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  • Contributor > Vice President Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Time Period > Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963) (remove)
  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)
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66 results

  • in Ohio due to health. Also talked to W. Jenkins re: Ohio-Beaumont trip. Greeted Texas Home Demonstrators group - 40 ladies from all parts of Texas invited by Mrs. Johnson to LBJ Ranch for luncheon. On school bus tour of LBJ Ranch w/ Mrs. Johnson and group
  • :.__.filxU-0896 Res: ,6'6J-l,' Meac:f9w. Rif,· IJ~ilas : ARIA _ .. EM 1-0156 - ·.-· -- · ... ··- -- - -- ---.___...... _ __ __ 1; - .. RI 8-4736 "Capt ~ Horace Y~ · (Dick) ': · ~Q~~I::-_! l_i6- .. . - BIRD
  • VPres. and Judge Moursund depart LBJ Ranch for cattle auction near Johnson City. 4 4:30 PM VPres, and Judge Moursund arrive at Heywood Ranch and joined by Mrs. Johnson, Lynda Bird, Liz Carpenter, Yolanda Boozer, George Reedy, Chief Rowley, Stu Knight
  • , Puerto Pirn Date. Wednesda y July 2 5 , 196 2 Activity (includ e visited by)* LD Breakfast i n Suite 104 1 - Mrs. J , Lynd a Bird , CK , MF To Governor' s Beac h - El Dorado - Mrs. J . , Lynd a Bird , CK , Li z Carpenter , Horace Busby , Col
  • April 15, 1961 Expenditure Code To Norfolk, Va -- see travel activity civic luncheon for LBJ Coronation ceremonies at Azalea Gardens; LBJ crowned Lynda Bird Azalea Queen Azalea Dinner To Washington, DC (Anacostia) see travel activity * Selected names
  • April 26, 1961 visited by)* LD Expenditure Code Dick Berlin and Ed Weisl in hotel suite (among other things discussed Gen. MacArthur haircut in Waldorf barbershop (see letter fr. Mr. Berlin dtd Apr. 27, 1961) hamburgers in suite with Reedy, Dick Bird
  • . Met Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kellam there. Lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Kellam, Mrs. Johnson, MMV, MF, Lynda Bird, Doctors Hurst and Lamb. Nap To Haywood with MMV, Lynda Bird, Dr. Lamb, MF, Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Kellam Arrive Haywood Boating Boat
  • :40a 2 12:00n 3 4 5 6 7 8 1:00p 1:30p 1:45p 2:45p 3:15p 3:30p 9 7:10p 7:30p 8:00p 10 11 San Leave Naval Air Station, San Juan via helicopter - Mrs. J. , CK, Lynda Bird, Sen. Neuberger, Bill Moyer, Horace Busby, George Reedy, MF , Rufus Youngblood
  • party plus Mrs. Kellam and Mrs. Deathe, arriving at 1:55 Memorial Stadium - Texas-TCU football game -- Lynda Bird joins for watching game To Ragsdale w/ all of above, except Lynda Bird, arriving at 4:20 pm To LBJ Ranch, arriving at 5:10, immediately
  • . and Mrs. Thornberry; Lynda Bird; SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Expenditure Code
  • Airport -- see travel activity Texas State Society brunch honoring Lynda Bird; Statler Hotel massage at home with Olaf Dinner a t home: Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark; Cong and Mrs. Thornberry; Walter and Marjorie, MMW, Bob Waldron * Selected names
  • P-38 Walter Jenkins Ass't. Sec'y. of State, Phillip Talbott Briefing on Jamaica by Gordon Knox. Mrs . Johnson, George Reedy, Horace Busby , Liz Carpenter, Lynda Bird, Juanita Roberts and Bob Skiff sat in. * Selected names should be underscored. SEE
