i t y of e x p o r t i n g p o s s i b i l i t y of f i n d i n g oil^ w h ic h i s the King when he lea ves the p e r s o n a l guest of of Houston who has v i s i t e d
  • of the imperialist camp. Britain is allied with the U.S. The Shah of Iran, Kings Faysal and Htisayn, and Bourguiba are only -"tools in the hands of the United States." Nasser said that in the early days of the Egyptian revolution, Egypt had thought the U.S
  • and Jordan with the support of the other Ara~ States. Its purpose was to carry out the repeatedly declared purpose to destroy Israel one~ and forever and to drive its inhabitants into the sea. The little King of Jordan had for years been receiving massive
  • which Foreign Minister Eban of Israel has cleared. Goldberg thinks the King of Jordan will accept it this afternoon. The President related that he had met with representatives of Colhmbia Broadcasting System yesterday. One of the men asked him
  • ~~ NARA. Datt 7- 3o.. . 9,c:). 46e Jic:l4a'• 4389 02 Yeaea !IPiatien lo Vier unbelpfal and dilatny aat.-. Bl-=-Fildd •·a reepoaee to Ne• appr•cb . awl ...~t:ling effect of GUAR.~apnaored trip of ex=King Saud to Yemen, we believe Charge should weak