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  • Contributor > Johnson, W. Thomas, 1941- (remove)
  • Subject > Pueblo Incident, 1968 (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Meeting notes (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

6 results

  • unattractive they are. Senator Edward Kennedy says the Vietnamese goverrunent steals about 50% of each dollar. He is about to release a report outlining corruption in Vietnam. To what do you attribute the confession by Captain Bucher, General Wheeler? General
  • prominent in the news. The President asked if anybody had heard from Senator Ted Kennedy on the refugee study. Walt Ro stow said he had not. Secretary McNamara said he saw a preliminary report from the field. Based on the questions asked, it appears
  • it not been for this policy of gradualism. SECRETARY RUSK: There may be a point to that. If back under President Kennedy we had recommended and approved putting in 100, 000 men it might have saved things. THE PRESIDENT: What is the situation on the Pueblo
  • to::owi~g ~he . Bay o= ?ig3 ?re~id~nt Kennedy s-~ ~D a Foreign I~~ellige~~a THE .__..,-4C..,.,~ --·~-\,,,.4-·· c~rcu:""r1stances --~ c.••'"-' Page ? ') _..; 14 :..cvis~::-:_,• and D.::. Ki2.l.:.z..n ·.1as the head of it . =~=. ci
  • to move in if the situation gets h ot. The President: I spent some of this morning with Senator Ted Kennedy discus sing bis trip to Vietnam and the report he plans to submit. There are tWo points he made: . 1. He is distressed about the degree
  • in a crisiso You will recall that Kennedy called up planes twice. All the reserves want to be called up. Russell and Rivers are making speeches about the fact that we should be using the reserves. You should keep in mind that the South Korean Air Force does