  • opened the Senate Sen Russell To Bowie for races with Mrs. Johnson; Sen Russell; Bobby Bakers; Walter Jenkinses; Geraldine Williams; Lynda Bird Johnson; Bernie Rosenblatt Walter Jenkins' birthday party at Jenkins' residence * Selected names should
  • School for Girls. Met by governing board members and Dean Sayre . Donned academic robes and accompanied to choir seats by Dean Sayre. Escorted to microphone at rostrum by Verger. 2 Delivered Commencement address to Lynda Bird's graduating class. Marcia
  • conference at Hotel Muehlbach toured Truman library with Pres Truman To New York City -- see travel activity saw "Advise and Consent" with Ed Weisl; Eddie and Reyna Weisl; MMW; Reedy; Dick Bird Spent night at Waldorf Hotel; suite 35A * Selected names should
  • -- for Honors Day Convocation where Lynda Bird honored as member of Alpha Lambda Delta Walk to Reception held in patio of Home Economics Building on campus To Ragsdale Terminal w/ MMV and MF To Johnson City landing strip via bonanza w/ MMV AND MF, arriving at 12
  • speech and presented books. Left Chestervale for Cobbla Peace Corps Unit. Arr Cobbla. Waited for Press Plane. Heavy rain. Spoke to Cobbla personnel. Presented books. Lynda Bird spoke. To Hotel by helicopter. Arr Sheraton Hotel. Lunch at Sheraton Coffee
  • and Major John Casey Albert Thomas informal backyard supper in honor of Gene Worleys; given by Judge and Mrs. Jack Martin; 9614 Hill Ridg e Drive, Kensington, Md Shoreham Terrace to see Lynda Bird crowned Regatta Queen * Selected names should be underscored
  • ; Bob Waldron, MMW; Jean and Frank Ikard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell; Lynda, Pam and dates, Dick Bird * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Page No.
  • :30p 9:00p Middleburg, Va. Activity Date. (include visited by)* August 13, 1961 Expenditure Code LD awake Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrick (Culpepper) walking lying in sun lunch Lynda Bird (Austin) nap swimming To Washington by car with Mrs. Johnson, Bob
  • with Sen Russell $3.35 Abbott Washburn (formerly of USIA) W. O. Reed Jim Mathis Jack Bell Sen Bartlett To Skeeter's birthday reception in his office To Lynda Bird's reception for her as Azalea Queen; Club Room; Shoreham Dinner at home: Mrs. Johnson; Mary
  • 5:45p 7:00p 8:00p White House pre-press conference briefing to EOB office 5121 NSOB Mrs. Rosa Gragg, president Nationa l Asso c of Colored Womens Clubs, Inc White House and Mrs. Fred Korth Dick Bird' s apartment fo r cocktails honorin g Sec dinner
  • 12:00 12:25 1:00 1:45 3:40 7:30 t 8:00 11 9:00 Hunting w/ Lloyd Hand, Jack Valenti, Otis Chandler, Jesse Unruh Return to LBJ Ranch Breakfast w/ Lloyd Hand, Mary Margaret and Jack Valenti, Otis Chandler, Jesse Unruh, Mrs. Johnson, Lynda Bird, Mr
  • Date Friday September 27, 1963 visited by)* Lo LD Dr. Jim Cain Mr. Ji m Webb Jake Pickle Filming of TV taping w/ KPRC of Houston To Austin via bonanza w/ Jack Valenti, return to LBJ Ranch at 3:20 pm w/ Walter Jenkins, Lynda Bird, Dick Maguire, Jack
  • in Carpenter's Ford Falcon station wagon, returning to 4040 at 5:50 pm Dinner wit h Liz and Les Carpenter, Lynda Bird, Bernie Rosenbach, Mrs. Johnson, Warrie Lynn Smith, MF, VM Olaf Anderson Horace Busb y - to see how Mary V is feeling Selected names should
  • :50 Arrive Haywood via chopper w/ Don Thomas, Jesse Kellam, Lynda Bird, Vicky McCammon -- then boating w/ above and Mrs. Johnson, MF, Judge and Mariallen Moursund. Dinner w/ above To LBJ Ranch via chopper w/ Mrs. Johnson, Vicky McCammon, MF, arriving
  • Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Moursund, CK, MF, Mrs. J 4 1:00 Left for Fredericksburg with above party to see the races 5 1:30 Arrival at races 6 3:30 Leave races--destination Llano with above people plus Mr. Ernest Stubbs and date 7 4:45 Boating at Llano
  • and Lynda Bird. * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Expenditure Code
  • to Arkansas Bar Association Departed Hot Springs for Little Rock Air Force Base Departed Little Rock Air Force Base Arrived Andrews Air Force Base 8 Lynda Bird's party at 4040 52nd St. * Selected names should be underscored. y SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY
  • Hotel. With Mrs. Johnson, dias guests at McCloskey dinner, Mayflower Hotel. Texas Society dance honoring Lynda Bird at National Press Club. * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE June 9, 1962 Expenditure Code
  • . Co. to complain about service. To Cousin Or eole's with Lynda Bird, Bernie, MF, Mr. an d Mrs. Jack Valenti. * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Expenditure Code
  • an d J. C . Kella m b y aut o t o Scharnhors t Ranc h t o loo k a t cattle . 3 11:45a Returned LB J Ranch . 4 12:00n Lunch w/ Judge Moursund , J . C . Kellam , Lynd a Bird . 5 1:30p Departed LB J Ranc h b y aut o fo r huntin g tri p (dee r
  • . Walter Jenkin s Depart Fift h Floo r fo r Bergstrom . (b y car - Mrs . Johnson , Lynd a Bird , YB , MF . Arrive Bergstrom . Depart Bergstrom . Arrive Easterwoo d Airpor t - Brya n - Me t b y Dr . Rudde r - motorcad e t o Clayton' s Restaurant . Jaycee
  • th e Capitol , Stewart . Opened th e Senate . Visited wit h Lynd a Bird , Ensig n Berni e Rosenbac h an d hi s parents , Bo b Rosenbac h an d Connie Emmert . Visited wit h Senato r Yarboroug h an d Texa s visitors , Mr . an d Mrs . Da n Rodse n an d
  • ; Senato r Bible ; MMW , Bo b Waldron ; Lynn e Machado ; Captain an d Mrs . Dic k Bird ; Lynda , Lucy, Roxann e an d Nit a Louis e an d dates ; Bobby Bake r an d wif e * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE
  • * Accompanied by Destination (Place) AF jet 707 Geo Reedy, Mrs. Johnson, Los MMW; Geraldine Williams Diana Tschursin, Senate Fong, Dick Bird; Cong. Inouye; FredDutton and secretaries same same plus Dutton * If CP give flight number; if SP give owner
  • / Mrs. J and MF Return to main house -- met by Mr. and Mrs. Kellam, Lynda Bird Major Cross arrives w/ Mr. Beck and Mrs. Horton to discuss Jetstar and Bonanza interiors Bryson Rash, Washington - to extend congratulations on his being inaugurated
  • Place, Vice President rides home in sS follow up , returning to LBJ at 2:45 To Austin via bonanza, arriving Ragsdale at 4:45 Fifth Floor, KTBC To University of Texas Campu s w/ Mrs. Johnson, MF Arrive Texas Union, UT Campus for Lynda Bird's pledging
  • w/ Cong. and Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Kellam, MF Lynda Bird Driving over ranch w/ Cong, and Mrs. Jack Brooks To Haywood for boating via bonanza w/ Cong, and Mrs. Jack Brooks, MF, -stopping en route at A. W. Strip to pick up A. W. , and Jessie
  • . Kellam, MF Lynda Bird Return to Haywood - dinner with all above and Mrs. Jessie Hunter Helicopter to Bergstrom AFB w/ Paul Glynn, MF, SA Knight, Johns Arr. Bergstrom Depart Bergstrom AFB Arrive Andrews AFB Arrive 4040 * Selected names should