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  • or transcribed versions of Interview XXXIX with Lady Bird Johnson are available. The recording could not be found when the interviewer, Harry Middleton, returned from Martha's Vineyard, where the interview was conducted in August of 1994. The interview covered
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 39 (XXXIX), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • : February 23, 1991 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Michael L. Gillette PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 G: You were talking about-- J: Taft. June of 1953 was ushered in by Senator [Robert] Taft, majority leader
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Senator Robert Taft stepping down as Senate majority leader in 1953 and later dying; the Texas drought; LBJ's travel throughout Texas in the summer of 1953; C. T. McLaughlin; Mrs. Ben Powell; Lady Bird Johnson's efforts to improve her public
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 34 (XXXIV), 2/23/1991, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • : January 23, 1996 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Acapulco, Mexico Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 M: This is tape number one, recorded in January 1996 with Lady Bird Johnson. We are half way into the year 1960
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ's opinion of accepting the vice-presidential nomination; how Lady Bird Johnson and LBJ's closest supporters felt about LBJ accepting the vice-presidential nomination; LBJ's activities immediately after the Democratic National Convention; trip
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 43 (XLIII), 1/23/1996, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • have any sort of historical became First Lady. Did you ideas in terms of what you felt that role required? J: No, frankly, because you will remember the hideous advent of us into the presidency. Nothing had been contemplated or prepared for--just
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview S-XIII, 1/23/1987, by Nancy Smith
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • , 1977 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's KTBC apartment, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1 G: I thought that we would talk about your early education and work up to St. Mary's if we have time. J
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's early education at the Fern School; childhood friends; Mrs. Johnson's relationship with Dorris Powell and her mother, Mrs. Odom; Minnie Lee Pattillo's mental health; attending African-American churches as a child; Mrs. Johnson's
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 2 (II), 8/13/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • -1952 DATE: March 15, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's apartment at KTBC, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1 J: In our personal lives, one of the happy things that happened to us that fall
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Hiring Gene and Helen Williams and their job duties; Lady Bird Johnson's massages; Sugar Pickle's health; Jac Gubbel's assistance in landscaping the LBJ Ranch and Mr. Erb's help with the trees and yard work; hiring a foreman for the LBJ Ranch; LBJ's
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 28 (XXVIII), 3/15/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • 26, 1996 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Acapulco, Mexico Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 M: This is side number two of the tape made, oral history interview with Lady Bird Johnson in Acapulco, January 1996
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's father's decline in health and death; story of Lady Bird Johnson's mother building up Mr. Taylor's health and physique early in their marriage; Mrs. Johnson's role in the 1960 presidential campaign; public speaking; Mrs
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 44 (XLIV), 1/26/1996, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XLI covering 1960 DATE: August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Harry Middleton
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • from Lady Bird Johnson's mother's estate; Bob Waldron; the death of Mrs. Johnson's father, T. J. Taylor; the Johnsons' relationship with George Reedy; Strom Thurmond and his wife, Jean; Lady Bird Johnson's involvement in the Senate Ladies' Red Cross
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 41 (XLI), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • : March 8, 1991 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Michael L. Gillette PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's residence in Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 J: --Lynda's doing all right. G: I have really enjoyed the visits she and I have had over
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Social events of the 1950s; Senator Theodore Francis Green; Sam Rayburn; Senator Walter George; Herbert Hoover; Lady Bird Johnson's miscarriages in 1954; the political situation in Vietnam in 1954; the Texas governor's race between Allan Shivers
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 35 (XXXV), 3/8/1991, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XII covering 1941 DATE: August 19, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • to be on the Appropriations Committee; the many visitors and long hours of work LBJ enjoyed; socializing in Washington, D.C., at the 75th Club, the Congressional Club, theater and parties; Lady Bird Johnson's movie camera; Lady Bird Johnson's walk through the slums
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 12 (XII), 8/19/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • : September 4, 1983 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Michael L. Gillette PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 J: The spring of 1953 was a time when, on looking back through the lenses of the years, it seems that Lyndon's career
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • television; attending the Kentucky Derby; Carl Estes and Longview, Texas; a Senate ladies trip to Delaware and Winterthur; funerals for Wesley West's mother and Mary Rather's brother and sister-in-law; Mary Rather as a member of LBJ's staff; Senator Harry
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 33 (XXXIII), 9/4/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XIII covering 1941 DATE: September 2-3, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Visiting the home of Evalyn Walsh McLean and socializing in 1941; Lady Bird's participation in a 75th Club luncheon honoring Eleanor Roosevelt; riding in Sam Rayburn's car; diversity in the 10th District; Lady Bird Johnson using her movie camera
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 13 (XIII), 9/2/1979-9/3/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: November 15, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1 J: The first of the year, as I have said, was always a series of celebrations of Speaker Sam Rayburn's
