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  • Contributor > Friends of the LBJ Library (remove)
  • Subject > LBJ Library (remove)
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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)

20 results

  • appropriate lhat the tribute benefite the Friends of the Library. As far back as 1965, Mrs. Johnson began work on the Lyndon Baines J hnson Library - c nferring with curators, historians, archivi ts, and architects to create a place of living history. She
  • . He call d J. Edgar Hoover to tell him that he wants the inquiry to be run by the FBI at the federal level, and by state attorney general Waggoner Carr at the state level. Johnson said, "So I looked at the transcript that I had prepared in part and I
  • the last year in the White House with President and Mrs. Johnson. Mary, who has since been working in the Library on President Johnson's early papers, retired on May 1. Mildred Stegall with President Johnson {left); with. J. Edgar Hoover (right
  • by the President, he wrote, "a new appreciation of Johnson would have remained at least 23 years in the futur ;• and "contemporaries (such as historian J hn Kenneth Galbraith and former Senator George cGovern, one-time harsh critics who have recently revised
  • Foundation Award Committee: Harry McPherson, Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard and McPher on; Miss Linda Howard, Professor, Ohio State University; Dr. William J. McGill, President of Columbia University; Mrs. Johnson; Arthur Krim, Chairman of the Board, Orion
  • the White House and to M. C. barbecueson the banksof the Pedernates. In April, the Libraryrealized a long-standinghope by offering "An Evening with Cactus Pryor" to a crowdedauditorium. The veteran performersang, did a vivid impersonationof the fabled J
  • a Christmas season program entitled ''Twentieth Century Song Book: A Musical Celebration.'' Coming Events February 13-April 18: An exhibition of Mexican Prints. February 22: Richard Norton Smith, Director of the Herbert Hoover Library, will discuss George
  • to support special ac­ tivities at the Library, the only Presidential library Rep ...J J p·1ckle open free of charge to the public. Former U.S. Ambassador Edward A. Clark and Rep. J. J. Pickle said their committee, in response to continuing contributions, has
  • by the University of Chicago Press, the book is the atest 111 a series recording the admmislrativ history of the J hnson presidency. Overall edilor f the series is LBJ School Professor Emmelle S. Redford. In selecting his appo111tees, the authors found, President Jo
  • . America had a chance to pick itself up After World War Ill. there won't be a chance lo do that There won't be a thmg left." But, Ru ·h added, "For unately I think there re those both in Washington and Moscow who understand that." 7 ,.~~~ ~~. "J
  • sident Hoover's. At eac.h place I learned som thing ... First, [the Library is] a research facility. We house all of Lyndon's papers-you can't get librarians to throw anything away-and the papers f a good many of the people who were his working assodates
  • August day. Ten year . incl! we said goodby to him. Yet, none of us said goodby. We're all still at it-into politics, education, the lif of our country, and our values as we learned them from him. Lady Bird put il this \\ay, "J hke to think of Lyndon
  • exhibition ever executed by the Library's museum staff: a documentation, in poignant letters, rare memorabilia, priceless historical documents and art, of the greatest war ever fought. Titled "World War II: Personal Accounts Pearl Harbor to V-J Day
  • Administration and the Vietnam War"; Steven Living­ ston, "The Making of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy Towards the Thtrd World"; Ray Monroe, "LBJ and the Illegal Alien as a Precursor To Am­ nesty"; Paul T. Murray, "Presi­ dentia,J Response to Racial Vio­ lence
  • Smith, Director of the Herbert Hoover Library. Claudine Weiher, Deputy Archivist of the United States Tom Johnson, President of the LBJ Foundation Board of Directors; Caro­ line Kennedy, representing the Kennedy Library Foundation, and William vanden
  • , and all future chief executives. Consequently, there now exist librnries bear­ versity of Texas anJ are operated by the :..1tiunal Services Archives of the General ing the names of Presidents Hoover, Roose­ velt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy
  • -ton's first (April 30. 17891, Abraham Lin
  • at the University of Michigan. ,-..... Former Yale baseball infielder George Bush displays his form at horseshoes. I0 Physical Fitness in the White House infonnation). Herbert Hoover invented a variation of volleyball which used a ten-pound medicine ball instead
  • on the presidential inauguration stand but ex­ President Herbert Hoover, behind Truman, takes a serious view of the situation. Left to right: Mrs. Tru­ man; Mrs. John Eisenhower; Mrs. Richard i.·on; Maj. John Eisenhower: Mrs. Eisenhower; William R. Castle, former