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  • Date > 1964-xx-xx (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Folder (remove)
  • Series > Memos to the President (remove)

7 results

  • ' : ·· ............ ·'.·:_; , \~_!_;:: ....· :~ ·'. A FEW WORDS WITH DE GAUq.E ALONE IN ·wH ICH I MERELY MENTIONE~ .:.:.. \~.·;:l ':C~ AT I HAD'- DISCUSSED THE CHINESE MATTER WITH COUVE. · · . . -, -:-.:~· :~ ·1llE CONVERSATiON HENT NO . FURTHER. LATER ON IN. CONVERSATIONS · , ?,'~. ~1·! I TH:. J:OXE J
  • Dean Rusk telephoned to re-e.mpba:sbe hls strong recommendation that you really ahoald spend a few mlDutes with Bowles. I have done my beat with. Bowles and wlth the Department to explahl how buay you are, but we are dealing here wUh a former Under
  • sent ia your·l'l&l'ne after our conversation thia morning: - - ,-qt:J.Ote attached telegram A and tele11ram B / TQP SECR~T (12/28/64) (McG / Pros and Cons of a reprisal raid against North Vietnamese/ barracks at Vit Thu Lu (Target 36) I
  • shall explain to Lord Harlech that I am doing it at the direct request of the President. As I said on the telephone, I believe it would be helpful for you to say these things to the Prime Minister, although not on the basis of a direct Presidential
  • matter. · ·r I understand that tha President discussed it in a private meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday. There was a second conversation at lunch on Thursday at the British Embassy in which Erl~ and I joined. , ·.."1 :1 ·.1 J • I .~~ l
  • belligerent. 0 3. ~:--.1. : h e: airplane you wili have McNamara, Ball,. Vance, Wheeler, . a nd myself to help out in any talks you wish to have with Brosio. His conversations here have gone well so far. The one shade of difference between us is that he