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  • Contributor > President Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Collection > President's Daily Diary (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)

165 results

  • Telephone Enrry No. 1 Tim e? or t Activit Cod Lo L D y (includ e visited by)* Expenditur e e Xyndon B. Johnson's Day - ^LILY DIARY 4fc 7 The T-p, b egan his day at (place) *.»- 0 2:55 arr at EOB from the Capit ol in procession Joined by Secy
  • ** 18 December iHt 1967 Day Monday Activity (inctude visited by) ture Expend! Code President to Oval Office for INTERVIEW w/ three Network (TV) correspondents to be run Tuesday , December 19th entitled: " A Conversation with the President". OFF
  • w w tfmiE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e Oc t 27 DIARY Th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da Time Telephon 11 In Ou tL e fort Activit oL D Dal y e Meek s - Wichita , Kansa s - returnin g the President' s cal l o f last nigh
  • VHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e Novembe DIARY Th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Day —1 Time Telephon 1 In Ou tL 9: 52a t 10:15p f 10:20a t 10:30 10:40s e Whit e Hous e Wednesda e Activit oL D Christia Larr Li t
  • ^ ™ VHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N DIARY President bega n his day at (Place) th :r r;m Telephon Time 11 f In Ou tL Octobe e White H e o r t Expend! Activit oL D Code Ear 9:00a Larr t l Death e - a t th e ranch --after thi s
  • Date Novembe r 8, 1964 THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The President began his day at (Place) Entry No. C Telephone f or t Time In Out Lo 11:00 C C C C C C C C f t 11:29 t 11:32 t t t f t C 11:56 12:06 12
  • ;: DIARY W President began his day at (Place) The White House Time Telephone In Out 11 Lo the / ^V /S/ White House f or t Activity LD ; Tuesday (include visited by) 6:50pm t Secretary Clark Cliffor d (at end of conversation thePresident asked
  • ^w ^ /VHITE HOUS E nat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N DIARY President bega n hi s da y a t (Place), Th Time Telephon 11 In Ou tL 9:22a f 9:47a f Sa 10:22a t~ Wal tice Ab e Forta s . Jack Valent i (a t hi s residence ) m jjaaafra s Houston
  • •^^ "^"^ VHITE HOUS E date >ENT LYNDO N B. JOHNSON Feb DIARY The .-'resident began his day at (Place) _^__ Time Telephone 11 in Out f or t Activity LO LD Day Weight: The 3:53a t Situation Room 8:25a t Situation Room 8:33a f Mr
  • •^^ •^^ THE WHITE HOUSE Date January ^^ 25, 1968 * PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIAR Y mi tin The President began his day at (Place) T;™ Telephone 1 In Out Lo Entry f J^T ' 1 Uay Situation Room 7:56a f Tom Johnson Amb C 8; 25a
  • #H.TE HOUSE Dat DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON e JULY DIARY President began his day at (Place) KAISER Time Telephone 11 Lo In Out I or t % Activity LD _ 8:00a President ESTATE, HONOLULU. HAWAII Day , .......... . 9:28a Arrived __9:29a Departed
  • ^^ ^^ VHITE HOUSE Date SENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY President began his day at (Place)_ the White House Day Ti Telephone 11 In Out Lo November f or t ExpendiActivit LD C^ awake 7:45a President had breakfast _ Friday for Dale Meeks - he
  • Bullion Ben McElway w/ the President and Mrs J Telephone Enrry No. • Time 2:31 2:35 ft, . 2:40 2:45 2:50 3:04 3:05 3:06 f or t Activity I Code Lo LD t (include visited by)* Expenditure Russell Wiggins t Samuel Newhouse L-. /J . J£ /. 1
  • ^ Jul fHITE HOUS E Dat e_ y 23 , 1967 ^ CNT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WAtv d the Sequoi a Sunda Aboar 'resident bega n hi s day a t (Place ) Pa Tune Telephon 1. In Ou tL e Expendi t or t ..... Activit oL D Cod . y y (includ e visite d by) tur
  • , the elections were the mail c of conversation. To front yard with Secy McNamara, Gen. Wheeler , Walt Rostow for PRESS CONFERENCE by McNamara and WHeeler Th e Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (f^ Staff left at 2:00p and the President remained
  • Date November 18, 1964 THE WHITE HOUS E PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY Day Wednesday The President began his day a t (Place) Entry No. C C C C Telephone f or t Time Out In Lo f The Operator, asking her to have the chief come
  • fHiif Houst CMT LYNDON 6. JOHNSON Date March ._,, Camp 'resident bega n hi s day at (Place) ^ Tune Telephone 11 In Out Lo Activity LD 21, 1967 David, Aspen > r &Lodge P.Day_ Mondav Monday_ (include visited by) .(Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Riordan
  • WHITE HOUS E Dat e Frida 'DIARY Th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da e Whit e Hous e 2 IDENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N Time Telephon In Ou 11 tL 8:l6a t e cloudy oL 8;36a t 9:03a t . Rober t S . McNamara , Sec y o f Defense r Joh n
  • ^^ "^ VHITE HOUSE Date March DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY President began his day at (Place)_ the Tirr,*. Telephone 11 .In Out Lo Secy 8:37a t Mr ~t 9:50a t ay Abe Fortas pl ~Walt Rostow Secy [ of Defense Clark Clifford 10:11a t
