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  • Date A tan House Pril 15, 1967 _ INT LYNDON B. JOHNSON re!L. began T his day a. (Piac.) LBJ Telephone 'in Out ——• ii v. f or t T-> • Expend LfL: PreVlOUS Activity Lo LD Today - 8:00am Awake ^__ South I ~~ " ~~ ' '__ i ; all day
  • tone House Date February 14, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY The 'resident began his day at (Place) . Day White House Tuesday Tim*' Telephone In Out _ Activity (include visited by) Lo j LD 7:45a Breakfast Douglass Cater 8:57a f ~9:04p
  • WHITE HOUSE date IDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON 1 f DIARY President began his day at (Place) The Time Telephone 11 7i in Out 5:08a t Mrs. or t rjxpenaiActivity Lo LD ay Johnson Thursday in Texas overcast with little drizzle (include visited
  • 'HITS HOUSE Date April 11, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY T 'resident began his day at (Place) Aboard Time Telephone 11 In Out AF-One 26000 enroute Montevideo, f or t Activity Lo LD to Day - , Tuesday Uruguay (include visited
  • • • f NT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N In Ou tL Date Februar White House , Wash , D . C. TUESDA 'resident bega n hi s da y at (Place) _ JL Time Telephon 1; • • checked ushers & calls . oL D . , Wal 7:55a __ Dal _ \s u Dr 8:49a t Donal 9
  • fHiTE Hous f Dat e Jun ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSON , WARY 'resident bega n hi s day a t (Place) • : Tun In Ou e Telephon . 1; tL 12:07a t Th f o r t . e Exoendi Activit . 8:00 a t . Wilbu r Mill s _____ 9:25a 9:55 a OF F RECORD
  • fwiE Housf Date IENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON June DIARY 'resident began his day at (Place) The Time Telephone 1; 1 In Out Lo f or t ...... 1 LD 27, 1967 White House Day Tuesday Activity (include visited by) • -• ' ; - • ' ' '' ' „'. ' '* " t
  • 'HUE House Dat ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON e Ma WARY The resident began his day at (Place) Day Time ; . ,- — In Out Lo . Telephone . 4:17a t L * (include visited by) The 6:10a f 6:30a t White House Thursday Activity LD Situation Room
  • at (Place) Time Telephone In Out 1 Activity Lo Pril 24, 1967 A Date Day Monday I or t ....... v LD (include visited by) • White House Press corps were not attending many of the functions. • Conversation ' light ***** then swung to German beer
  • / TH E WmjE HousE n ^ De PREStDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAtLYDtARY The Presiden t began his day at (Place) in Entry ^j 1 -r- Telephon ^ for ] In Ou t L e t . ^' o L Hous e Thursday JrlOOFF RECORD:Charles Murphy, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics
  • Date Decembe THE WHITE HOUS E r 1 , 196 6 PRESIDENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N DAILY DIAR Y The Presiden t bega n hi s day a t (Place ) Entry No. Telephone fort Time Out In Lo t Dr. Voss . Dr . Simmons , Dr. Culver i n to see the President
  • Johns Takeoff from LBJ Ranch for Bergstrom AF Base, Austin. During the flight, the President conversed a good deal with Amb Linowitz. Arrive Bergstrom AF Base--Met by Governor and Mr s. John Connally and Walt Rostow, Secretary Dean Rusk, and several
  • J. G. Kellam - San Marcos - to tell him "I know you're lonely, but Iwant you to know we're grieving with you. " (Mr. Kellam's mother died last evening) As the President ended his telephone ^^ call to Mr. Kellam, he put Mary Slater ^^ on the line
  • ,. „(P!,,^ White House . Dav FRIDAY Time Telephone — . in Out . Activity Lo Attendance at 1:00p (int!ude visited by) LD SIGNIN G CEREMONY in Rose Garden: ABERSEEFER, Heinz, Commissioner of Federal Supply Service, GSA AHLGREN, Mrs. Mildred
  • to approve the scenario for tonight's dinner -- and asking to talk to Clark Clifford on the telephone as he went into his room. Clark Clifford (b. 3) Joe Califano (b. 4) Dat
  • his day at (Place) T-_ Telephone Entry f j^o 1 : : I n Out 1 The White House or t Expend!; Activity Lo Tuesday Day . (include visited by) ture DC L 7, 1967 -> 0 ^ . ATTENDANCE; """ Mi9«BfiHibiniMUMMri»tPtl^AMf>1STCr^n
  • it. President, MW and Bill Moyers - to Fish Room for Telephone call inaugurating the new submarine cable linking Venezuela w/ U. S. REMARKS of both President's released to press in press releases (see p. 3 for more there) The cable links Venezuela w/ the U.S
  • of Chemistry, Ithaca Dr. William D. McElroy, Chairman, Dept, of Biology, Johns Hopkins Univ. Dr. Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Dr. John R. Pierce, Exec. Director Research, Bell Telephone Laboratories Dr. Edward M. Purcell
  • n Luthe r King !s telephon e call , at 4:31p 4:31p,, th e Texa s grou groupp went wentiinnttoojoin jointhe thePresiden Presidentt an andd Ambassadors Ambassadors:: Cong. Cong. JJ .. JJ .. Pickl Pickl e Mayor Mayor Leste Leste rr Palme Palme
  • into the office - and stand by his side at his desk while he makes TELEPHONE ADDRESS - to Business Council group gathered in the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C. (re wages, prices an d economy) The speaker for the Business Council - at the conclusion
