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  • Contributor > Bundy, McGeorge, 1919-1996 (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)

27 results

  • . ,., t.f. ~. McG. B. Determined to be an administrative ma~ king ·\, ~.D.0Ji=-...-. ~~. *~~?ff · T.w enty years ago the guns fell silent in Europe • .Today we know those who gave their Hves in that conflict did not die in vain. We still live
  • IN LAOS During a four-hour visit to Vientiane, February 14, the Vice President had conversations with Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister, Presi­ dent King's Council and other members of the governmento Conversa­ tions took place in the motorcade
  • the sheets in the mylar sleeve when you have finished examining them. DATE LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Doc# DocType Doc Info 012 memo Page 1 of 2 Classification Pages Bundy to the President re Martin cable from Bangkok Date Restriction s
  • rather more rapidly and generously its other aid to Vietnam and Southeast Asia generally. "Both Mr. Pearson and External Affairs Minister Paul Martin have stated that Canada supports United States objectives in .South Vietnam, understanding
  • caught Jordan 1 s King Hussein on the rebound from the Arab Swnmit. Hussein was upset because his Arab brethren had given him only 60 days to buy Western jets or take MIGs. De Gaulle, who couldn 1t have been more cordial, ordered an immediate offer
  • ,: WOULD .MUCH(t.PR~FER · · wo.R. . .KING ·~~'.):.·".;;y.~:;'.· ·:_·;~,-~·i. 1 24 i i •. ' l . ... . ·;. ;. /n: ~ ·:'j . ~ ' (SECT~ON ." -2· 2457, FEBRUARY 20, 7 PM, FROM NEW DELHI I ; ' :> ;. . : s.·· f0 ·:· ~:~~~~.I . fh):j%':::e;.J
  • \~ - - - - - - ___ ______ - -- ----·-- . ., Cl a ss if/ cat i o it --······1h e:ne is . o f cour se , a distinct inconsistency between his statements • J a~t - 1 i QUOTE: rnc:.king the agony endure UNQUOTE and his claim to be sys-t~ticaliy 3 ,. regaining control over the cnt:ire
  • an ambitious and somewhat indiscreet assistant named Martin who would be glad to give the impression that he is working for you. For this reason also I do not think you ought to answer Dodd's letter directly. 5. Dodd has been a real help on a lot of matters
  • . Marvin Watson says you would like my comment on UPI 203-A (attached), a "think" piece by Martin Stuart-Fox from Saigon on a so-called "lull" period. 2. It is true that there have been no large-scale ground force actions initiated by the Communists
  • everywhere. But I am much too kind for that, and the truth is that we can keep up our good work in limiting your foreign callers to four classes: 1. Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers you personally approve for official visits (like Erhard, Home, Segni
  • ' an . '· • .... .. . - t•' ~ vi;.:t6m:::1B~ ~ ailmJnistrative mar king .>>,.. By Pvl+ . On .ci_~~~/ 3otv / ~GRET NODIS (copy of Saigon 3246, April 7, 1965) FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM AMBASSADOR TAYLOR The bombing of the Embassy on March 30 was the dominating event