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Stag parties early in 1949; decorator Genevieve Hendricks; acquiring furniture for the Johnsons' home; LBJ's Senate staff; LBJ's interest in children who were named after him; social and service opportunities for Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 24 (XXIV), 11/15/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: January 9-10, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 J: The winter and spring of 1950 began a new thing in my life and that is carpooling. Lynda, at six
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Bird Johnson's niece Diana Taylor's visit to Washington, D.C.; the Senate Dining Room; LBJ's favorite places to eat; Lady Bird Johnson's household duties; canasta parties and spring activities in Washington, D.C.; plants in the Johnsons' backyard
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 26 (XXVI), 1/9/1982-1/10/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XIV covering 1941 DATE: September 9, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ's 1941 Senate campaign; problems with LBJ's voice; LBJ's opponents in the race, including Gerald Mann, Governor W. Lee O'Daniel, and Martin Dies; filming the campaign on Lady Bird Johnson's movie camera; entertainment at campaign stops; LBJ's
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 14 (XIV), 9/9/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XI covering 1940 DATE: January 27-28, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • in the fall of 1940, especially with the Democratic Campaign Committee; Nellie Brill Connally, Sugar Critz Pickle and Lady Bird Johnson driving from Texas to Washington, D.C. during this election committee work; LBJ's State of the District letter to voters
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 11 (XI), Jan. 27-28, 1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XV covering 1941-1942 DATE: January 4-5, 1980 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • in Austin with LBJ's family; the train ride from Texas to California to begin LBJ's military training; Lady Bird Johnson managing LBJ's congressional office during his absence; LBJ's California training and navy duties; purchasing Asian art prints in San
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 15 (XV), 1/4/1980-1/5/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW VIII covering 1937 DATE: January 23, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Visitors during LBJ's hospitalization after appendix surgery in 1937; LBJ's efforts to befriend political opponents, such as C. N. Avery and Polk Shelton; LBJ meeting Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Texas; Lady Bird Johnson's trip to Washington, D.C
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 8 (VIII), 1/23/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XX covering 1946-1947 DATE: February 20-21, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • the Johnsons went to relax, including Brackettville, Texas; Bess Beeman and other women who worked to support LBJ; Aunt Effie Pattillo's death; the Johnsons' home at 30th Place in Washington, D.C.; dancing at the Shoreham Blue Room; Lady Bird Johnson's role
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 20 (XX), 2/20/1981-2/21/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • excellent place for dinner. So would Senator Wirtz. That was always cause for celebration when he would come. The Texas Ladies' Luncheons continued to be a large part of my life, and when constituents from home would come up--I think Mrs. Ben Powell and her
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's daily activities in Washington, D.C., while LBJ was serving in the navy in 1942; LBJ's congressional office staff and Lady Bird Johnson's role as manager of the office in LBJ's absence; correspondence with constituents; living
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 16 (XVI), 1/29/1980-1/30/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • - December 1952 DATE: March 29, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's apartment, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1 J: October of 1952 saw the campaign, such as it was, get into full sway. There were
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • The presidential campaign in the fall of 1952 and LBJ's involvement; controversy surrounding LBJ's support for Adlai Stevenson; LBJ's travel to campaign for fellow Democrats; Lady Bird Johnson's miscarriage in the fall of 1952; Senator Ernest
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 31 (XXXI), 3/29/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • - March 1953 DATE: August 3-4, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1 G: We're going to begin 1953. J: 1953 was of course a time of big change. The Republicans had
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 32 (XXXII), 8/3/1982-8/4/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Martha's Vineyard Tape 1 of 2, Side 1 M: This is side one of Lady Bird Johnson's oral history interview for the year 1956. How do you think would be best
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Stanton gave the Johnsons for the LBJ Ranch and the Johnsons' relationship with Stanton; Lady Bird Johnson's father, T. J. Taylor, in his later years; the Southern Manifesto; meeting Sir Lawrence Olivier; attending events at the Olney Theatre
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 37 (XXXVII), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW X covering 1939 DATE: January 25-26, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Political issues of 1939; where the Johnsons lived; the Johnsons' friends; raising the height of the Marshall Ford Dam; the extension of Rural Electric Association lines and building of the Pedernales Electric Co-op in Johnson City; Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 10 (X), 1/25/1979-1/26/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW VII covering 1937 DATE: October 9, 1978 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • friendships with businessmen, politicians, journalists, and other powerful people; varied support for LBJ throughout the 10th Congressional District; Albert Sidney Burleson; ethnic groups represented in the 10th District; LBJ's typical campaign schedule; Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 7 (VII), 10/9/1978, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: January 30, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 J: You asked me a minute ago about whether Lyndon was interested in the publicity that came
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • broken leg; Lady Astor; Mrs. Woodrow Wilson; LBJ's subcommittee work in 1951; tension between Truman and General Douglas MacArthur; MacArthur's dismissal and his testimony before a joint committee hearing; the Johnsons' interest in starting a television
