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  • Contributor > President Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
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  • Specific Item Type > Daily Diary (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

198 results

  • Sat west 10:54 11:00 f 11:16 f 11:40 11:50 11:55 12:50 12:55 t t 1:20 1:22 t 1:24 t 2:05 2:30 wing Arrive office Secy Rusk Sen. Anderson In the office w/ Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young Larry O'Brien office James 1-18-64 Farmer, Dr. Martin
  • over. The President returned to his bedroom. Abe Fortas, Washington, D. C. The President called for JV to come into his bedroom and then for hot water for his tea Bill Moyers - Washington,. D. C. Dr. Martin Luther King - Atlanta, Georgia Horace Busby
  • learne d t o sa y 'Mr . President,1 i s practicing.' ' E. Palme Palme rrHoyt Hoyt ,,Denver Denver ,, Colorad Colorad o Lee Myer White re telephone White re Mr of Martin Luther Feldman call and resulting Wachtel who King's lawyer memo is one fr Lee
  • Baring 10:27 Sen George Smathers in Oval Room Pierre Salinger and Andy Hatcher in Oval Room 10:50 f Sen. Mansfield John Steele in Oval Room 11:30 Lee White 11:37 Martin Luther King, Jr 12:10 t Dave McDonald 12:25 t Cong Chet Holifield w/ Lee White Dr
  • y an y danJac d Jac k Valent k Valent i i Bundy and Mrs Martin Luther King VP-elect Humphrey Dec White House 18 Friday To Dr Rev Rev then O'Donnells office w/ Dr Mrs King to meet and Mrs Ralph G Abernathy aid to King Walter Fauntroy
  • Leonard Grant Mr. Melvin Payne Mr. Chester Brown until 12:23 pm Walter Jenkins (nr - fr. Cabinet Room) in mjdr's office , talking with Lee White. Mr. White told him tha t Martin Luther King was calling him,andthe President said: "Tel l him I'v e sent
  • Cong Edwin E Willis SENATE STAFF: George Autry Joe Davis William Findley Francis Rosenberger Paul Woolward HOUSE STAFF: Bess Dick William R Foley Martin R Hoffman -Oscar Altshuler, Assistant U. S. Attorney Hon. Luther Alverson, Superior Court, Atlanta
  • Luther King Secretary Dillon Dr. Heller, Henry Fowler Gardner Ackley Kermit Gordon Elmer Staats 9:29 f McGeorge Bundy 10:10 t Ted Sorensen ( returning his call ) 10:45 Depart 274 EOB 4 Funeral services 4:30 p.m. Return to Exec. Office Bldg. Office
  • d t o Aspe n Lodg e an d sa t i n the livin g roo m where staf f member s wer e watchin g coverag e o f th e funera l tek of Martin Luther King k .... Mr . an d Mrs. Georg e Christia n Jim Jones , m f Mary Bec k . Arthu r Kri m - Ne w York Cit y 5
  • the Martin situation Luther in King's arrest Selma Ala Room Attendance a t 12:30 p Cabine t Meetin g Secy Vanc e John McNaughton General Earl e Wheele r Amba s s a do r Leonard U ng er to Laos Chester Coope r Secy Bal Balll -- R REE: : Jkxudao Jkxudao c
  • - - evidence d b y a smile . February 9 , 196 5 White hous e To Office George To w/ Tuesday Secretary Douglas Villon John T Connor Reedy Cabinet Room for meeting w/ To Fish Room where the President greeted Dr Martin Luther King and escorted him
  • Chemistr y Dr. Leo n Morgan, f Texa Joe Earle Califano Clements August White Harry House 20 1965 Friday McPherson Martin Luther Senator J W King Atlanta Ga Lee White in Fulbright Room Harry McPherso n joine d i n the lounge , whil e
  • for talk on TV about Martin Luther King, his assassination, violence, devi siveness, about working together in unity 9:10pm To Oval Office - dictated telegram to Mrs. King Signing mail and official business papers while listening to TV news reports from