  • . ) - B. 1 (Califano memo this date -- to DT -- indicates __ conversation may have included reference to the Senator's making a speech on the 1'ax Bin. ) __ M. Watson (pl) Date JANUARY 19, 1966 White House - Wash, DC p^ Activity (include visited by) n
  • visite d by ) 7:40a Breakfas 7:44a ' _ TUESDA Mrs . Jame s L. . Watso n - NY C - didn' t talk - Pres . wa s o n the telephone . _ L Jo - . . e Califan o , HarryMcPherso n - a t hom e _____ _. 1 7^ .8:51a—j—^ U 1j )i '9:10am I != t Mrs
  • and top people in HEW. The President had a cup of coffee (did more holding than drinking), had lots: of pictur taken. He made noremarks -- just conversation, but I did overhear him talking to the Secretary about the Commission to Vietnam in which
  • :35 6:45 7:00 3-14-64 t t t f f McGeorge of " Conversation David Brinkley, w/ Bundy with the President," - in office Dave Lawrence, Eric Sevareid J Valenti W Jenkins MF - asking for Mrs Etta Mae Humphreys to come to the WH promptly W
  • and Mrs. Deason Simon McHugh Mr. and Mrs. John Gonella (conversation re the airline strike, press releases on t he wedding, etc. ) Bill Moyers - Washington 7/30 /66 No lunch today, because of the late breakfast To bedroom ^* Joe Califano (Washington
  • Eastland, Judiciary Miss. Senator Pat McNamara, Public Works Mich Larry O'Brien dictated memo to mjdr re above mtg. Dictabelt and conversation memo to SiEk DT. Substantially, each chairman gave a report on what he anticipated as a timetable fo r the edx
  • - Secy McNamara again called Gen'l Omeara & President told Secy McN to tell Gen'l O'Meara this conversation would be confirmed by cable - conversation mtg over - Pres. to Oval Rm w/ JV & Bill Moyers & Walter Jenkins To Lounge Rm w/ W. Jenkins, JV & B
  • with girls... asks eachone if she went to church and if she went out Saturday night. . and ends conversation with, "Well, I didn't go to church. . . I wentgolfing though." Mrs Mary Lasker NYC Secy McNamara Mrs Indira Gandhi and Ambassador of India BK
  • Bundy , & Marvi n Watso n (whil e President me t wit h th s grou p in Lounge , Jimil u Maso n worke d o n bust) Jimil u Maso n ou t 8:4 0 p m _ t o discus s &J Abe Forta s hi s report r on / Mekong -and his *>*S conversations >i^^ w/ -j/ Se n C
  • 1965 Saturday FDIC Treasury To th e Ova l Ofc , stoppin g i n mjdr's roo m t o d o several bit s o f business, amon g them h e rea d th e report s o f conversation betwee n him an d Foreign Ministe r Bhutto of Pakista n whic h occurred i n Novembe r
  • to DT To little lounge w/ Liz Carpenter, and woman Bill Bill To Moyers (pl) Moyers, Douglass Cater, Congresswoman memo on conversation sent to DT mansion Edith Green January White Bill Moyers Lunch Secy Jack - w/ JV, McNamara House
  • Wayne Aspinall of Colorado (b. 1) President. Joe Califano Mrs. Johnson John Macy, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission Thomas * re several "see me" memos concerning personnel Senator/Kuchel (b. 1) -- missed first part of conversation on belt
  • , an dTo Frank Cormier^unti l landin g hi s bedroo m t o tal k W / members o f the Pres Joe Laiti n wa s i n th e roo m - - Young an d Connie d an d Ginn y Thrif t too Joh k downnPomfret the Bob , Bill Gerrar Chapman,^ha$*es Murphy ; Si d Davi conversations
  • was assemble d in the Agricultura l Coliseum an d the Lak e Cit y group wa s assembled i n the Cit y Hall . Representative s of OEP , SBA , an d Farmers Hom e Administratio n wer e present i n the crowds . Ther e was n o conversation — n o questions an d
  • for lunch. LUNCH w/ green Mrs. Johnson Lynda The Liz Carpenter son Jake Jacobsen upsoming mf, mary s President salad, spaghetti, tapioca, buttermilk, coffee conversation ranged about the bakesale in JohnCity that had been held this morning and the arrival
  • was doing, and the Ambassador answered that he was doing quit on t well, and told him that he and Bosch had a constructive conversation on political matters, iust recently, and emphasized that the outlook was good. Datr October White House Day 3, 1966
  • City LUNCH w/ ^-_______ _———--—— ^ Mr. John Burns- , ^ . — Mr, Ed_Rowe ——— Mr. J. W. Munson Mr. Howard Cox Chairman Gardner Ackley __^ Joe Califano _———— George Christian Jake Jacobs en Mary Slater The luncheon conversation weighed heavily on budget
  • Califano at 2:09p George Meany joined on Second floor' (Mr. Mean y called MW and said that in conversation w/ President last week, th had discussed position of Under-Secy of Labor. Mr. Meany said he was ready to President a report) Marvin Watson (Pl) t
  • Juanita about this week being the end of years of hard work. Conversation drifted to footage and cos of To m Johnson's future hom e being built in Austin and Watergate East Co-op apts - mjdr mentioning that Rosemary Woods, President-elect's secretary, has
  • and became engaged in conversation with her about her children's education, bridge, etc. Jack Valenti (Green Briar, West Virginia) Joined in kitchen by Mrs. Johnson for coffee To office and autographed books for Mr. Kellam to take to friends