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  • :00 Leave palace with Mrs. Martin for Royal Landing, for Floating Market Tour. Saw lots and lots of little boats with mostly women and children - selling coconuts, papaya, bananas, and roast duck. Houses on stilts - many had pictures of King and Queen
  • talked with him —Lloyd Hand was also in fo a few minutes. The President and Ambassador Martin left the Mansion by motorcade t^ October 29, 1966 Boromabiman Mansion, Thailand (Bangkok ) Saturday Dav Activity (inc)ude visited bv) ft The Presidential
  • e r^ A g lim p s e in to a h o u se w h e re I saw a p ic tu r e o f the King an d Q u een on th e w a ll; another^ a s m a ll h a m m o c k sw ay in g g en tly s u s p e n d e d f r o m th e b e a m - J t w a s th e b a b y 's c r a d le . A nd
  • Lady Bird tours the Khlong and describes people and sights; LBJ receives honorary degree from Chulalongkorn University; Lady Bird describes academic robes and King Kittikachorn; LBJ gives speech and signs International Education Act; Lady Bird meets