  • staff, pausing especially with Martin Luther King, A. Philip Randolph, Chairman Heineman, and Roy Wilkins. Chairman Heineman introduced the President and the speech that followed was one of the more warmly received of the year. The delegates cheered
  • Council of Negro Women its supporters being splintered. Dr. Martin Luther King, President, Southern Christian Leadership He discussed briefly the loss Mr. Floyd McKissick, Natl Director CORE of the Teacher Corps and the Clarence M. Mitchell, NAACP
  • is Salt Lake City. The appt was requested by Hon Luther Hodges (former Secretary of Commerce) Luther Hodges will succeed Mr. Evans on July 1, 1967. (However, Mr. Hodges could not be with Mr. Evans today because of illness. ) To the mansion w/ MW for East
  • approved and dispatched a telegram to Dr. and Mrs. Martin Luther King. Sr. condolence on the death of their son. 11:00a Harry McPherson Watson Jim Jones Horace Busby Under Secy of State Nicholas Katzenbach . Marvin 11:09a The 11:10a To ^ CIVIL
  • Martin i into bedroo m _ 'KITE HOUS E dat e Frida y ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N >IARY Mar resident bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da Time Telephon In Ou e f o r t Expendi 1 Activit oL D Cod tL 9:57am 10:30a y m Eas 10:30am 11:42 11:43a
  • ~^~ ~^~ fv^L-C muc hh of o faa forc forceeiitt is is.. an an d how much muc h attentio attentionn aa leader leader shal shal l pa y t o it . 7-JV-JV fv^L-C yymuc Lester Markel Martin Luther Robert Komer Leonard Marks Marvin Watson Bill NYC King
  • . and Mrs. Frederick Irving, Exec Director for European Affairs Senator and Mrs. J WFulbright Mr. and Mrs. Milan W Jerabek, European Public Affairs Mr. and Mrs. John F King, European Public Affairs Mrs. Charlet A Levesque, Ofc of Western European Affairs Mr
  • talked with him —Lloyd Hand was also in fo a few minutes. The President and Ambassador Martin left the Mansion by motorcade t^ October 29, 1966 Boromabiman Mansion, Thailand (Bangkok ) Saturday Dav Activity (inc)ude visited bv) ft The Presidential
  • . Johnson arrived Royal Plaza (National Assembly Square)--greeted by . the King and Queen at the helicopter and-driven in the Royal Cars to the platform for ceremony Also, Ambassador Martin, some head Thai military and Col. Joseph Conmy met th
  • Reedy Moyers To office w/ leaders leaders leave at working on desk w/ JV Ambassador Discussion Joined by Ed Martin to Argentina w/ WJ and Ralph Dungan JV and McGeorge Bundy To SS post to greet His Majesty Mwambutsa IV King of Burundi w/ Mrs Johnson
  • table: Her Majesty, the Queen of Nepal; Cong. Cecil King, Miss Marian Anderson, Mr. Robert McKinney, Mrs. Tony Martin, Mr. Frank Pace. Jr. . Cong. Leonor Sullivan, Hon. Lucius D. Battle, and Mrs. Kirti Nidhi Bista (wife of the Deputy PM) Coffee
  • Davies who were in Cabinet Room and mjdr's office Governor Connally - Austin (b.2) to wait To Diplomatic Reception Room for arrival ceremonies for King Hussein I of Jordan w/ Genl Clifton, Secy Ball, Phillips Talbott Walk to helicopter to greet the King
  • , Mr. & Mrs. Pauley, Mr. and Mrs. Sinsl^qxaa^d^edx^^x^bH^ba^ After visiting a few minutes, the group departed by station wagon to tour the ranches ^__.^ Martin Place _ Runway area ^ ^ ^ Reagan Ranch _— Birthplace--Mrs. Johnson ioined here Depart