  • VHITE HOUSE Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November DIARY th President began his day at (Place) Day Time Telephone •1 : 1 In Out Lo 8:50a t 9:14a t 10:21c t 10:26c t e White House Monday fort Activity LD (include visited by) Rostow - pl
  • MEETING OFF mf asked Joe Hardesty Doug for gist George _ Jim Hardesty Ernest notes t o Bo DT Jim Jones On 1968 the White House Tuesday President began his day at (Place) Day T- Telephone .^ 25, the Cabinet Room RECORD Peter Benchley Charles Murphy
  • •^^ '^^ /HITE HOUSE Date >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY 'resident began his day at (Place) THE Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo 12:50a t 1:00a Stopped 1:00a 2:00a WHITE ^1 6, 1968 HOUSE Day fort Activity LD 12:15a Larr 12:40a t JUNE THURSDAY
  • October M«i Hou« Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DDIAR* the White House Thursday President began his day at (Place) Da T;m Telephone 11 In Out Lo y f o r t ExpendiActivity LD C^ 1:05a The Dale Senator 10:12a t Dr. 11:00a f Charles 11:02a t
  • WHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e DIARY President bega n hi s day at (Place ) Time Telephon 11 In Ou ' 8:15 a t tL 9:39 a£ . 10:30a 1 11:08a t e Whit e Hous e _ e Activit iort oL e Ab e Fortas Dal Willia Mik Secy Da y
  • /HITE HOUSE Date >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November DIARY The LBJ 'resident began his day at (Place) me : Time In Out Telephone 11 Lo 6:31a t 7:59a ~ RANCH KAN Uti Day f or t Activity LD The ~t .L.J3J Dale 27, 1968 Wednesday (include
  • WH,TE HOUSE November 18, 1968 IDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON ' DIARY President began his day at (Place) T;™ Telephone f TimC In Out Lo the or t E*pe LD awake 8:25a President 9:02a _ 9:34a f ~ 9:35a Dr. 10:21a President Monday Activity
  • VHITE HOUSE Dat V7 ^ e June ^ 26, 1968 : >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON J -, . . the White House ^ resident began his day at (Place)____ Day r r\rn^ Time 11 Telephone f In Out Lo or t ExpendiActivity Code LD 7:21a t Donald 7:22a t 7:55a
  • *c/HITE^^HOUS ^^ E date May ^P >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY , ., , the D1 , •resident began his day at (Place) D Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo 9:35a t White house ~ ay i or t Activity Sunday (include visited by) LD Th 26, e Situation
  • cW ^^House Date November 5, 1968 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON CHARY 'resident began hi s day a t (Place) LBJ ^ anch> Texa s Day TUESDAY Da TT Telephone »™1; . In Ou t Lo ^ fSn Expendi Activit Cod LD 8:23am President 8:24a ____ I 8:39a
  • first vestiges of the new day can be seen. Date March 19, 1967 PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The President began his day at (Place) Aboard T-_ Telephone fort Entrv Tune \o' 1 1 1^ Ou AFOne 26000--en route Hickam AFB Expend,- Activity LD
  • :Mitf HOUSE DCNT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY President began his day at (Place) -r:.~ Time Th July e 24, 1967 Whit e Hous e Telephone f £ t . Lo LD Out In Date . Day_ Monday r. Expenditure ^^ Activity (include visited by) 5L3&Q3L a^gakJaadx
  • 'HITI HOUSE Date ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON August MARY White House ay_ I—TV,. ., . began his- ,„. TheD resident day at (Place) Time Telephone I1 In Out Lo 8:15a t t or t ...... Activity LD Cong. 8:55a 9:54a Cong. 8:30a' T" George Mahon
  • /HUE HOUS E Dat e November 16 , 1968 >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON , y th e Whit e Hous e „ 'resident began his day at (Place) Time 1 In Out Day Telephone 1 Lo LD 8:00a Presiden Saturda y Activity (include visited by) t awak e 8:10a Presiden
  • WTE HOUSE Date ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON >IARY Octobe the /T>1 . Day resident began his day at (Place) Timp Time Telephon f . _—_ . In Out L e or t ExpendiActivity o LD 7:30a Breakfast 0 1968 Tuesday £ (includ e visited by ) ture Code - w/ Mrs
  • ^^^ ^^^^ WHITE HOUSE Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November The White House ^ President began his day at (Place ) Day Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo f or t Activity President asked for the chief in the doctor's office 8: 10a Justice 8:31a f
  • ^^ /HITE HOUSE n "^ )ENT LYNDON B . JOHNSON DIARY Resident began his day at (Place) Time Telephone In Out Lo The White House p f or t kxp 1 Activity G< LD 6:44a t The 7:31a t Judge ate ay BBibo6g:xi3 Sunday (include visited by) tu
  • /VHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e Novembe DIARY th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da Timp Telephon 11 In Ou tL r 19 , 196 8 • e Whit e Hous e Tuesda e fort . Activit oL D God y « Expend! y (includ e visite d by ) tur 7
  • • .w - O- M ^ ^ M ^ Octobe THE WHIT E HOUS E Dat PRESIDENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N DAILY DIAR Y The Presiden t bega n hi s da y a t (Place) Tim P Telephon 1 In Ou tL Entryy f .^ 1 e Whlte H °USe _ Da e o r t Expendi Activit oL D t awak e 8
  • VH.TE House ^^wl^OX January 8, 1968 Datp DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON *A" LBJ RANCH, Texas President began hi s day at (Place) Da Time Telephone .: j In Out f or t . Activity Lo : LD MONDAY n y . Extremely (mciud e visited by) bad