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 27 (XXVII), 1/30/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • of things that we had bought from the old lady. I went to Oetting's and worked with a Mr. Clark there, and I went to [Louis] Shanks, of course, and bought things for several of the rooms. The first thing for Lyndon was always a phone right by the bed, a good
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 30 (XXX), 3/22/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XLII covering 1960 DATE: November 5, 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Harry
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • ; protocol at government social events; decorator Genevieve Hendricks; the many people with whom the Johnsons socialized; Marjorie Merriweather Post; Lady Bird Johnson's interest in parties and other cultures; Mrs. Johnson's interest in cooking; the Johnson's
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 42 (XLII), 11/5/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: September 26-27, 1980 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 3 J: It was such happiness to be back at home in Washington. Our back porch always in the summer
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • house in Washington D.C. and visitors to it; African-American employees over the years; Lynda's birth; choosing the name Lynda Bird; baby gifts; help in caring for infant Lynda; how being parents changed the Johnsons' lives; political opponent Buck
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 18 (XVIII), 9/26/1980-9/27/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • , 1977 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: The LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 2 G: Do you have any recollections of your grandparents at all? J: Not of my mother's mother and father, because I think
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's paternal grandmother; Mrs. Johnson's father, Thomas Jefferson Taylor, Jr., and his childhood; Mr. Taylor's move from Alabama to Texas and setting up his business; the Pattillo family and Mrs. Johnson's parents' marriage; Mrs
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 1 (I), 8/12/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: September 5, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 4 J: So the last week of July 1948 found us--Lyndon, me, all his campaign workers--in the mood composed
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • and his supporters; Lynda and Luci's whereabouts during the campaign; Lady Bird Johnson traveling around Texas attending political events and campaigning; Juanita Roberts; McCarthyism, Alger Hiss and his sister Anna Hiss; Taylor family support in East
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 23 (XXIII), 9/5/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XL covering 1959 DATE: August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's first impressions of Fidel Castro; Hester Beall Provenson's public speaking course; the Johnsons' 30th Place home in 1959; early impressions of Jacqueline Kennedy; hosting a lunch for the wives of new senators; Sam Houston
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 40 (XL), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XXV 1949-1950 DATE: January 2-3, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • 1949 employees, including Zephyr Wright, Patsy White, and Lewis; Drs. John Washington, Radford Brown and Lawn Thompson; Lady Bird Johnson's work managing the household finances; Leland Olds nomination to the Federal Power Commission; agricultural
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 25 (XXV), 1/2/1982-1/3/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • , 1978 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: The LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1 G: Let's start with your trip to New York in June 1934, I guess it was. J: Yes. My daddy gave me that as a graduation
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson's June 1934 trip to New York City with Cecille Harrison; receiving LBJ's name and contact information from Gene Boehringer; touring New York City; traveling from New York City to Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Johnson's impressions
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 4 (IV), 2/4/1978, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW IX covering 1938 DATE: January 24, 1979 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 9 (IX), 1/24/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XVII covering 1943 DATE: September 20, 1980 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • " bill LBJ supported; LBJ's family, where they lived and what they were doing in 1943; train trips between Washington, D.C. and Texas, sometimes with Rayburn; Lady Bird Johnson's extended trip to Austin to organize KTBC's finances and get it running more
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 17 (XVII), 9/20/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • DATE: August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Harry Middleton PLACE: Martha's Vineyard Tape 1 of 2, Side 2 M: This is side one, Lady Bird Johnson oral history interview [covering] 1957. J: I can talk about [Estes] Kefauver
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Washington, D.C., to Austin with the Johnsons' dog; story of Lady Bird Johnson trying to find a hotel where her African-American employees could stay in Memphis in the 1940s; Virginia Durr's story of Tuskegee Institute's president's wife being refused the use
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 38 (XXXVIII), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XIX covering 1945-1946 DATE: February 6-7, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • for the University of Texas; Lady Bird Johnson's input on LBJ's decision-making; Dr. Everett Givens; Texas friends who kept LBJ updated on 10th District events and opinions; LBJ's efforts to balance his time in Texas and Washington, D.C., during his campaign; 1946
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 19 (XIX), 2/6-7/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • : August 1994 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Martha's Vineyard Tape 1 of 2, Side 1 M: Oral history, Lady Bird Johnson, year 1955. Mrs. Johnson, the big event of that year, obviously, was the President's heart
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • ; family and staff who helped with Lynda and Luci while Lady Bird Johnson stayed with LBJ at the hospital; LBJ's relationship with his siblings; LBJ's health causing him to miss the signing of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) treaty
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 36 (XXXVI), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
  • Lady Bird Johnson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEW XXI covering 1947-1948 DATE: August 10-11, 1981 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER
  • See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 21 (XXI), 8/10/1981-8/11/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Lady Bird Johnson