  • , ms, g mjdr. Dxtr Augus LBJ Ranch Dav t 15, 1966 Monday Activity (include visited by) Arrived on Reagan property. By Malechek' s house. T At Martin place. Told Clarence Knetsch to have a snake-type road built through the dear area so he can
  • Lasker about it . George Reedy To the office w/ Abe Fortas Mildred Stegall w/ special file (RE: Donald Cook) McGeorge Bundy George Reedy McGeorge Bundy To the Cabinet Room w/ Secretary of Commerce, Luther Hodges -- after greeting the Secy, in mjdr's room
  • Princeton May 11, 1966 WEDNESDAY Departed fm National Airport for Princeton, N. J. w/ Secy Gardner, Douglass Cater, Dr. Donald Hornig, and Professor Goldman via VC-6A King Air. (En route The President discussed yesterday's house vote on the rent subsidies
  • it toBill Moyers. _____ ll:3Qa The President to his bedroom watching Meet the Press with Hale Boggs on it--Bill Moyer and George Christian with the President. (The plane carrying Mr. Mrs. Steve Martin, Dr. Gould, Dr. Isen, and_Mrs. Beverley Johnson
  • OF LABOR: Frank Borda Margaret Brickett Eula Burton King Carr Millard Cass Frank Cassell Arthur Chapin Frank Erwin Samuel Ganz John Gentry Joseph Goldberg Jack Howard Patricia Jameson Mary Keyserling Roger Lewis Charles Lundquist Neil Mcarthur Samuel
  • Bell, James Richardson & Sons, 8 King Street, E. , Toronto, Ontario, Canada H. Lawrence Bogert, Jr. , Eastman Dillon, Union Securities & Co. , NYC Gordon L. Calvert, IBAA, Washington, DC Robert F. Seebeck, Smith, Barney & Co., NYC Carlton P. Wilson
  • Reception entrance - South Grounds w/Mrs. Johnson for arrival ceremony for King and Queen of Thailand (large crowd of people gathered on ' South Grounds including 2,500 Jaycee ladies who came especially for this event. of King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen
  • and that he would be ready in five minutes. _^ ^ ^ Date December LBJ RANCH. Dav_K-R3T Act)vity(inc)ude visited by) 17, 1966 Saturday E The President departed by car with the JLineas Donovans Heiskells Hardys Birthplace Reagan Ranch Martin Place Arrive
  • to his podi^um to Reliver his J REMARK S ! Andre w Brimmer then took the oath of office from William McChesney Martin, Chair ,^/! ! o f the Board of Governors o f the Federal Reserve Board Allen Ge(rgeL^ Aass , Robert f l Brill , Daniel H / ? Cardon
  • la Ros a - - PANAM A - - Specia l Ambassador with Julia n Nichola s Fernado va n Reigersber g -- interprete r Protocol ofc accompanying Chester Carter Rafael Sancho Bonet Samuel King Then t o th e Re d Roo m for informa l visit s - - Hon . Lloy d N
  • a , Washingto n - b . 31 Hunter McLean , Austi n - b . 32 Joseph Keenan , Washingto n b. 33 Governor Edmun d "Pat " Brown , Sacramento Cali f Cong. Ada m Clayto n Powel l - b . 35 b . 36 Martin Luthe r King , NY C A. Phili p Randolph , NY C - b . 37 Governor Joh
  • on a date rather than going to the State Dinner given by the King and then runni into Rufus Youngblood. Out with Mrs. Johnson and the McNamarasto take the McNamaras to the plane. Main The President and Mrs. Johnso n were heading south to the M±R3t House
  • |[ 12:35p| President 12:40p i President, 1 j Christian ,_____™____________________ __ President w/ J. C. Kella m departed the Main House in the Lincoln sedan Touring ' Touring i ___^ - : - - the Mal echek Place the Martin Ranch
  • of 24 leading negro publishers \wjh I w/ Loui s Martin :] I I (prio r to the President's going into the room, .P Harry McPherson had dictated a memo to {j the President concerning what had happened in the room in the meeting. Walt Rostow had j! briefed